Reunión de la junta directiva de trenes de alta velocidad de California

June 26-27, 2024

Los Angeles Marriot Burbank Airport Hotel
Pasadena Conference Room
2500 North Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505

Descargar Agenda Enlace para unirse a la reunión

The California High-Speed Rail Authority’s June 26-27, 2024, board meeting will be conducted in-person and via webinar. Board Members will participate in the meeting from the Los Angeles Marriot Burbank Airport hotel, Pasadena Room, 2500 North Hollywood Way, Burbank CA. 91505, and individual remote locations. Members of the public can view the board meeting either in person or online at

Los tiempos identificados en la siguiente agenda son solo estimaciones. La Junta de Directores tiene la discreción de tratar los puntos de la agenda fuera de secuencia en cualquier día de la reunión de dos días.


An opportunity for public comment on all June 26-27, 2024, agenda and non-agenda items other than agenda items 2,8,9, 10 and 11 will be provided at the outset of the meeting.  An opportunity for public comment on agenda items 2, 8, 9, 10 and 11 will be offered after agenda item #2 has been presented.  Those persons who wish to comment in person are required to submit their requests to the Board Secretary before the start of the meeting by filling in a comment card.  Those persons who wish to comment via Zoom can do so by using the following link  Registration is not necessary to comment via Zoom.

Typically, public comment will be limited to two minutes per person, however, the Chair may decide to shorten or lengthen the public comment periods, at his or her discretion.  Agenda Items may be taken out of order.

In the Status column, “A” denotes an “Action” item; “I” denotes an “Information” item; “C” denotes a “Consent” item.

Ítem de agenda



Estado Aprox.
1.      Consider Approving the May 16, 2024, Board Meeting Minutes Junta UN 5 minutos

2.     Staff Presentation on the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Final EIR/EIS and Proposed Selection of the Preferred Alternative (Alternative SR14A including a Central Subsection and the Burbank Subsection) from Spruce Court in Palmdale to Winona Drive in Burbank and Related Decisions


L. DiCamillo/

S. Galvez/

C. Inouye


I 90 minutos


An opportunity for public comment on agenda items 2,8, 9, 10 and 11 will be offered.  Typically, public comment will be limited to two minutes per person, however the Chair may decide to shorten or lengthen the public comment periods, at his or her discretion.  Following public comment, the Board may direct staff to address any questions or issues based on agenda item #2 and public comment.

The June 26, 2024, California High-Speed Rail Authority Monthly Board of Directors meeting will adjourn for a 60-minute lunch break.

3.      Consider Approving the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 Internal Audit Plan and acknowledging the Internal Quality Assurance Self-Assessment for Fiscal Year 2023/2024 P. Rivera UN 15 minutos
4.      Consider Accepting the 2024/2025 Fiscal Year Budget B. Annis UN 20 minutos
5.      Consider Providing Approval to Award the Agreement Resulting from the Design Services for Track and Overhead Contact Systems Procurement B. Armistead UN 20 minutos
6.      Informe del CEO B. Kelly I 10 minutos

7.      Sesión cerrada confidencial

  • La Junta Directiva de la Autoridad de Ferrocarriles de Alta Velocidad de California se reunirá en sesión cerrada de conformidad con la sección 11126(a) del Código de Gobierno.


N / A   75 min

The June 26, 2024, California High-Speed Rail Authority Monthly Board of Directors meeting will adjourn until June 27, 2024, 10:00 a.m. 

27 de junio de 2024

10:00 a.m

In the Status column, “A” denotes an “Action” item; “I” denotes an “Information” item; “C” denotes a “Consent” item.

Ítem de agenda Fiesta responsable Estado Aprox. Duración

8. Staff Response to Public Comment Received Following Item #2, Staff Presentation on the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Final EIR/EIS and Proposed Decisions


L. DiCamillo/

S. Galvez/

C. Inouye


I 60 min.
9.  Consider certifying the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Final EIR/EIS under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

A. Fowler/

Sr. Wu Morri

UN 15 minutos.

10.  Consider approving the Preferred Alternative (SR14A including the Central Subsection and the Burbank Subsection) from Spruce Court in Palmdale to Winona Drive in Burbank, and the related CEQA Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Enforcement Plan for the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section


A. Fowler /

Sr. Wu Morri

UN 15 minutos.

11. Consider selecting the Preferred Alternative (the SR14A Alternative including the Central Subsection and the Burbank Subsection) from Spruce Court in Palmdale to Winona Drive in Burbank and Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to proceed with a Record of Decision for the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section


A. Fowler/

Sr. Wu Morri

UN 10 minutos
12.  Finance and Audit Update B. Annis I 30 minutos
13.  Comentarios de los miembros de la junta Junta N / A 5 minutos


Adaptaciones razonables para cualquier individuo

Las solicitudes de adaptaciones razonables, como intérpretes o dispositivos de asistencia auditiva, requieren un aviso con al menos una semana de antelación a la reunión/evento. Envíe una solicitud a la Sucursal de Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Empleo (EEO) de la Autoridad de Trenes de Alta Velocidad al (916) 324-1541 o por correo electrónico a miembros de la

Adaptaciones razonables

Las solicitudes de adaptaciones razonables, como intérpretes o dispositivos de audición asistida, requieren al menos una semana de aviso previo antes de la reunión / evento. Haga su solicitud en la Oficina de Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Empleo (Equal Employment Opportunity, EEO) de la Autoridad del Sistema Ferroviario de Alta Velocidad al (916) 324-1541 o por correo electrónico a miembros de la

合理 便利 設施

如需 同聲傳譯 或 助 聽 設備 等 合理 的 便利 設施 , 需 至少 在 會議 / 活動 前 一周 給出 提前 通知。 請 提交 申請 高速 鐵路 鐵路 管理局 的 公平 就業 機會 (EEO) 辦公室 , 電話 為 (916) 324-1541 , 或 請 發送 電郵 至 miembros de la

Mga Makatuwirang Kaluwagan

Un kahilingan para makatuwirang kaluwagan, tulad ng tagapagsaling wika o kagamitang pantulong en pagdining, es nangangailangan ng es un linggung paunang abiso entre pagpupulong / kaganapan. Mangyaring magsumite ng kahilingan sa Sangay ng Pantay na Pagkakataon sa Trabaho (Equal Employment Opportunity, EEO) ng Awtority ng Mabilis na Tren (High-Speed Rail Authority) sa (916) 324-1541 o en un correo electrónico gratuito sa miembros de la

합리적인 편의 서비스

통역사 또는 청취 지원 장치 등 의 합리적인 편의 서비스 에 대한 요청 은 미팅 / 행사 적어도 1 주일 전에 요청 해야 합니다. 요청서 를 고속 철도청 평등 한 고용 기회 (EEO) 지점, (916) 324-1541 또는 이메일miembros de la 로 보내 주십시오.

การ อำนวย ความ สะดวก ที่ เหมาะสม

( EEO) ของ การ รถไฟ ความเร็ว สูง ที่ หมายเลข (916) 324-1541 หรือ ผ่าน ทาง อีเมล ที่ miembros de la

Info Center


Para asistencia de consulta y / o traducción, llame al (916) 324-1541 o envíe un correo electrónico

Para asistencia TTY / TTD, llame al (800) 881-5799 o al Servicio de retransmisión de California al 711.


Comunicaciones y relaciones con los medios
(916) 322-1422

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(916) 324-1541
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