NEWS RELEASE: California High-Speed Rail Authority Releases 2024 Sustainability Report​

More Than Half a Million Metric Tons of Carbon Already Sequestered & Avoided

2024 年 9 月 26 日

您需要了解什麼: California is building the nation’s first 220-mph electrified high-speed rail system powered by 100% renewable energy. The California High-Speed Rail Authority’s 2024 Sustainability Report highlights progress toward its public policy and industry-leading environmental, social, and economic priorities and commitments helping move the construction industry toward carbon neutrality.

加利福尼亞州薩克拉門托 – The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) today released its annual Sustainability Report. As an element of the Authority’s commitment to transparency and accountability, the report details the cumulative and annual progress the high-speed rail project has made on its social, economic and environmental goals in the last year as it builds one of the most significant, greenest public infrastructure projects in the nation.


  • Continuing to grow the number of small and disadvantaged businesses at work on the project; small businesses have increased by nearly 166% since 2015. The number of disadvantaged business enterprises has grown by 191% since 2015.
  • Avoiding 110,000 pounds of criteria air pollutants, including short-lived climate pollutants, in 2023 alone, with more than 570,000 pounds of pollutants avoided since the start of construction.
  • Continuing with preserving and restoring more than 4,400 acres of habitat; protecting more than 3,400 acres of agricultural land from development.
  • Continuing to divert more than 95% of non-hazardous waste from landfills: 306,159 tons of 323,739 total were recycled or reused. In 2023 alone, we diverted 3,198 tons of the 4,445 tons of non-hazardous waste generated.
  • Advancing station design and delivery to prioritize a phased build-out that brings value to communities and builds ridership. Additionally, keeping in touch with the core public: over 33,700 community members joined the 346 community meetings we’ve hosted.
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The Authority also focuses on delivering extensive additional co-benefits, including:

  • 3,000 future jobs;
  • 14,096 construction jobs dispatched;
  • 847 small businesses engaged;
  • $6.6 billion investment in disadvantaged communities;
  • 142 million metrics tons of carbon dioxide emissions to be avoided during system operation;
  • 570,840 pounds of criteria air pollutants already avoided through use of clean construction vehicles;
  • 527,707 metric tons of carbon already sequestered and avoided through habitat and conservation;
  • Maintaining a net-positive balance on carbon-neutral construction.

The annual report provides details on the Authority’s efforts from January 1 to December 31, 2023, and captures critical data from the first part of 2024.

A copy of the full 2024 Sustainability Report, including other resources such as fact sheets, can be found at:

管理局已開始將目前正在建設的 119 英里長的電氣化高鐵從默塞德延伸至貝克斯菲爾德,未來將延長至 171 英里。目前,加州中央谷地有超過 25 個活躍的建築工地,管理局也對從灣區到洛杉磯市中心的 463 英里高鐵項目進行了全面的環境清理。

Since the start of high-speed rail construction, the project has created more than 14,000 good-paying construction jobs, a majority going to residents of the Central Valley. Nearly 1,500 workers are dispatched to a high-speed rail construction site daily.

For the latest on high-speed rail construction underway in the Central Valley, visit:








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