하이라이트 6 장
지속 가능한 인프라
- Sustainable Infrastructure Principles: Established in 2016, these principles guide the design, construction, and operation of the high-speed rail system, emphasizing sustainability and aligning with global best practices and California state regulations.
- Envision Certification: Phase 1 of the high-speed rail project has been awarded a Platinum rating through the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure’s Envision certification process. We are committed to maintaining our Platinum rating as we advance design of the Central Valley stations and Merced and Bakersfield extensions.
- Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs): The Authority requires EPDs for construction materials to identify and reduce the global warming potential of materials used in our project.
- Climate Adaptation and Resilience: The project integrates climate adaptation principles into its design and construction, using the latest climate data to ensure resilience against hazards like floods, wildfires, and extreme heat.
- Worker and Community Safety: The Authority prioritizes the safety and well-being of workers, contractors, and communities, achieving lower injury rates and lost days compared to state benchmarks.
- Community Benefits: High-speed rail stations will serve as community resources with green spaces and connectivity features, and grade separations will improve safety, reduce emissions, and enhance access to jobs and services.
Non-Hazardous Materials Composition (in tons), 2015-2023
추가 정보
캘리포니아 고속철도 프로그램에 대해 자세히 알아보세요. https://hsr.ca.gov/ 지속가능성 보고서 https://hsr.ca.gov/sustainability-report.
캘리포니아 고속철도 당국은 웹 사이트와 그 콘텐츠가 캘리포니아 주에서 규정 한 웹 콘텐츠 접근성 지침 2.0 레벨 AA 표준에 따라 의무적 ADA 요구 사항을 충족하도록 모든 노력을 기울이고 있습니다. California High-Speed Rail Authority 웹 사이트에없는 특정 문서를 찾고있는 경우, Public Records Act 페이지를 통해 Public Records Act에 따라 문서를 요청할 수 있습니다. 웹 사이트 나 그 내용에 대한 질문이 있으시면 당국에 연락하십시오. info@hsr.ca.gov.