TIN TỨC: Cơ quan Đường sắt Cao tốc California phê duyệt Nhà thầu, Chuyển tiếp Thiết kế Đường ray và Hệ thống Điện trên cao

Ngày 26 tháng 6 năm 2024



The California High-Speed Rail Authority’s Board of Directors has approved a contractor to design its track and overhead electrical systems for the initial 171-mile passenger service. The contractor, SYSTRA | TYPSA, has competitive European high-speed rail experience, and strong small business participation.


BURBANK, California. – In yet another significant step toward getting electrified high-speed trains operating in the U.S., the California High-Speed Rail Authority’s (Authority) Board of Directors today approved a contractor to begin designing track and overhead contact systems (OCS) for the initial 171-mile passenger service connecting Merced to Bakersfield.

Dusk side view of high-speed train.

Dusk side view of high-speed train.


“Getting track and systems design under contract is an important milestone in movement to bring high-speed rail service to California. This approval gets us closer to electrified passenger rail service and putting this transformative project into operations as soon as possible.” –Board Chair Tom Richards

After an extensive competitive procurement process, joint venture SYSTRA | TYPSA was awarded the contract with today’s board action.  SYSTRA | TYPSA has worked together for more than two decades and partnered with California rail and transit agencies for more than 35 years.

With an initial contract value of up to $131.2 million, this contract will allow the Authority to:

  • Produce high-level designs for track and OCS for the 171 miles connecting Merced to Bakersfield, including detailed designs for the 119-mile section currently under active construction within that Central Valley stretch.
  • Thiết kế hệ thống đường ray, bao gồm kết cấu đường ray, OCS, rào chắn cáp dọc đường ray, ống dẫn ngang đường ray, lối đi vào, hàng rào và hệ thống thoát nước.
  • Quản lý các giao diện kỹ thuật và phi kỹ thuật với nhà thầu/tư vấn.

This action comes on the heels of the Authority releasing a shortlist of potential suppliers for electrified high-speed trains in California.

In October 2022, the Authority opted to let a previous Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for procurement of a track and systems contractor expire due to the economic climate, supply-chain challenges and 40-year high inflation.

The Authority has since developed a new procurement strategy, considering extensive industry feedback and adjusting to program needs. The track and OCS design services contract is an important step in the new procurement strategy. This contractor will collaborate with a future construction manager/general contractor hired to construct the track and OCS based on its designs.

Since the start of construction, the Authority has created more than 13,500 construction jobs, a majority going to residents from the Central Valley.

The Authority has begun work to extend the 119 miles currently under construction to 171 miles of future electrified high-speed rail from Merced to Bakersfield. There are currently more than 25 active construction sites in the Central Valley, with the Authority having now fully environmentally cleared 422 miles of the high-speed rail program from the Bay Area to Los Angeles County.

For the latest on high-speed rail construction, visit www.buildhsr.com.

Liên kết sau chứa video, hoạt ảnh, ảnh, tài nguyên của trung tâm báo chí và kết xuất mới nhất gần đây:https://hsra.app.box.com/s/vyvjv9hckwl1dk603ju15u07fdfir2q8

Tất cả các tệp này đều có sẵn để sử dụng miễn phí, với sự cho phép của Cơ quan Đường sắt Cao tốc California.


Cục loa

Cục Diễn giả của Cơ quan Đường sắt Cao tốc California do Văn phòng Truyền thông quản lý và cung cấp các bài thuyết trình thông tin về Chương trình Đường sắt Cao tốc.

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Tiếp xúc

Annie Parker







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