亮點來自 第3章:
Funding and Cost
The Authority’s estimated revenue for the capital program is currently in the range of $26.7 billion to $29.7 billion, assuming Cap-and-Trade annual revenue scenarios of $750 million and $1.25 billion per year through 2030. Under these assumptions we have $14.9 billion in remaining funding through 2030.
The program’s funding baseline has improved — especially due to the infusion of federal funds in December 2023, which will advance efforts to complete the Merced to Bakersfield segment.
In its first formal industry engagement, the Authority met with potential partners including private equity firms at its Industry Forum in January 2025. As the Authority completes environmental clearance for the entire Phase 1 system and advancing early works, we will be in a better position to further engage private partners.
The Authority is working to update its Design Criteria Manual. The refinements will allow for greater flexibility in design, resulting in potential cost and schedule savings in both construction and overall project development. We look forward to presenting our findings later this year.
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