Wasco 中央谷光伏和電池儲能係統專案公共範圍界定會議
2025 年 3 月 12 日,星期三
下午 5:00 至 7:00
(下午 5:30 PV/BESS 演示)
瓦斯科退伍軍人禮堂(1 號房間)
加州沃斯科市 Poplar Avenue 1202 號,郵編 93280
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Learn about California High-Speed Rail’s future Photovoltaic and Battery Energy Storage System (PV/BESS) Project in the Central Valley. The public scoping meeting will include an overview of the project, followed by an opportunity to share comments and speak with members of the project team. Public feedback will help guide the project team through the preparation of the environmental draft documents.
Spanish, Hmong, and ASL interpretations will be available. All requests for reasonable accommodation must be made 72 hours before the meeting date. For additional information, please contact us at (916) 324-1541.

如需諮詢和/或翻譯支持,請致電 (916) 324-1541 或發送電子郵件 info@hsr.ca.gov.
如需 TTY/TTD 幫助,請致電 (800) 881-5799 或撥打 711 聯繫加州中繼服務。
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