하이라이트 7 장
지속가능경영 및 정책
- Accountable Governance: The Authority’s governance is guided by effective policies and transparent reporting, in alignment with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.
- 이사회 : The Board consists of nine members responsible for setting policy directives and approving key policy documents. It includes various subcommittees focused on different aspects of the program.
- Oversight and Monitoring: The California State Legislature, the independent Peer Review Group, and the Office of the Inspector General provide oversight, ensuring effective governance and transparency.
- Governance Committee Structure: The Authority has several committees, including the Executive Committee, Change Control Committee, Program Delivery Committee, Business Oversight Committee, and Enterprise Risk Committee, to manage various aspects of the project.
- ISO Certifications: The Authority maintains ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System certification and requires ISO 55001:2014 standards in procurement documents for effective asset and organization management.
추가 정보
캘리포니아 고속철도 프로그램에 대해 자세히 알아보세요. https://hsr.ca.gov/ 지속가능성 보고서 https://hsr.ca.gov/sustainability-report.
캘리포니아 고속철도 당국은 웹 사이트와 그 콘텐츠가 캘리포니아 주에서 규정 한 웹 콘텐츠 접근성 지침 2.0 레벨 AA 표준에 따라 의무적 ADA 요구 사항을 충족하도록 모든 노력을 기울이고 있습니다. California High-Speed Rail Authority 웹 사이트에없는 특정 문서를 찾고있는 경우, Public Records Act 페이지를 통해 Public Records Act에 따라 문서를 요청할 수 있습니다. 웹 사이트 나 그 내용에 대한 질문이 있으시면 당국에 연락하십시오. info@hsr.ca.gov.