Understanding Small Business Program Codes

Wednesday, September 29, 2021
10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.

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The California High-Speed Rail Authority’s Small Business Program along with California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will host a virtual workshop on September 29, 2021, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Caltrans’ “Understanding Small Business Program Codes” presentation will provide an understanding of what codes (NAICS / Work, UNSPSC, and Keywords) are and how they are utilized by the State and other contractors. Participants will also learn about the tools available to them to research historic contract cost data and use it to make their bids more competitive.

The Workshop will include:

  • Understanding of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
  • Learn where to find information on NAICS codes.
  • How to update business profile codes in Cal eProcure / California Unified Certification Program’s (CUCP) DBE database.
  • How to determine which codes apply to their business.
  • And much more…

Please use the buttons below to register for the virtual workshop, to learn more about the Authority’s Small Business Program, and to learn more about DBE Certifications.
Zoom RegistrationExternal LinkSmall Business ProgramDBE CertificationExternal Link


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