Banner image with four students posing for a selfie in safety vests and hard hats. Next to the banner is the logo for the I Will Ride program.


“我将骑行”是加州高速铁路管理局的一项学生推广计划 创造 为学生探索职业的途径 旅客列车 运输促进s 活动 教育和劳动力 准备 


随着加州高速铁路系统的持续建设,以及美国其他各种客运铁路系统的扩张,我们的愿景是打造一支多元化、创新的劳动力队伍,推动交通运输的未来。通过参与和教育,I Will Ride 将创建一个高速铁路行业,让来自不同背景的学生都能参与其中,并受到启发和赋权,从而塑造一个可持续、互联互通、包容的交通系统。

Picture of a students in safety vests, safety glasses, and hard hats climbing down from scaffolding onto a structure. There is a blue gradient at the bottom of the page and text. The text reads

I Will Ride Newsletter

The I Will Ride newsletter is for students and professionals who work with students. It provides updates on the latest high-speed rail news, student jobs, and transportation-related scholarships.


Graphic with three images and text that reads Sign Up and Read Today. First image is a man holding a phone smiling and in construction gear, second photo is child in the classroom listening to a presentation and third photo is man smiling looking forward and in construction gear.


Additional Webpages



First page of the Student Leadership in High-Speed Rail Transportation factsheet.

查看可打印的《I Will Ride》资料单,其中包含计划信息和学生资源。

Students in safety vests, hard hats, and safety glasses standing on top of a viaduct structure. There is a blue gradient on the bottom half of the image. There is a YouTube play button in the center of the image. Under the play button is text that reads

Check out the “I Will Ride Student Outreach” playlist on the Authority’s YouTube channel to learn more!


I Will Ride 诞生于加州中部山谷,由一群富有远见的大学生发起,他们热衷于推动交通选择并支持加州高速铁路系统的发展。创始人认识到,这项对加州高速铁路系统的变革性投资将大大增强区域连通性,创造大量经济机会,并为 21 世纪提供可持续、环保的交通替代方案。


州长杰里·布朗在加州高速铁路系统奠基仪式上向聚集的人群发表讲话(2015 年 1 月)。单击可查看大图。


如需申请演讲或参加活动,请填写演讲局申请表。您可以向 I Will Ride 的代表发送电子邮件

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