NEWS RELEASE: California High-Speed Rail Authority and City of Brisbane Reach Settlement Agreement​

September 5, 2024

캘리포니아주, 샌호세 – The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) and the City of Brisbane have settled the City’s lawsuit regarding the high-speed rail project.

“This settlement reflects the significant efforts of two public agencies to develop a path forward for the public which ensures we will carry out our responsibilities in a collaborative and open manner,” said Authority Board Member Jim Ghielmetti. “I’m proud of the work accomplished. It moves us forward to getting high-speed rail into the Bay Area as soon as possible.”

“The City of Brisbane is pleased to have reached a settlement with the High-Speed Rail Authority. For the better part of two years, the City and the Authority reviewed complex issue after complex issue, consulted experts and agreed on responsible paths forward,” said Jeremy Dennis, Brisbane City Manager. “We will continue to meet regularly in the years to come recognizing that we both have a duty to protect the health and welfare of the current and future residents of the Brisbane Baylands,” added Dennis.

“The Authority and the City will also be working together to bring the City sorely needed resources to support environmental and safety improvements at the Baylands, a former landfill and rail yard,” said Clay Holstine, the former City Manager under whom the settlement discussions started. “Pursuing funding to help protect against sea level rise, for example, can benefit existing businesses and the future 1800-2200 families that will call the Baylands home. The City anticipates releasing the draft Baylands project EIR in the coming months,” added Holstine.

To continue important statewide efforts for California High-Speed Rail and for housing and transit-oriented development on the Brisbane Baylands, the Authority and the City have developed a framework for their future collaboration on compatible projects. Among the items agreed upon, are:

  • The Authority will study and propose for approval a revision to its high-speed rail light maintenance facility (LMF) that reduces the footprint by more than 50 acres, avoids City infrastructure and facilities, and adheres to other specific design criteria;
  • The City will study in sufficient detail and propose for approval an alternative in its Baylands Specific Plan EIR that avoids the land use conflicts between the LMF and the proposed Baylands Project;
  • The Authority and the City will collaborate on the aesthetic design of the LMF;
  • The Authority and the City will collaborate on seeking funding opportunities that have a nexus to the public health and safety of the Brisbane Baylands.

The High-Speed Rail Authority has begun work to extend the 119 miles under construction to 171 miles of electrified high-speed rail from Merced to Bakersfield. Since the start of construction, the High-Speed Rail Authority has created nearly 14,000 construction jobs, with more than 70 percent going to residents from disadvantaged communities.

건설에 대한 자세한 내용은 다음을 방문하십시오.

다음 링크에는 최근 비디오, 애니메이션, 사진, 프레스 센터 리소스 및 최신 렌더링이 포함되어 있습니다.

이 파일은 모두 캘리포니아 고속철도국(California High-Speed Rail Authority)에서 무료로 사용할 수 있습니다.



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California High-Speed Rail Authority Speakers Bureau는 Communications Office에서 관리하며 High-Speed Rail 프로그램에 대한 정보 프레젠테이션을 제공합니다.

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