亮點來自 第2章:

Achievements to Date

Since the 2024 Business Plan the Authority has achieved several major accomplishments and milestones. Highlights include:

  • Start of civil construction for the railhead in Kern County.
  • Successful launch of electrified service of Caltrain in the Bay Area.
  • Completion of 18 grade separations since the start of construction.
  • Environmental clearance of Palmdale to Burbank — marking full environmental clearance from San Francisco to Los Angeles.
  • Settlement agreements with both the City of Brisbane and the Grassland Water District — highlighting continued commitment to environmental mitigation.
  • Awarding the Track and Overhead Contact System Design Services (OCS) contract for the 171-mile Merced to Bakersfield alignment.
  • 14,700 jobs created since construction began — generating $21.8 billion in total economic output.

Total Jobs Created and Breakdown by Construction Package (CP)

Graphic showing jobs created by high-speed rail. The top reads


Early Operating Segment (Merced to Bakersfield) Progress 

The Authority has delivered 99 percent of the right-of-way (ROW) parcels to the design-builder, and 83 percent of utilities have been relocated along the 119-mile test track. A total of 53 structures have been completed, along with 60 miles of guideway.  

The Merced and Bakersfield extensions, which are under advanced design, is currently in the mapping process for ROW acquisitions and estimated to be completed by the end of 2025.  

The Authority will provide an updated schedule later this year for the Merced to Bakersfield segment. 

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