Requirements Integration Support Services Request for Qualifications

The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) anticipates issuing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to procure a contract for Requirements Integration Support Services (RISS).

Scope – Term – Budget
This procurement will result in a contract with a scope of work that includes providing requirements integration support services, which will include performance of requirements management and associated systems engineering processes to achieve a fully integrated California High-Speed Rail System. These various categories include Program-Level Requirements Management, Project-Level Requirements Management, and Program-Level Requirements Integration Management.
The resulting contract will have a term of 6 years and 2 months, and a not-to-exceed amount of $45.7 million.

Subject to Authority Board approval, the anticipated schedule for this procurement is as follows:

  • RFQ Release: September 27, 2024
  • Virtual Pre-Bid Conference and Small Business Workshop: October 2024
    • To register for the pre-bid meeting go to the event website: TBD
  • Statement of Qualifications Due Date: December 2024
  • Notice of Proposed Award: January 2025
  • Contract Execution and Notice to Proceed: March 2025

The RFQ will be available to download from the California State Contracts Register (CSCR) this will be a direct link to the Cal eProcure event page. Updates, including responses to written questions and any RFQ addenda, will be provided on the CSCR.

Visita el Página web del Programa de Pequeñas Empresas de la Autoridad para obtener información que incluye una descripción general del programa, certificaciones que reconocemos, cómo obtener la certificación, acceso a nuestro registro de proveedores y más.

Conflicts of Interest
If you have questions about any potential organizational conflict of interest, please submit questions and/or a request for an Organizational Conflict of Interest determination to the Authority’s Chief Counsel, Alicia Fowler, at, and Tawnya Southern, at referencing the Requirements Integration Support Services RFQ. For determination requests, the requestor is asked to provide information identified in the Organizational Conflict of Interest Checklist (RFQ section 3.7).

Las preguntas relacionadas con esta adquisición deben enviarse a Richard Yost al o (916) 324-1541.

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