Student Assistant Jobs, Internships and Fellowships
There are a variety of opportunities for students to gain experience working on the California high-speed rail project. We value students and know they are essential in building the nation’s first high-speed rail system. Below is a description of the different student job opportunities on the project.
Student Assistant Positions (State of California)
Student Assistant positions are jobs offered through the State of California for students to gain part-time experience with a state agency. Students can work in several departments, including engineering, human resources, and strategic communications. Learn more about student employment and other jobs in the State of California by visiting 加州职业。
The Student Assistant Handout linked below will provide you more information about becoming a Student Assistant with the State of California: 学生助理讲义.
管理局已与许多组织合作,在我们部门的服务年度接待研究员。此类计划包括国家认可的 萨克拉门托州首府研究员计划 和州长的 思域火花 AmeriCorps program.
Schools throughout California house internship programs that involve partner agencies to host interns for a short season. The Authority has worked with programs like the University of California, Berkeley’s Cal-in-Sacramento program to house summer interns.
If you are a program administrator looking to explore a partnership with our department, contact us at
We’re proud that our department has worked with the following programs to bring on student employees with the California High-Speed Rail Authority.
You can find a full list of student jobs, internships, and fellowships in our monthly I Will Ride newsletter.
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