
July 15, 2024


Two new overcrossings are now complete and open to traffic in Fresno County. The Mountain View Avenue overcrossing is 381 feet long and 40 feet wide. The Floral Avenue overcrossing is more than 368 feet long and more than 40 feet wide. Both structures will take traffic over the BNSF railroad and future high-speed rail tracks.


加利福尼亚州弗雷斯诺县 – The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) today announced the completion of two new high-speed rail overcrossings in Fresno County. The Mountain View Avenue and the Floral Avenue grade separations are now open to traffic.


Mountain View grade separation in Fresno County

Mountain View Grade Separation in Fresno County

Floral Grade Separation in Fresno County

Floral Grade Separation in Fresno County

Construction began in 2023 on both high-speed rail structures and were built by contractor Dragados-Flatiron Joint Venture (DFJV). The Mountain View Avenue Grade Separation is located between Cedar and Peach avenues.

Mountain View Avenue Grade Separation by the numbers:

  • 368 feet long
  • 40英尺宽
  • 16,000 cubic yards concrete
  • 400,000+ pounds of steel
  • 16 pre-cast concrete girders, all manufactured at the DFJV Pre-Cast Facility in Hanford.

Mountain View Avenue Grade Separation by the numbers: • 368 feet long • 40 feet wide • 16,000 cubic yards concrete • 400,000+ pounds of steel • 16 pre-cast concrete girders, all manufactured at the DFJV Pre-Cast Facility in Hanford.

The Floral Avenue Grade Separation is located between Cedar and Chestnut avenues.

Floral Avenue Grade Separation by the numbers:

  • 381 feet long
  • 40英尺宽
  • 1,600 cubic yards concrete
  • 400,000+ pounds of steel
  • 16 pre-cast concrete girders, all manufactured at the DFJV Pre-Cast Facility in Hanford.

Floral Avenue Grade Separation by the numbers: • 381 feet long • 40 feet wide • 1,600 cubic yards concrete • 400,000+ pounds of steel • 16 pre-cast concrete girders, all manufactured at the DFJV Pre-Cast Facility in Hanford.

“Safety is of the utmost importance during and after construction of the high-speed rail project. Grade separations are important to ensure safety around the surrounding communities during future operations. They eliminate existing at-grade crossings, improving safety for vehicular traffic while also reducing traffic congestion and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from idling vehicles.” –Garth Fernandez, Central Valley Regional Director.

马德拉县和图莱里县之间的高速铁路项目每天都在施工。管理局已开始将目前正在施工的 119 英里铁路延伸至未来从默塞德到贝克斯菲尔德的 171 英里电气化高速铁路。

目前,加州中央谷地有超过 25 个活跃的建筑工地,管理局还对从湾区到洛杉矶县的 422 英里高铁项目进行了全面的环境清理。

Since the start of high-speed rail construction, the project has created more than 13,000 good-paying construction jobs for residents, a majority going to residents of the Central Valley. Nearly 1,500 workers are dispatched to a high-speed rail construction site daily.

有关高铁建设的最新信息,请访问 www.buildhsr.com.








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