ニュースリリース: カリフォルニア州の高速鉄道投資は数十億ドルの経済効果をもたらす

$13 Billion Investment Generates Nearly $22 Billion in Total Economic Activity


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知っておくべきこと: New economic data shows the California high-speed rail project is a proven job creator that lifts the local economies, particularly disadvantaged communities where over half of the project’s investment occurred. In the Central Valley region alone, about $9.6 billion in economic activity has benefited the region and its workers.

カリフォルニア州サクラメント – カリフォルニア高速鉄道公社(以下「当局」)は本日、 2024年経済影響分析レポート highlighting substantial benefits to the state and underscoring the project’s role in stimulating economic growth as work continues to build the nation’s first high-speed rail system.

Ninety-nine percent of the project’s 2023-24 fiscal year expenditures have gone to California businesses and workers, with two out of every three dollars going to disadvantaged communities, driving substantial economic activity in these areas.

Image of California with a calendar, dollar sign, and bar graph on it. Next to the calendar, it says


The Authority estimates the project has created approximately 109,000 job-years of employment, spurring more than $8 billion in total labor income earned by workers on the project and nearly $22 billion in total economic activity.

A job-year is defined as the equivalent of a full-time job for one year.

The Authority estimates completing the 171-mile Merced to Bakersfield initial passenger service would, in addition to cutting existing trip times in half, add to these numbers, resulting in a total of 333,000 job-years of employment and total economic activity of $70.3 billion.

Estimates show the complete build-out of the 494-mile Phase 1 System between San Francisco to Los Angeles/Anaheim, via the underway Central Valley section, would cumulatively create a total of 1,034,000 job-years of employment, and total economic activity of $221.8 billion.

The Authority’s economic impact analysis is updated annually and reflects data as of June 2024.

An updated webpage featuring the latest 2024 Economic Impact Analysis can be found here。関連する factsheet can be found here,PDF Document プロジェクトの建設の進捗状況に関する情報は、次の場所にあります。 www.buildhsr.com

Construction progresses every day on the California high-speed rail project. There are currently 171 miles under design and construction from Merced to Bakersfield. More than 60 miles of guideway is completed and, of the 93 structures needed, 50 are complete and more than 25 are under construction between Madera, Fresno, Kings, Tulare and Kern counties.

当局は今月初め、 announced the beginning of its railhead project in Kern County. Construction of the railhead is a major step in the track and systems process and signifies the next phase of the high-speed rail program. It includes the installation of temporary freight tracks that will help transport materials needed to build the future electrified, high-speed rail tracks. The railhead project is possible due to the completion of Construction Package 4, which is comprised of 22 miles and 11 structures.



高速鉄道建設の最新情報については、以下をご覧ください。 www.buildhsr.com

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California High-Speed Rail Authority Speakers Bureau は Communications Office によって管理されており、高速鉄道プログラムに関する情報プレゼンテーションを提供しています。



916-718-5733 (c)



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