Request One-on-One Meetings Prior to Issuance of a Procurement

The Authority encourages exchanges of information between the Authority and interested parties prior to issuance of a procurement. Any exchange of information must be consistent with procurement integrity requirements (see Federal Acquisition Regulation Subpart 3.104, Procurement Integrity). Interested parties include potential offerors/proposers and their potential team members (including small businesses) and industry representatives.

Participating in one-on-one meetings with the Authority prior to issuance of a procurement will allow interested parties to judge their ability to satisfy the procurement and contracting requirements. One-on-one meetings will both enhance the Authority’s understanding of industry capabilities and capacity, as well as enhance the Authority’s ability to obtain quality services and supplies, including construction, at reasonable prices.

The Authority seeks to promote early exchanges of information about future contracting opportunities. An early exchange of information among interested parties and Authority staff can identify and resolve concerns regarding the procurement strategy, including proposed contract type, terms and conditions, and schedules; the feasibility of the requirements, including performance requirements, scopes of work, and data requirements; the suitability of the submittal instructions and evaluation criteria, including the approach for assessing past performance information; the availability of reference documents; and any other concerns or questions.

Requests by interested parties for a one-on-one meeting must be to sent to prior to issuance of a procurement. Requests should identify the procurement(s) and topic(s) that the interested party would like to discuss and the interested party’s anticipated role (potential prime contractor, small business, supplier, etc.). Submitting a request does not guarantee a meeting.

Information exchanged during these meetings or any related communications shall not constitute an agreement, promise or other commitment by the Authority or any interested party. All information is provided for discussion purposes only and is not intended to create any obligations, legal or otherwise

La Autoridad de Ferrocarriles de Alta Velocidad de California hace todo lo posible para garantizar que el sitio web y su contenido cumplan con los requisitos obligatorios de la ADA según el estándar de nivel AA de las Pautas de accesibilidad de contenido web 2.0 del estado de California. Si está buscando un documento en particular que no se encuentra en el sitio web de la Autoridad de trenes de alta velocidad de California, puede hacer una solicitud para el documento según la Ley de registros públicos a través de la página de la Ley de registros públicos. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el sitio web o su contenido, comuníquese con la Autoridad al