亮點來自 第2章
- Economic Growth: The California high-speed rail project is a key driver of economic growth and job creation, benefiting disadvantaged communities and small businesses.
- Investment Impact: From July 2006 to June 2023, the Authority invested $11.2 billion in planning and construction, generating significant economic activity, particularly in the Central Valley.
- 創造就業機會: The project has created 13,930 construction jobs, with 70 percent of these positions filled by Central Valley residents, and more than 10,000 jobs created in the last five years.
- Labor Income and Economic Output: In Fiscal Year 2022-23, the project generated $940 million in labor income and $3 billion in economic impact. Long-term projections estimate nearly $79 billion in labor income and $203.6 billion in total economic output.
- Green Jobs: The high-speed rail system will be solar-powered, creating job opportunities in solar power installation, maintenance, and management, as well as permanent positions in system operations and maintenance.
- Disadvantaged Communities: The Authority focuses on enhancing communities, particularly disadvantaged communities, by providing economic opportunities, job training, and support for small businesses.
- Diversity and Inclusion: Promoting diversity and equal opportunity is a core principle, with 847 small businesses, 292 DBEs, and 105 DVBEs working on the project. More than 200 of those small businesses are minority-owned.
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