Anthony C. Williams is Managing Partner with Ballard Partners. He also serves as a Member of the Board of Directors of the California High Speed Rail Authority, and previously was Governor Gavin Newsom’s first Legislative Affairs Secretary. His legislative experience includes serving two California Senate Leaders: John Burton and Darrell Steinberg for whom he was Policy Director and Special Counsel. He has also been a legislative advocate for the Judicial Council of California and a Senior Executive and Chief Lobbyist for the State Bar of California.
He served as the Director of Public Policy at Amazon since 2020, where he shaped the company’s policy strategies In 2007, Anthony co-founded the Wada Williams Law Group, LLP, a Sacramento based law and lobbying firm. Anthony has represented clients in regulatory, civil and criminal matters before federal and state courts and agencies. In 2014, he was appointed by Governor Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown to serve on the California Fish and Game Commission. He is also founder and president of the Stand Strong Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to developing excellence in youth from disadvantaged backgrounds.
アンソニーは、カリフォルニア大学デービス校で政治学の学士号を、ハーバード大学のジョン F. ケネディ行政大学院で公共政策の修士号を、マクジョージ ロースクールで法学博士号を優等で取得しました。彼は熱心な読書家で、ハンディキャップの多いゴルファーであり、何よりも妻と 3 人の学齢期の子供たちと過ごす時間を楽しんでいます。