
Tus Gilroy Station hauv historic downtown Gilroy will serve as the high-speed rail system’s hub for Southern Santa Clara County, connecting Silicon Valley to the Central Valley. It currently serves regional Caltrain service north to San Francisco and additional regional rail connections are planned to coastal communities in Monterey County.

Aerial view of existing Caltrain Gilroy Station

Aerial view of existing Caltrain Gilroy Station




7098 Monterey Street, Gilroy, CA

The Authority’s Board of Directors certified the Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (Final EIR/EIS) and approved the approximately 145-mile project for the San Jose to Merced section in April 2022, which includes Gilroy Station.

The new station area would be built along the rail line between Alexander Street and Monterey Road, between 7th and 10th Street.

In 2024, the Authority began collaborating with the City of Gilroy and Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) to prepare a Gilroy Station Area Visioning StudySab Nraud Txuas. This study will provide a vision for the station area and recommendations for future planning and potential opportunities for early activation of the station area. A draft of the visioning study is expected in 2025. 

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