Anthony C. Williams 是 Ballard Partners 的执行合伙人。他还担任加州高速铁路管理局董事会成员,之前曾担任州长 Gavin Newsom 的第一任立法事务部长。他的立法经验包括为两位加州参议院领导人服务:John Burton 和 Darrell Steinberg,他曾担任他们的政策主管和特别顾问。他还曾担任加州司法委员会的立法倡导者以及加州律师协会的高级主管和首席说客。
He served as the Director of Public Policy at Amazon since 2020, where he shaped the company’s policy strategies In 2007, Anthony co-founded the Wada Williams Law Group, LLP, a Sacramento based law and lobbying firm. Anthony has represented clients in regulatory, civil and criminal matters before federal and state courts and agencies. In 2014, he was appointed by Governor Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown to serve on the California Fish and Game Commission. He is also founder and president of the Stand Strong Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to developing excellence in youth from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Anthony 以优异的成绩获得了加州大学戴维斯分校的政治学学士学位、哈佛大学约翰肯尼迪政府学院的公共政策硕士学位和麦乔治法学院的法学博士学位。他是一位狂热的读者和高差点高尔夫球手,最重要的是,他喜欢与妻子和三个学龄儿童共度时光。
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