감사관 보고서

In accordance with Public Utilities Code 187038, the Inspector General issues the following reports:

  • Summaries of the findings from its reviews, investigations, and audits and the status of the Authority’s efforts to remedy those findings.
  • Reviews of the Authority’s statutorily required documents, including its Project Update Reports and Business Plans.
  • Lists of identified findings from all Inspector General’s reviews and the status of the Authority’s implementation of recommendations to address them.

The first-ever Inspector General was appointed in September 2023. Check back here for updates on completed and upcoming reports.

Business Plan and Project Update Report Reviews

Annual Reports

The first annual report is expected fiscal year 2024 – 2025.

List of Identified Findings

Public Utilities Code section 187038 (c) requires the Inspector General to maintain a list of identified findings, and the status of the Authority’s efforts to address them, and to post that list on the office’s website. In fulfillment of that requirement, the downloadable table provides this information for all recommendations that the Office of the Inspector General has made to better ensure the success of the Project.


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