视频发布:ICYMI – 加州高铁亮点最近的小企业多样性与资源博览会
Annual event provides opportunities for face-to-face networking, meetings with prime contractors
November 27, 2024
加利福尼亚州默塞德 – 怀着感恩的精神,加州高速铁路管理局(管理局)向所有参与或寻求参与这一变革性项目的小企业表示衷心的感谢。
如果你错过了, on October 23 more than 200 small business entrepreneurs attended the Authority’s Diversity and Resources Fair held at UC Merced. At the event, representatives of these small businesses met with more than 30 prime contractors to seek opportunities to work at the nation’s first 220 mph high-speed rail project.
Open the above image to watch the Small Business Fair video.
“We received great feedback from small businesses, who said they appreciated the opportunity to meet directly with the primes’ hiring managers and that they made meaningful business connections.”
– Chardená Valley, Authority Small Business Advocate
The Authority is thankful for small businesses throughout California and works with 860 certified small businesses statewide. Some of the Authority’s small business team accomplishments in 2024 include:
- Hosting the Authority’s Meet the Prime virtual workshop series, providing small businesses with opportunities to elevate their business and network with primes who have been awarded Authority contracts.
- Partnering with the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) at SFO’s first-ever Resource Fair on February 27.
- Hosting the Authority’s Small Business Program table at “A Day in Her Shoes” event on March 7 to celebrate women in business.
- Partnering with the Capital Black Chamber of Commerce.
- Attending the Pathways to Progress Summit and Vendor Fair in Sacramento on April 25.
The Authority’s small business team will host its third Annual Small Business Diversity and Resources Fair in the Bay Area in the fall of 2025.
The Authority has begun work to extend the 119 miles currently under construction to 171 miles of future electrified high-speed rail from Merced to Bakersfield. The Authority also has full environmental clearance on 463 miles of the high-speed rail program from the Bay Area to downtown Los Angeles.
自高铁开工以来,该项目创造了 14,000 多个建筑岗位,其中大部分分配给了中央谷地的居民。有关建筑的更多信息,请访问: www.buildhsr.com
要了解有关管理局小型企业计划的更多信息,请访问: https://hsr.ca.gov/business-opportunities/small-business-program/
订阅小型企业新闻通讯即可了解最新动态: https://hsr.ca.gov/business-opportunities/small-business-program/small-business-newsletter/
以下链接包含最近的视频、动画、摄影、新闻中心资源和最新效果图: https://hsra.app.box.com/s/vyvjv9hckwl1dk603ju15u07fdfir2q8
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