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Building High-Speed Rail for California with Support from our Federal Partners

One of the main focuses for the Authority in 2023 is building upon our partnerships with the federal government to deliver California’s high-speed rail program. The Authority is uniquely positioned to immediately deploy new federal funding investments that will supplement current state funds toward the delivery of the initial high-speed rail line between Merced and Bakersfield and to advance design on crucial segments in both Northern and Southern California.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), passed last year, is a once-in-a-generation investment in our nation’s infrastructure, including passenger rail. There is more than $75 billion in new and increased funding eligible for passenger and freight rail projects through discretionary grant funds. The Authority has developed a grant strategy to best leverage available state matching funds to maximize federal awards and put a priority on advancing work in the Central Valley, to date, we have targeted $8 billion in new federal awards across several federal programs over the next five years.

In April, the Authority applied for two applications from the Federal State grant program totaling more than $3 billion in federal  funding for the nation’s first high-speed rail project. The applications are a major push for a continued federal partnership under the BIL. As part of that effort, we received support from more than 150 elected officials, regional, state and national organizations and labor leaders. That support included, 29 members of the California Legislature, 34 members of Congress and both California U.S Senators, two former U.S. Secretaries of Transportation, Governor Gavin Newsom and former Governor Jerry Brown. More about our federal grant applications can be found here.

The Authority also recently sponsored and participated in the national U.S. High-Speed Rail Conference in Washington D.C.  during Infrastructure Week (May 15 – 20). Authority CEO Brian Kelly and Director of Sustainability Meg Cederoth participated in various panels on the project with experts from around the U.S. and the globe.  In addition to participation in the conference, members of the executive team also met with members of the California congressional delegation, Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, US Senator Alex Padilla, Mitch Landrieu, Senior Advisor to the President, executives from the US Department of Transportation and Federal Railroad Administration.

As we contmake our way through  2023, we will continue to work with our federal partners to ensure that we are building a high-speed rail project that will benefit Californians as soon as possible.

Authority Recognized as Employer of the Year for Advancing Women’s Careers in Transportation

Earlier in May, the Authority was honored to receive the 2023 WTS Recognition Award – Employer of the Year from the international chapter of the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS). The recognition caps a series of regional “Employer of the Year” awards for the Authority by the Sacramento, Los Angeles and San Francisco Bay Area WTS chapters over the past 18 months. The Authority was recognized for exemplary efforts to encourage advancement of women’s careers in the transportation sector, which historically has predominantly employed men. More than half of the Authority’s total workforce is female – as well as most of the executive team, many appointed under the Newsom Administration. Major initiatives and programs led by women at the Authority include strategic delivery; legal counsel; strategic communications; legislative affairs; information technology; planning and sustainability; administration and human resources; diversity, equity and inclusion; engineering; and regional leadership. Read more about this award.



ICYM: New Construction Update Out Now!

In mid-May, the Authority released its Spring 2023 Construction Update highlighting continued progress on the nation’s first high-speed rail project. Highlights include the completion of the Cedar Viaduct located in Fresno. The Cedar Viaduct is most notable for its double span of arches that span over State Route (SR) 99. The structure is nearly 3,700 feet long and will take high-speed trains travelling at 200-plus mph over SR 99, North and Cedar avenues. The Construction Update also highlights the recent completion of structures in Kings and Kern counties and progress on other signature structures like the Conejo and Hanford viaducts. Since the start of construction, the Authority has created more than 10,000 construction jobs, with a majority going to residents from the Central Valley. View the update here. Haga clic aquí para la versión en Español


Hloov tshiab los ntawm Northern CALIFORNIA


Lub Nroog xav paub dab tsi ntxiv rau hauv plawv nroog, thiab Kev Thauj Mus Los Yuav Pab Li Cas

Raws li qhov tshwm sim ntawm COVID-19 kis thoob qhov txhia chaw, kev caij tsheb thauj neeg pej xeem tau poob qis thoob plaws lub tebchaws. Cov neeg ua haujlwm, feem ntau, nyob hauv tsev thawj xyoo lossis ob xyoos ntawm kev sib kis.

Peb xyoos tom qab, cov neeg ua haujlwm rov qab mus rau hauv chaw ua haujlwm, tab sis cov nroog thiab cov neeg saib xyuas kev thauj mus los tseem tab tom sib tham txog yav tom ntej zoo li cas. Ib txoj kev tshawb fawb lub caij ntuj sov dhau los pom thoob teb chaws cov neeg caij tsheb kauj vab yog rov qab mus rau 62% ntawm qib pre-pandemic.

San Francisco tab tom nrhiav seb yav tom ntej yuav zoo li cas rau nws cov tsev ua haujlwm hauv plawv nroog thiab kev thauj mus los hauv nroog. Jeffrey Tumlin, tus thawj coj ntawm San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), hais tias lub nroog yuav ciaj sia thiab tseem vam meej dua. Tab sis tus kab mob kis thoob qhov txhia chaw ntawm kev thauj mus los rau pej xeem tau tsim cov qauv kev tsheb khiav.

Kev caij tsheb tseem tsis tshua muaj nyob hauv kev lag luam thiab tuam txhab nyiaj hauv nroog hauv nroog, tab sis lub nroog tsis nyob hauv plawv nroog tau vam meej. Lub 22 Filmore, yog ib lub nroog loj Muni kab uas tsis mus hauv plawv nroog, yog nyob ntawm 106% ntawm kev caij tsheb ua ntej kis thoob plaws hnub so thiab ntawm 156% hnub Sunday.

Tumlin tau hais tias "Cov neeg nyob hauv San Francisco hauv thaj chaw sab nrauv tau siv Muni system zoo li tsis tau ua dhau los vim nws nrawm, nquag thiab ntseeg tau," Tumlin hais. “Peb yog cov neeg caij tsheb uas ploj lawm tsis yog vim lawv tsis xav caij tsheb npav. Lawv xaiv tsis mus ncig hauv plawv nroog. "

SFMTA tau txais cov nyiaj tau los tseem ceeb los ntawm kev thauj mus los, nqi nres tsheb thiab nplua. Cov peev nyiaj no tau poob qis thaum muaj kev sib kis. Thaum Lub Peb Hlis, Tumlin tau tshaj tawm txog nyiaj txiag los ntawm chaw nres tsheb yog kwv yees li 80 feem pua ntawm kev kis tus kabmob ua ntej, thaum cov nyiaj tau los ntawm kev thauj mus los tseem qis dua 60 feem pua.

"Hauv plawv nroog San Francisco muaj ib lub chaw ua haujlwm qis tshaj plaws hauv lub tebchaws," Tumlin hais. "Txawm hais tias kev lag luam hauv San Francisco muaj zog heev, tsis muaj cov neeg taug kev mus rau cov chaw ua haujlwm hauv plawv nroog."

Thaum nws yog lub sijhawm hloov pauv, Tumlin tau sau tseg tias kev hloov pauv tau ua tus qauv rau San Francisco rau ntau pua xyoo. Qhov uas hais txog cov vaj tsev hauv plawv nroog yog lawv tsis ua ib qho ntxiv.

"Cov kab hauv qab yog tias San Francisco ntsib kev lag luam boom-thiab-tawg voj voog thiab tsis muaj qhov xwm txheej yav tom ntej nyob rau hauv lub nroog vaj tsev nyob tsis muaj," said Tumlin. "Qhov kev txhawj xeeb nkaus xwb yog lub sijhawm nws yuav siv sijhawm rov los nyob hauv plawv nroog chaw ua haujlwm."

Tumlin tau hais tias San Francisco tau muaj kev vam meej tsis tu ncua thaum xav txog kev npaj rau nws tus kheej rov qab los thiab nqis peev hauv kev thauj mus los loj thaum muaj kev lag luam, hais txog lub nroog qhov kev txiav txim siab rhuav tshem Embarcadero Freeway xyoo 1991. Qhov kev txiav txim siab ntawd tau tshwm sim tom qab av qeeg xyoo 1989 ua rau muaj kev puas tsuaj loj rau txoj kev loj thiab cov thawj coj hauv nroog. , coj los ntawm Tus kav nroog Art Agnos, tau txiav txim siab kom tshem tawm qhov muag tag nrho.

Qhov kev txav no ua rau muaj kev nkag siab, Tumlin tau hais. Tom qab ib tug loj shakeup mus rau tus qauv, nws yog lub sij hawm mus lean mus rau hauv kev hloov.

"San Francisco lub zog yuav tsis yooj yim nres tsheb lossis tsheb," Tumlin hais. "Lub nroog lub zog yeej ib txwm yog nws nroog, taug kev, kev sib raug zoo thiab qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws - nws txoj kev mus los."

Tau kawg, kev tsheb ciav hlau ceev ceev yuav ua lub luag haujlwm hauv San Francisco txoj kev thauj mus los. California High-Speed Rail Authority twb tau siv ze li ntawm $800 lab los siv hluav taws xob Caltrain txoj kev taug thiab txhim kho txoj kev tsheb ciav hlau. Thaum lub tsheb ciav hlau ceev pib pib ua haujlwm rau San Francisco, Tumlin tau teeb tsa lub tsheb ciav hlau ua kev lag luam zoo rau txhua tus neeg California, tsis yog cov neeg nyob ntawm ntug dej hiav txwv xwb.

Tumlin tau hais tias "Peb muaj lub sijhawm los sib npaug lub sijhawm thoob plaws hauv lub xeev," "Qhov ntau ntawm kev tsim kho tshiab uas tsav kev lag luam tshwm sim ntawm kev sib tshuam ntawm kev lag luam sib txawv vim yog kev sib txuas los ntawm kev thauj mus los."


Dab tsi tshwm sim hauv Northern California

APA Award for Diversity and Social Change

Lub Tuam Txhab tau txais txiaj ntsig rau lub Plaub Hlis los ntawm American Planning Association (APA) California - Northern Section tshaj tawm tias Lub Tuam Txhab tau txais 2023 Excellence Award nyob rau hauv qeb ntawm Advancing Diversity and Social Change in Honor ntawm Paul Davidoff. Kev lees paub yog rau cov San Jose rau Merced Project Section, Environmental Justice Community Improvement Planning an Engagement Process. Qhov khoom plig no muaj npe tom qab Paul Davidoff, tus tsim phiaj xwm hauv nroog uas tau tsim cov zoning suav nrog.

"Qhov haujlwm no qhia txog cov txheej txheem ntau xyoo ntawm kev tsim kev sib raug zoo nrog cov zej zog uas cov txheej txheem taug kev, nrog rau kev tsom mus rau ib puag ncig kev ncaj ncees thiab kev koom tes. Peb zoo siab tias APA lees paub cov kev siv zog no yog qhov kev coj ua zoo tshaj plaws, thiab peb tos ntsoov yuav txuas ntxiv cov kev sib raug zoo no thaum peb nqa kev tsheb ciav hlau ceev mus rau Northern California, "hais tias Northern California Regional Director Boris Lipkin.

Hauv kev npaj rau txoj kab nruab nrab ntawm San Jose thiab Merced, Lub Tuam Txhab tau koom tes nrog cov zej zog kev ncaj ncees ib puag ncig los txheeb xyuas cov kev txhim kho uas yuav pab cuam tshuam qhov project cuam tshuam. Kev koom tes rau txoj haujlwm no suav nrog ntau dua 200 qhov xwm txheej sib txawv, ob qho tib si raug cai thiab tsis raug cai, suav nrog 58 lub rooj sib tham tsom rau kev npaj rau kev txhim kho hauv zej zog. Txoj kev npaj kev sib koom tes ua rau muaj kev txheeb xyuas txog 25 qhov kev txhim kho hauv zej zog thoob plaws yim lub zej zog muaj kev cuam tshuam, nrog Lub Tuam Txhab tau cog lus rau kev nqis peev ua ke ntawm kwv yees li $63 lab. Cov kev txhim kho sib txawv, raws li lawv qhia txog cov kev xav tau tshwj xeeb thiab kev nyiam ntawm txhua lub zej zog. Lawv suav nrog kev txhim kho chaw ua si, txhim kho kev nyab xeeb ntawm txoj kev, tsev kawm ntawv / zej zog cov chaw ua si, txhawb kev caij tsheb npav hauv tsev kawm ntawv, kev sib txuas ntawm cov neeg taug kev / tsheb kauj vab thiab hla hla, tsev kawm ntawv rov kho dua tshiab, lub suab nrov nrov los daws cov suab nrov uas twb muaj lawm thiab rov tsim lub tsev qiv ntawv tsom rau pej xeem txoj cai ntawm ib cheeb tsam African American. zej zog center. Nyeem ntxiv txog qhov khoom plig no no.



Tsim lub neej yav tom ntej

Tswv xeev Newsom tshaj tawmSab Nraud Txuas Lub Plaub Hlis 24 ib qho kev sib tw ntawm cov khoom plig uas yuav muaj txiaj ntsig rau cov neeg ncig tebchaws Bay. Cov khoom plig suav nrog $60 lab rau Transbay Joint Powers Authority, uas tab tom ua haujlwm tsim kho siab heev ntawm Lub Portal, 1.4-mais qhov av uas yuav txuas Salesforce Transit Center nrog Caltrain txoj kev uas twb muaj lawm los ua haujlwm rau ob qho tib si high-speed rail thiab Caltrain tsheb ciav hlau.

Hauv qab cov ceg av qab teb, San Jose tau faib $46.6 lab txhawm rau txuas ntxiv cov kab txiv kab ntxwv lub teeb tsheb ciav hlau thiab txuas mus rau Milpitas BART chaw nres tsheb. California Tus Tuav Haujlwm Saib Xyuas Kev Thauj Mus Los Toks Omishakin tshaj tawm cov nyiaj hauv lub rooj sib tham xov xwm hauv San Jose.

"Cov cheeb tsam uas muaj kev thauj mus los ntawm East San Jose yog tag nrho cov neeg tau txais txiaj ntsig tsawg, thiab cov neeg nyob hauv yuav tuaj yeem taug kev ntawm txoj kev tsheb ciav hlau los ntawm qee qhov ntawm Bay Area txoj kev taug kev mus rau cov chaw haujlwm loj hauv cheeb tsam," Omishakin hais. "Qhov khoom plig no yog ib feem ntawm keeb kwm ntawm lub xeev cov nyiaj txiag los nthuav dav kev thauj mus los thiab cov neeg caij tsheb ciav hlau thoob plaws lub xeev. Pab txhim kho kev nkag mus rau pej xeem kev thauj mus los thiab txiav cov pa phem hauv ntiaj teb. "


Ua kev zoo siab Hnub Ntiaj Teb thiab Kev Thauj Khoom Ntsuab

Tus Hnub Ntiaj TebSab Nraud Txuas Cov neeg coob coob hauv San Francisco lub Golden Gate Park muaj ntau haiv neeg. Cov neeg muag khoom muag omega superfood oatmeal thiab kombucha. Sierra Nevada muab lub vaj npias.

Hauv nruab nrab ntawm cov neeg coob coob yog kev thauj mus los huv. Caltrans hais txog nws txoj haujlwm dej huv. California High-Speed Rail Authority tau tham nrog cov qhua txog kev ntxuav Central Valley huab cua nrog peb 100% ntsuab zog tov. Thiab Dylan Fabris, tus thawj coj hauv zej zog thiab pej xeem txoj cai rau San Francisco Transit Riders, tau muab cov pins me me rau cov neeg tuaj saib thiab nug cov neeg tuaj koom. Kev thauj mus los pej xeem xav tau nyiaj txiag pej xeem, Fabris tau hais.

Fabris tau hais tias "Peb tab tom hais kom tus tswv xeev thiab Pawg Neeg Saib Xyuas Kev Lag Luam los nqis peev hauv kev thauj mus los," Fabris tau hais. "Qhov tseeb ntawm qhov teeb meem yog tias txawm tias cov qauv kev caij tsheb tau hloov pauv, peb tseem pom cov neeg mob siab rau thiab tso siab rau kev thauj mus los rau pej xeem. Tib neeg tseem nyiam kev thauj mus los. "

Txoj kev hlub tau tshwm sim rau hnub Ntiaj Teb. Tub ceev xwm cov neeg ua hauj lwm tham txog peb cov kev siv ntsuab ntsuab. Cov neeg zoo siab tau hnov tias peb tau rov qab siv 93% ntawm peb cov ntaub ntawv tsim kho, ua kom lawv tsis txhob muab pov tseg. Lub Authority kuj muaj khaws cia thiab rov qab losNtaub Ntawv PDF txhiab acres ntawm qhov chaw nyob raws peb txoj kev. Thiab tau kawg, peb cov tsheb ciav hlau lawv tus kheej tseem ceeb heev rau California lub neej yav tom ntej ntsuab. Txoj kev tsheb ciav hlau ceev ceev yuav tsum siv li 2 lab metric tons ntawm cov pa roj carbon dioxide tawm hauv huab cua txhua xyoo, uas yog sib npaug rau kev nqa tag nrho cov tsheb sau npe hauv San Francisco tawm ntawm txoj kev.


Northern California Videos yeej khoom plig

Peb zoo siab tshaj tawm tias Lub Tuam Txhab yeej ob qhov khoom plig rau nws Txoj Haujlwm Seem Txheej Txheej Txheej Txheej Txheej Txheej. Cov yeeb yaj kiab yeeb yaj kiab, uas qhia txog San Francisco rau San Jose thiab San Jose rau Merced qhov project, tau ua thawj zaug hauv 2023 PRNEWS Digital Awards hauv qeb ntawm Video / Video Series thiab tau txais qhov puav pheej ntawm Distinction ntawm 2023 CAPIO Awards rau Hauv- Tsev Video Series Production. Cov vis dis aus qhia txog ib puag ncig tshem tawm cov phiaj xwm rau txoj kev tsheb ciav hlau thoob plaws hauv Northern California seem.



Hayward Concrete Expert Goes Green for Rail Project

Ted Landavazo tsis nyob ze rau Madera. Tab sis nws muaj ib lub tsev nyob ntawd. Lub tuam txhab uas nws tau tsim, Landavazo Bros., yog nyob rau hauv Hayward, lub plawv ntawm East Bay. Nws yog kwv yees li 150 mais ntawm nws qhov chaw ua lag luam mus rau qhov chaw California High-Speed Rail Authority tab tom ua haujlwm tab tom npaj txoj kev tsheb ciav hlau ceev hauv Central Valley los nteg lem hauv ob peb xyoos tom ntej no.

Yog tias kev khiav tsheb zoo - chuckle ntawm qhov kev xav, yog tias koj nyiam - nws yuav siv nws cov neeg ua haujlwm thiab cov khoom siv li peb teev kom nqis mus rau qhov project. Qhov ntawd yog lub sijhawm ntau rau nws pab neeg siv sijhawm ntawm txoj kev, yog li Landavazo yuav ib lub tsev hauv Madera, muab nws pab neeg nyob rau hmo ntuj thaum lawv ua haujlwm ntawm qhov project.

Landavazo thiab nws cov neeg ua haujlwm ncuav pob zeb. Lub tuam txhab me me, Latino ua haujlwm ntau yam haujlwm. Rau Txoj Cai, Landavazo thiab nws pab neeg nchuav phab ntsa, kab teeb thiab lwm yam uas yuav xav tau. Nws tau ua haujlwm hauv kev lag luam txij li xyoo 1981, thaum nws muaj 19 xyoo. Tam sim no nrog ib tug tub ua haujlwm rau nws thiab cov xeeb ntxwv hauv California, Landavazo hais tias txoj haujlwm kev tsheb ciav hlau yog hais txog ntau dua li kev sib txuas hauv lub xeev cov zej zog sib kis.

“Nws txhais tau ntau heev. Kuv xav tias nws zoo heev, ”nws hais. “Kuv muaj ib tug tub (Jonathan), nws muaj 26 xyoo, ua hauj lwm rau kuv tam sim no. Nws nrog kuv nyob tau 5 xyoos. … Peb tau zaum hauv kev sib ntsib ob peb xyoos dhau los nyob rau hnub kub kub hauv plawv nroog Fresno. Muaj ib pawg ntawm cov txiv neej nyob hauv chav thiab tsis tau mus ntau. Kuv tus tub ncaws kuv thiab hais tias 'Vim li cas peb ua li no?' Nws tsis yog rau kuv, nws tsis yog rau koj niam, tab sis lub xeev xav tau cov khoom ntsuab thiab qhov no yog txoj haujlwm ntsuab. "

Landavazo yuav paub. Nws muaj lub rooj zaum pem hauv ntej mus rau ib txoj haujlwm uas tau hloov pauv txoj kev California tsim cov vaj tse. Rau qhov pib, ua haujlwm rau Txoj Cai Lij Choj tau xav kom Landavazo siv cov khoom siv uas tsim cov khoom siv tsev cog khoom tsawg kawg nkaus. Nws hloov tag nrho nws cov twj boom - cov caj npab txuas ntxiv mus txog qhov ntev rau txoj haujlwm loj - nrog rau cov cuab yeej siv tau zoo tshaj plaws.

Txawm tias cov cement nws tus kheej txawv. Txoj cai siv 25% ya tshauvNtaub Ntawv PDF nyob rau hauv nws cov pob zeb sib xyaw, uas yuav tsum tau dej tsawg dua thiab ua rau cov pob zeb ua kom muaj zog thiab tsawg permeable.

Landavazo hais tias "Rau kuv, thaum peb ua ib yam dab tsi zoo li no, nws yog rau kuv cov menyuam yaus," Landavazo hais.

Nws xav txog nws tsev neeg ntau heev. Landavazo tsis ntev los no muab lub hnub ci vaj huam sib luag rau ntawm nws lub ru tsev thiab lub tsheb fais fab hauv nws lub chaw nres tsheb vim nws zoo rau yav tom ntej. Thiab nws yuav so haujlwm, muaj ib hnub, thiab Jonathan yuav tuav lub tuam txhab. Kev coj noj coj ua ntawm Landavazo Bros. tuaj yeem hloov pauv. Xav txog yav tom ntej yuav tsis.

Ted Landavazo tau hais tias "Nws tau ua raws li qhov project ze li kuv nyob," “Kuv xav tias nws yog tib lub siab uas kuv yog. Lub xeev yuav tsum mus ntsuab, nws tseem ceeb heev rau peb txhua tus. "


Cov tub ntxhais kawm tsim qauv siv High-Speed Rail Project los ua kev sib txuas

Cov tub ntxhais kawm thoob plaws lub xeev tab tom tshuaj xyuas seb txoj kev tsheb ciav hlau ceev yuav ua li cas rau cov neeg California ua ke zoo li tsis tau ua dhau los, hla qhov sib txawv ntev ntawm Southern, Central thiab Northern California.

Qhov project high-speed rail yog twb ua kev sib txuas. Lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav no, cov tub ntxhais kawm architecture ntawm lub California College of the ArtsSab Nraud Txuas nyob rau hauv San Francisco tau kawm txog kev kub ceev tsheb ciav hlau los ntawm cov qhua hais lus los ntawm Tus Thawj Coj ntawm Kev Npaj thiab Sustainability thiab Northern California Regional Director thiab mus xyuas lub plawv ntawm kev tsim kho hauv California Central Valley. Qhov kawg ntawm lawv txoj haujlwm hauv chav kawm tau cuam tshuam cov kev mob tshwm sim ntawm qhov nws txhais tau tias txuas California ob lub cev thiab kev sib raug zoo.

Associate Professor Neeraj Bhatia cov chav kawm, "Lub Nroog Thaj Chaw," yog ib qho kev tsim qauv tsim-kev tshawb fawb studio. Bhatia tsom ntsoov rau lub peev xwm rau kev tsheb ciav hlau ceev kom txuas ib zaug-nyob deb nroog thiab cheeb tsam.

Bhatia tau hais tias "Qhov kev hloov pauv no txawv dua li qhov sib txawv uas tsim los ntawm txoj kev loj," Bhatia tau hais. "Qhov no yog qhov kev hloov pauv ntawm kev ua neej nyob Asmeskas yuav ua li cas thiab ua haujlwm thiab yuav tsum nkag siab ntau dua." Cov chav kawm tsom mus rau qhov sib txawv ntawm ntug dej hiav txwv California thiab Central Valley kev lag luam, kev hloov pauv uas tab tom los thiab txoj hauv kev los txhim kho lub neej hauv ob cheeb tsam.

Raws li ib feem ntawm lawv txoj kev ncig xyuas, cov tub ntxhais kawm tau mus xyuas qhov chaw ntawm Central Valley Training Center, lub chaw tsim kho cov neeg ua haujlwm uas muaj cov chav kawm ua ntej thiab kev cob qhia kev tsim kho kev lag luam rau cov neeg nyob hauv Central Valley. Hannah Leathers, tus tub ntxhais kawm ntawm lub tsev tsim-kev tshawb fawb, tau hais txog qhov tseem ceeb ntawm txoj hauv kev kawm uas muaj los ntawm Central Valley Training Center hauv Selma thaum hais lus rau cov neeg ua haujlwm tsim kho ntawm qhov chaw ncig xyuas. Lub chaw cob qhia muab cov neeg ua haujlwm tsim nyog lawv xav tau los pib ua haujlwm hauv kev lag luam.

"[Nws] txaus siab hnov txog pes tsawg txoj haujlwm tau tsim. Nws tau ntxiv qhov txiaj ntsig rau lawv thiab lawv lub zej zog. "

Cov txiaj ntsig zoo tshaj qhov kev coj cov neeg caij tsheb los ntawm qhov chaw mus rau qhov chaw. Rau lawv cov chav kawm, cov tub ntxhais kawm feem ntau nyiam daws teeb meem los ntawm txoj kab tsheb ciav hlau tshiab. Cov tub ntxhais kawm Alia Brookshire tau sau tseg tias tsis muaj chaw kho mob thaum tshawb xyuas cov toj roob hauv pes hauv Central Valley.

Leathers thiab Brookshire yog ib qho ntawm tsib pawg tub ntxhais kawm uas tau npaj cov kev daws teeb meem uas siv cov tsheb ciav hlau ceev los txuas rau Central Valley. Lawv txoj haujlwm, "Ib Ntug Ntawm Kev Kho Mob Tshiab," xav txog kev siv tsheb ciav hlau ceev ceev raws li kev kho mob, pom lub tsheb ciav hlau ua cov chaw kho mob mobile uas "mus ncig lossis nrog cov neeg siv," muab kev kho mob, txhaj tshuaj tiv thaiv, chav pub mis niam thiab chaw ua haujlwm. Hauv kev nthuav qhia txoj haujlwm, cov tub ntxhais kawm tau ua rooj plaub uas kev tsheb ciav hlau ceev daws teeb meem ntau yam kev kho mob.

Brookshire thiab Leathers tau hais thaum lub sijhawm nthuav tawm ua ntej pawg thawj coj saib xyuas thiab cov phooj ywg hauv chav hais tias "Kev tsheb ciav hlau ceev ceev ua rau cov qauv faib no ua tau vim tias nws tuaj yeem txuas mus rau thaj chaw deb heev,"

Bhatia tau hais tias kev koom tes nrog Lub Tuam Txhab yog qhov tseem ceeb los pab cov tub ntxhais kawm kev nkag siab txog qhov ntsuas ntawm qhov project.

Bhatia tau hais tias "Nws yog qhov kev tshoov siab tiag tiag rau cov pab pawg kom pom cov chaw nyob hauv kev tsim kho thiab nkag siab txog qhov ntsuas thiab qhov nyuaj ntawm txoj haujlwm," Bhatia tau hais. "… Peb zoo siab heev rau lub sijhawm no los kawm ncaj qha los ntawm California High Speed Rail Authority thiab vam tias yuav txuas ntxiv kev koom tes no."

Qhov no yog ib feem ntawm kev siv zog loj dua los ntawm Lub Tuam Txhab los txuas cov tub ntxhais kawm rau qhov project los ntawm kev nthuav qhia hauv chav kawm, kev ncig xyuas kev tsim kho, kev sib txuas lus, kev ua haujlwm thiab cov peev txheej. Koj tuaj yeem kawm paub ntau ntxiv txog peb cov tub ntxhais kawm kev txhawb nqa ntawm



SoCal Kev Tshaj Tawm yog Booming!

Thoob plaws xyoo 2023, pab pawg Southern California tau koom nrog ntau yam kev nthuav qhia thiab kev ua ub no thoob plaws hauv cheeb tsam, txuas nrog ntau pawg neeg hauv zej zog, cov tub ntxhais kawm, thiab cov lag luam me.

Txij li thaum kev nthuav tawm ntawm tus kheej tau rov pib dua xyoo 2022, Southern California cov neeg ua haujlwm tau ua haujlwm ze nrog lub hauv paus chaw ua haujlwm txuas ntxiv los tsim Cov Tub Ceev Xwm cov tub ntxhais kawm kev koom tes, Kuv Yuav Ride, hauv cheeb tsam. Xyoo tas los no ib leeg, pab pawg tshaj tawm rau yav qab teb California tau ntsib nrog ntau dua 1,200 tus tub ntxhais kawm los qhia, qhia thiab txhawb lawv los ntawm kev nthuav qhia thiab kev sib tham txog qhov project, kev tsim kho, thiab kev ua haujlwm nrog kev tsheb ciav hlau ceev. Thaum Lub Ob Hlis, qhov kev pab cuam I Will Ride txoj kev txhawb nqa mus rau ib xyoos nrog rau K-12 Foothill Consortium tau ua rau muaj kev ncig xyuas Central Valley. 40 tus tub ntxhais kawm uas sawv cev rau Azusa, Charter Oak, Duarte thiab Monrovia Unified School Districts yog thawj pab tub ntxhais kawm los ntawm Southern California cheeb tsam mus xyuas thiab ncig xyuas cov chaw tsim kho hauv Central Valley.

Kuj tseem muaj kev tshaj tawm hauv zej zog ntau dua hauv Southern California. Thaum lub Tsib Hlis, cov neeg ua haujlwm nthuav tawm tau mus xyuas lub nroog Lancaster los koom nrog lawv cov Poppy Festival txhua xyoo! Pab neeg no tau qhia txog qhov project thiab muab cov kev hloov tshiab ntawm Bakersfield rau Palmdale ntu. Nyob rau lub sijhawm ntawm qhov kev tshwm sim, peb pab neeg tau hais lus rau ntau tshaj 300 cov neeg hauv zej zog los ntawm Antelope Valley.

Sab nraud ntawm cov tub ntxhais kawm thiab kev tshaj tawm hauv zej zog, pab pawg Southern California tau koom nrog ntau lub rooj sib tham thiab cov xwm txheej tshaj lij hauv cheeb tsam. Tsis ntev los no, Pab Pawg Sab Qab Teb California tau ua haujlwm thiab txhawb nqa cov rooj sib tham ntawm MOVE LA's Community Conversation lub rooj sab laj hauv plawv nroog Los Angeles, thiab Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Lub Rooj Sab Laj Hauv cheeb tsam thiab Kev Sib Tham General hauv Palm Desert. Cov neeg ua haujlwm thiab cov thawj coj tau tham nrog cov thawj coj thiab cov neeg tsim cai lij choj hais txog txoj haujlwm kev tsheb ciav hlau ceev ceev thiab cov txiaj ntsig uas nws muab rau Lub Xeev thiab lawv cov zej zog. Cov neeg tuaj xyuas lub rooj muag khoom ntawm ob qhov xwm txheej tau qhia txog lawv txoj kev zoo siab thiab kev txaus siab rau qhov project thiab sib qhia yam lawv xav tau ntawm peb lub tsheb ciav hlau, nrog rau kev txaus siab rau daim pib pheej yig, cov cuab yeej siv niaj hnub, cov khoom siv hauv nkoj thiab rau cov neeg nyiam tsiaj - dev nkag.

Raws li peb nyob ze ntawm qhov nruab nrab ntawm 2023, pab pawg Southern California zoo siab los tshawb pom ntau txoj hauv kev nthuav dav, cov neeg ua haujlwm ntau yam xwm txheej, thiab txuas ntxiv qhia rau peb cheeb tsam txog kev tsheb ciav hlau ceev hauv ib nrab xyoo thib ob.


Southern California Project Update to the CMAA Southern California Tshooj

Thaum lub Tsib Hlis, Southern California Tus Thawj Coj Hauv Cheeb Tsam LaDonna DiCamillo tau nthuav tawm zoo rau cov tswv cuab ntawm Pawg Tswj Xyuas Kev Tsim Kho ntawm America (CMAA) Southern California tshooj. CMAA yog lub koom haum kev lag luam mob siab rau kev coj ua ntawm kev tswj hwm kev tsim kho, sawv cev rau ntau dua 16,000 tus tswv cuab nrog lub hom phiaj ntawm kev txhim kho peb lub teb chaws cov txheej txheem. LaDonna nthuav qhia cov tswvcuab nrog lub xeev thiab yav qab teb California cov ntsiab lus, suav nrog cov txiaj ntsig kev lag luam, kev sib txuas nrog lwm cov kev pabcuam tsheb thauj mus los thiab cov ntsiab lus ntawm Palmdale Station Planning txheej txheem. Tsis tas li ntawd, cov tswvcuab tau muab cov ntaub ntawv hais txog kev nce qib hauv xyoo 2022, thaum saib ua ntej mus rau qhov tseem ceeb uas yuav los tom ntej thiab Lub Tuam Txhab txoj haujlwm nrhiav nyiaj txiag.


Mus txog UCLA Bruins

Thaum lub Plaub Hlis, Lub Tuam Txhab tau koom nrog UCLA Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) cov tub ntxhais kawm pawg. Thaum peb tau ua hauj lwm nrog lwm lub tsev kawm ntawv qib siab hauv California yav qab teb, qhov no yog peb thawj zaug ntawm qhov kev nthuav qhia tseem ceeb hauv Southern California university. Cov neeg hais lus tseem ceeb rau qhov kev tshwm sim yog Southern California Regional Director LaDonna DiCamillo thiab Regional Delivery Manager Noopur Jain. LaDonna tau muab ib lub xeev thiab yav qab teb California hloov tshiab thiab Noopur tau tham txog qee qhov kev sib tw loj hauv engineering hauv cheeb tsam yav qab teb California. Southern California PIO Crystal Royval thiab Tus Kws Tshaj Lij Tshaj Tawm Tub Kawm Ntawv Yaqeline Castro kuj tau koom nrog qhov kev tshwm sim los txhawb nqa nrog cov xwm txheej logistics thiab teb cov lus nug txog qhov kev pab cuam I Will Ride. UCLA ITE cov tub ntxhais kawm tau sau tseg tias qhov no yog lawv qhov kev koom tes siab tshaj plaws nrog 30 tus tub ntxhais kawm. Lub Tuam Txhab zoo siab tau muab peb qhov kev txhawb nqa thawj zaug rau UCLA ITE rau lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav 2023 lub quarter. Mus rau Bruins!


Southern California Kev Lag Luam Me Muab Kev Tsim Kho Kev Txawj Ntse rau High-Speed Rail

IDC Consulting Engineers (IDC), raws li nyob rau hauv tshav ntuj yav qab teb California, tau pab txhawb nws cov kev txawj ntse engineering rau ntau yam kev tsim kho vaj tse thoob plaws California. Los ntawm peb tus kheej California High-Speed Rail project mus txuas rau US ntawm Union Chaw Nres Tsheb, txhua txoj hauv kev mus rau Bay rau ob txoj haujlwm seismic choj.

Founded hauv 1995 los ntawm Dr. Xiaoyun Wu, IDC tuaj txog lub neej tom qab Wu txoj kev paub txog seismic engineering thiab kev koom tes ua rau kev tsim ntawm Tuam Tshoj tus qauv tsim seismic. Qhov kev paub no tau qhib txoj hauv kev mus rau Ph.D. scholarship mus kawm av qeeg engineering ntawm University of Southern California. Tom qab Wu's Ph.D., Caltrans tau pib txoj haujlwm thoob plaws xeev choj seismic tom qab ntawm Loma Prieta av qeeg. Qhov kev thov muaj zog rau cov kws tsim choj choj nrog kev paub thiab keeb kwm yav dhau los ntawm av qeeg engineering coj Wu mus rau Northern California los ua haujlwm ntawm kev soj ntsuam seismic thiab retrofits rau Richmond-San Rafael Toll Choj thiab San Francisco Bay Choj hloov cov haujlwm. Cov phiaj xwm choj nyuaj no ua rau nws lub siab nyiam thiab lub hom phiaj rau kev tsim vaj tsev thiab lub neej, ua rau Wu tsim IDC Consulting Engineers - thiab ua rau Tebchaws Meskas nws lub tsev.

Nyeem ntxiv txog Wu txoj kev taug kev los ntawm Tuam Tshoj mus kawm tiav Trojan thiab nrhiav IDC hauv Caij Nplooj Ntoos Hlav 2023 Cov Ntawv Xov Xwm Kev Lag Luam Me.



Frequently Asked Questions

Cov Lus Nquag Nug



Puas yog kev kub ceev tsheb ciav hlau ua rau muaj kuab paug ntau dua li nws txuag tau?

Tsis yog. Cov txiaj ntsig ntawm qhov project yog qhov tseem ceeb. Rau kev tsim kho, peb tab tom teeb tsa lub bar ntawm yuav ua li cas los tsim kev tsim kho vaj tse nyob rau hauv txoj kev ruaj khov. Kev tsim kho tsheb yuav tsum yog qhov muaj txiaj ntsig zoo tshaj plaws. Qhov chaw emissions yog 60% qis dua li ib txwm nyob ib ncig ntawm lub xeev. Thaum peb pib nqa cov neeg caij tsheb, cov txiaj ntsig ib puag ncig yog qhov siab kawg, siv ze li 400,000 lub tsheb tawm ntawm txoj kev txhua xyoo thaum peb ua haujlwm puv. Cov txiaj ntsig yuav yog huab cua huv dua rau txhua tus neeg hauv California, tab sis tshwj xeeb tshaj yog nyob hauv Central Valley, uas muaj huab cua phem tshaj plaws hauv lub tebchaws.

Puas muaj kev kub ceev tsheb ciav hlau tau tsim txoj haujlwm tshiab rau tib neeg?

Yog lawm! Txog niaj hnub no, ntau dua 10,000 txoj haujlwm tsim kho tau tsim txij thaum pib ntawm txoj haujlwm, nrog rau feem ntau ntawm cov neeg mus rau cov neeg nyob hauv Central Valley. Muaj ntau dua 30 qhov chaw tsim kho nyob hauv California Central Valley raws li kwv yees li 119 mais. Hauv Central Valley, Lub Tuam Txhab tau koom tes nrog Lub Nroog Selma, Fresno Economic Development Corporation, Fresno, Madera, Kings, Tulare Building Trades Council, thiab Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission los muab 12-lub lim piam ua ntej kev kawm ua haujlwm tsom ntawm kev pabcuam qub tub rog, cov tub ntxhais hluas muaj kev pheej hmoo, cov neeg tsawg thiab cov neeg tau nyiaj tsawg hauv Central Valley. Qhov kev pabcuam tsis raug nqi no muab kev cob qhia kev tsim kho kev lag luam rau cov neeg nrhiav haujlwm hauv lub tebchaws thawj qhov kev tsheb ciav hlau ceev ceev. Qhov tseeb, lub Plaub Hlis, 14 cov tub ntxhais kawm ua tiav qhov kev cob qhia raws li nws cov chav kawm tiav tsis ntev los no. Kawm ntxiv txog qhov program noSab Nraud Txuas.




Upcoming Events

Yavtom ntej txheej xwm



Viva Calle SJ
Lub Rau Hli 11
10 am rau 3 pm
San Jose qhov kev tshwm sim tseem ceeb tshaj plaws qhib txoj kev caw txhua tus neeg taug kev, skate thiab caij tsheb kauj vab los ntawm txoj kev hauv nroog rau hnub Sunday tshav ntuj. Tub ceev xwm cov neeg ua haujlwm yuav nyob ntawm tes ntawm lub hub los tham txog peb qhov project. Nyem qhov no kom paub ntau ntxivSab Nraud Txuas.

North Beach Festival
Lub Rau Hli 17-18
10 am rau 3 pm 
Cov neeg txawj ntse hauv zos, pab pawg ua yeeb yam thiab cov zaub mov qab yuav sib koom ua ke hauv San Francisco rau 67th Txhua xyoo North Beach Festival. Cov neeg ua hauj lwm hauv Authority yuav muaj los tham txog peb qhov project. Nyem qhov no kom paub ntau ntxivSab Nraud Txuas.

SF Pride Parade
Lub Rau Hli 25
Sijhawm: TBA
Cov neeg ua haujlwm hauv lub xeev yuav nyob ntawm kaum ntawm 4th thiab King txoj kev - Chaw nres tsheb San Francisco - los tham txog qhov project ntawm ib qho kev ua koob tsheej loj tshaj plaws hauv ntiaj teb. Nyem qhov no kom paub ntau ntxivSab Nraud Txuas.

San Rafael Farmers' Market
Lub Xya Hli 6
5:30pm txog 8:30pm
Cov neeg ua haujlwm raug cai yuav nyob ntawm San Rafael Farmers' Market. Nres los ntawm kev npaj cov khoom tshiab thiab tham nrog peb txog kev tsheb ciav hlau ceev. Nyem qhov no kom paub ntau ntxivSab Nraud Txuas.

Redwood City Music ntawm Square
Lub Xya Hli 28
6pm rau 8pm
Peb yuav nyob ntawm tes mus mloog kev hais kwv txhiaj dawb thiab tham txog peb qhov project. Tso los ntawm Courthouse Square kom paub ntau ntxiv. Nyem qhov no kom paub ntau ntxiv.Sab Nraud Txuas

Xeev California Txoj Kev Loj Ciav Hlau ua txhua yam kom xyuas tau lub vev xaib thiab nws cov lus qhia ua tau raws li tsab cai ADA raws li Xeev California Txoj Cai Kev Nkag mus Nkag Siab Cov Lus Qhia Ua Ntej 2.0 Theem tus qauv. Yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav ib daim ntawv tshwj xeeb tsis nyob hauv California Daim Ntawv Ceev Cov Hluav Taws Xob Tsav Tsheb Ceev lub vev xaib, koj tuaj yeem thov cov ntawv no nyob rau hauv Cov Ntaub Ntawv Kev Ceev Ntaub Ntawv los ntawm Pej Xeem Cov Ntaub Ntawv Cov Cai. Yog tias koj muaj lus nug dab tsi txog lub vev xaib lossis nws cov ntsiab lus, thov hu rau Tus Thawj Coj ntawm