亮點來自 第五章:


  • 對自然資源的承諾: 加州高鐵管理局優先考慮保護加州獨特的自然系統和景觀。我們的目標是建立一個對環境影響最小的高鐵系統。
  • 動物友善基礎設施: 該項目將野生動物走廊納入其結構設計中,透過允許動物安全地穿過鐵軌下方來保護生物多樣性。除了橋樑、立體交叉和高架橋之外,我們還建造了 250 多個野生動物過境點,讓野生動物可以在我們的軌道下通過。我們還融入了設計元素,以幫助較大的鳥類安全棲息。
  • 棲息地保護: 保護和恢復受高鐵建設影響的自然棲息地的大型項目正在進行中。該局已恢復了超過 4,400 英畝的退化土地,其中包括 151 英畝的濕地。
  • 農業保護: 我們保護了3,190英畝的農地。根據 2023 年的估計,1,654 英畝的土地將面臨開發風險。自2019年以來,因農業地役權取消開發權而避免的累計排放量為348,700 MTCO2e。
  • 水利: 管理局在施工和運作期間實施節水措施。 2023 年,管理局的建築用水量僅增加了 20% 以上,而同期建築活動則增加了 26% 以上。所用水的百分之九十是非飲用水。


Graphic displaying the numbers for preserved habitat, conserved acres, grants for tree planting, and non-potable water usage on the high-speed rail project.



A graphic image of a high-speed rail train crossing a viaduct structure in a natural habitat. The image outlines how dedicated crossings have been constructed underneath structures to allow native California species like the San Joaquin antelope squirrel, Tipton kangaroo rat, San Joaquin kit fox, and Buena Vista ornate shrew to cross the high-speed rail alignment. It also features a description of how overpass bridges and grade separations will not only connect roads and streets, they will also serve as larger wildlife undercrossings. The image shows how viaducts will carry high-speed trains over creeks and rivers, allowing for uninterrupted hydrologic connections and aquatic and riparian habitat for vulnerable and endangered aquatic species such as the vernal pool fairy shrimp, vernal pool tadpole shrimp, and California tiger salamander. The image also features four descriptions of species. The San Joaquin kit fox is on the federally endangered and state threatened species lists. They live in arid valley and foothill grasslands, sparsely vegetated scrub habitats, and some agricultural and urban areas. The inch-long vernal pool fairy shrimp lives only in seasonal pools that form when winter rains fill shallow depressions. It was federally listed as threatened in September 1994. The Tipton kangaroo rat, one of three subspecies of the San Joaquin kangaroo rat, was listed as a federally endangered species in July 1998. The California tiger salamander is a large terrestrial salamander with a distinct population in Central California. It is on the federal and state threatened species list.


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