Five rounded male and female stick figures in construction vests and hats. The text reads "Job-years supported from July 2006 through June 2024, approximately 109,000 total program."

建設中、およびカリフォルニア高速鉄道局の計画からプロジェクト開発組織への移行により、これらの活動の経済的利益は毎年大幅に増加しています。 10年以上前のわずか数人の従業員から始まったこのプロジェクトは、現在、計画や環境クリアランスからエンジニアリングや建設に至るまで、すべての機能にわたって数千の仕事をサポートしています。この投資は、カリフォルニア周辺および全国の経済的利益に拍車をかけました。

高速鉄道への投資は仕事を支えています, labor income and economic output across a number of California’s regions.

Learn more about the approximately $13 billion invested in the nation’s first high-speed rail system over the past decade and more.


About 97% of the investment between July 2006 and June 2024 led to economic activity taking place within the state of California, with spending going to firms and workers based in the state.


JULY 2006 to JUNE 2024

Image of California with a calendar, dollar sign, and bar graph on it. Next to the calendar, it says


JULY 2006 to JUNE 2024

Bay Area, 10,280 Job-Years of Employment, $1.1B Labor Income, $25.B Economic Output, map of the Bay Area region and Northern California with the HSR alignment.



JULY 2006 to JUNE 2024

Bay Area, 51,860 Job-Years of Employment, $3.25B Labor Income, $9.67B Economic Output, map of the Central Valley with the high-speed rail alignment.


JULY 2006 to JUNE 2024

Southern California, 16,230 Job-Years of Employment, $1.24B Labor Income, $3.32B Economic Output, map of the Southern California from Bakersfield to San Diego with the high-speed rail alignment.


To date, $6.8 billion in funding will come from Federal Sources, infusing the state’s economy with federal dollars. To date, companies from 43 states and the District of Columbia have been involved in high-speed rail.

Map of the United States with states in green and blue. North Dakota, South Dakota, Arkansas, Mississippi, West Virginia, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island are colored in blue. The rest of the country is in green. The text reads "National impact companies from 43 states involved in High-Speed Rail."
Calendar that says July 2006 with an arrow pointing right filled with $13 Billion towards June 2024. The text reads "$11.2 Billion Invested" and "97% went to California Firms and Workers."

カリフォルニア高速鉄道局は、カリフォルニア州が義務付けたWebコンテンツアクセシビリティガイドライン2.0レベルAA基準に従って、ウェブサイトとそのコンテンツが義務付けられたADA要件を確実に満たすようにあらゆる努力を払っています。カリフォルニア高速鉄道局のウェブサイトにない特定の文書を探している場合は、公的記録法のページから公的記録法に基づいて文書を要求することができます。ウェブサイトまたはそのコンテンツについて質問がある場合は、次の機関に連絡してください。 お問い合わせ.