Targeted Worker Zip Codes

Targeted Worker (TW) – National Targeted Worker means an individual whose primary place of residence is within an Extremely Economically Disadvantaged Area ( Category 1) or an Economically Disadvantaged area (Category 2)

Category (1) – Category 1 refers to an individual that resides in a zip code that includes a census tract or portion thereof in which the annual median household income is less than $32,000 per year (Extremely Economically Disadvantaged Area)

Category (2) – Category 2 refers to an individual that resides in a zip code that includes a census tract or portion thereof in which the annual median household income between $32,000 to $40,000 per year (Economically Disadvantaged Area)

*Data is sourced from: US Census Bureau American Community Survey: Median Annual House Income (2022)*


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