Property Management Environmental Services Request for Qualifications

The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) has issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to procure an architectural and engineering (A&E) contract for Property Management Environmental Services (PMES).

範圍 – 期限 – 預算
This procurement will result in a contract to provide environmental property management services, including management of the Authority’s various properties, conducting reviews as to all necessary work, scheduling and coordinating maintenance work, demolition activities or other services, and coordinating and scheduling any necessary environmental compliance and clearance activities.

The inventory of Authority-owned properties includes, but is not limited to, vacant, improved, and agricultural parcels; occupied and unoccupied buildings and other structures; single-family and multifamily residential properties; commercial and industrial fixtures, structures, buildings and uses (in rural, agricultural, and urban settings); and other types of properties. Some properties are wholly or partially located within environmentally impaired, permitted, or sensitive areas, and are located in the Central Valley of California, including the counties of Madera, Merced, Fresno, Tulare, Kern, and Kings.

The resulting contract will have a two-year contract term and a not-to-exceed amount of $3.0 million dollars.


  • RFQ Release: December 13, 2024
  • Virtual Pre-Bid Conference: Friday, December 20, 2024, 9:00am Pacific Time
    • To register for the pre-bid meeting, go to the event website 這裡.
  • Statement of Qualifications Due Date: February 12, 2025
  • Notice of Proposed Award: March 12, 2025
  • Contract Execution and Notice to Proceed: April 2025

RFQ 可從以下網址下載 加利福尼亞州合同登記處 (CSCR). Updates, including responses to written questions and any RFQ addenda, will be provided on the CSCR.

參觀 管理局的小企業計劃網頁 有關信息,包括計劃概述、我們認可的認證、如何獲得認證、訪問我們的供應商註冊表等。

如果您對任何潛在的組織利益衝突有疑問,請向管理局首席法律顧問 Alicia Fowler 提交問題和/或組織利益衝突確定請求,地址為: 法律和 Tawnya Southern,位於 referencing the Property Management Environmental Services RFQ.

有關此採購的問題應提交給 Richard Yost,地址為 或 (916) 324-1541。
