2025 項目更新報告
This is the California High-Speed Rail Authority’s (Authority) 2025 Project Update Report that was submitted to the Legislature on March 1, 2025. It fulfills the Authority’s requirement to update the California Legislature biennially on the development and implementation of intercity high-speed rail service. The Authority is undergoing a comprehensive effort to update its design criteria, scope, cost, procurement strategy, ridership, and schedule. These updates will be submitted to the Legislature later this year.
Within the 2025 Project Update the Authority has provided:
- CEO Ian Choudri’s vision for California high-speed rail and objectives going forward
- Accomplishments since the 2024 Business Plan
- Updated funding and expenditure figures
- Progress of the Merced to Bakersfield segment, which is under construction and advanced design
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Ian Choudri, California High-Speed Rail Authority Chief Executive Officer
消息來源 首席執行官
- My focus is clear: Utilize my background to analyze every aspect of this project to deliver this system efficiently and effectively.
- The Authority must engage with industry to accelerate delivery and refine our approach. Building off a successful Industry Forum event with more than 400 attendees, we will continue to seek global feedback for subject matter experts.
- We must fundamentally shift how we deliver the system by maximizing efficiency, operating like a business, preventing costly delays, and structuring the Authority into a project delivery team.
- Strategic actions to accelerate construction that we are looking into include refining procurement, executing master agreements with local government and third parties, and updating the Authority’s Design Criteria Manual to standardize our approach.
- To achieve full system connectivity, we must secure stable, long-term funding. We will be actively engaging with the state and federal governments, as well as seeking opportunities for public-private partnerships.
James C. Ghielmetti
加利福尼亞州薩克拉門托 95814
(916) 324-1541
加州高速鐵路管理局準備每兩年向加州立法機構提交一份關於該計劃狀況的報告。提交兩年一次的項目更新報告的要求於 2015 年 6 月更新 (AB 95),並要求在 2015 年 3 月 1 日或之前,以及此後每兩年,HSRA 提供一份項目更新報告,並經交通部長批准,根據《公用事業法典》第 185030 條,向立法機關的預算委員會和適當的政策委員會提交關於城際高速列車服務的開發和實施的報告。該報告至少應包括計劃範圍的摘要,以及項目部分的詳細信息,以及清楚描述項目狀態所需的所有信息。項目更新報告在奇數年發布,下一份報告將於2025年發布。
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