Five rounded male and female stick figures in construction vests and hats. The text reads "Job-years supported from July 2006 through June 2024, approximately 109,000 total program."





2006 年 7 月至 2024 年 6 月期间,约有 97% 的投资推动了加利福尼亚州的经济活动,支出流向了该州的公司和工人。


2006 年 7 月至 2024 年 6 月

Image of California with a calendar, dollar sign, and bar graph on it. Next to the calendar, it says


2006 年 7 月至 2024 年 6 月

Bay Area, 10,280 Job-Years of Employment, $1.1B Labor Income, $25.B Economic Output, map of the Bay Area region and Northern California with the HSR alignment.



2006 年 7 月至 2024 年 6 月

Bay Area, 51,860 Job-Years of Employment, $3.25B Labor Income, $9.67B Economic Output, map of the Central Valley with the high-speed rail alignment.


2006 年 7 月至 2024 年 6 月

Southern California, 16,230 Job-Years of Employment, $1.24B Labor Income, $3.32B Economic Output, map of the Southern California from Bakersfield to San Diego with the high-speed rail alignment.


到目前为止,联邦政府已拨款 1568 亿美元,为该州经济注入联邦资金。到目前为止,已有来自 43 个州和哥伦比亚特区的公司参与了高铁建设。

Map of the United States with states in green and blue. North Dakota, South Dakota, Arkansas, Mississippi, West Virginia, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island are colored in blue. The rest of the country is in green. The text reads "National impact companies from 43 states involved in High-Speed Rail."
Calendar that says July 2006 with an arrow pointing right filled with $13 Billion towards June 2024. The text reads "$11.2 Billion Invested" and "97% went to California Firms and Workers."

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