外部リンクVIDEO RELEASE: High-Speed Rail Celebrates Groundbreaking of McKinley Avenue and Golden State Boulevard Grade Separation Project
The McKinley Avenue and Golden State Boulevard Grade Separation Project will help improve safety for drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians in the city of Fresno. Spanning 402 feet long, the structure will take traffic over the existing freight and future high-speed rail tracks.
カリフォルニア州フレズノ –The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) alongside local and state leaders today celebrated the groundbreaking of the McKinley Avenue and Golden State Boulevard Grade Separation in the City of Fresno.
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“Breaking ground on this massive grade separation highlights continued progress the high-speed rail project is making in California’s Central Valley. This paves the way toward fulfilling our commitment to Californians by delivering a state-of-the-art, electrified high-speed rail system capable of achieving speeds of 220 mph.”
– Ian Choudri, Authority CEO
The McKinley Avenue and Golden State Boulevard grade separation project is located between State Route 99 and West Avenue in Fresno. When complete, the grade separation will serve as a four-lane roadway, spanning 402 feet long and more than 78 feet wide. The bridge will also have pedestrian access and bike lanes improving safety for residents in the area. The grade separation is being built by contractor Tutor-Perini/Zachry/Parsons.
“It’s great to see progress on the nation’s first high-speed rail system during such a pivotal time in Fresno’s history. We continue to see commitment, belief, and investments in our city from our partners at the state level, and today’s groundbreaking supports the larger goal of a transformative rail system and station in our city’s core – all while ensuring improved pedestrian safety and traffic flow around the tracks.”
– Mayor Jerry Dyer, City of Fresno
当局は、現在建設中のマーセドからベーカーズフィールドまでの将来の電化高速鉄道の 119 マイルを 171 マイルに延長する作業を開始しました。当局はまた、ベイエリアからロサンゼルスのダウンタウンまでの 463 マイルの高速鉄道計画について、完全な環境認可を取得しています。
There are more than 30 active construction sites and nearly 50 completed structures in California’s Central Valley. Since the start of high-speed rail construction, the project has created more than 14,000 construction jobs, a majority going to residents of the Central Valley.
In addition, the Authority is committed to small businesses playing a major role in the build out of the project. A total of 875 certified small businesses have worked on the high-speed rail program statewide, with 229 of those certified small businesses residing in the Central Valley.
高速鉄道建設の最新情報については、以下をご覧ください。 www.buildhsr.com外部リンク
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