California High-Speed Rail Authority Finance and Audit Committee Meeting Agenda (CANCELED)
May 19, 2022
8:30 AM
Download AgendaPDF Document F&A Materials
Main Location
California Department of Healthcare Services
The Auditorium
1500 Capitol Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95814
To provide public comment via telephone please use:
Access Code:
For this meeting, an opportunity for public comment on all agenda and non-agenda items will be provided at the outset of the meeting. Public comment will be offered in person or via telephone by dialing 877-692-8957 (Access Code: 3604978). Pre-registration is no longer required for public comment. Those persons who wish to comment in person are required to submit their requests to the Board Secretary before the start of the meeting by filling in the green cards. Typically, public comment will be limited to two minutes per person, however, the Chair may decide to shorten or lengthen the public comment periods, at his or her discretion.
In the status column, “A” denotes an “Action” item; “I” denotes an “Information” item; “C” denotes a “consent” item.
Agenda Item |
Responsible Party |
Status |
Approx. Duration |
1. Consider Approving the March 17, 2022 Finance and Audit Committee Meeting Minutes | N/A | A | 5 min. |
2. F&A Committee Chairperson’s Remarks, Initiatives, and Updates | Chairperson | I | 10 min. |
3. Data Validation and Grant Management | P. Rivera |
15 min.
4. Executive Summary by Chief Financial Officer
B. Annis | I | 25 min. |
5. Central Valley Update by Deputy Chief Operating Officer
K. DeYoung | I | 25 min. |
Reasonable Accommodation for Any Individual
Requests for reasonable accommodations, such as interpreters or assistive listening devices, require at least one week advance notice prior to the meeting/event. Please submit request to the High-Speed Rail Authority’s Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Branch at (916) 324-1541 or via email at
Adaptaciones razonables
Las solicitudes de adaptaciones razonables, como intérpretes o dispositivos de audición asistida, requieren al menos una semana de aviso previo antes de la reunión/evento. Haga su solicitud en la Oficina de Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Empleo (Equal Employment Opportunity, EEO) de la Autoridad del Sistema Ferroviario de Alta Velocidad al (916) 324-1541 o por correo electrónico a
如需同聲傳譯或助聽設備等合理的便利設施,需至少在會議/活動前一周給出提前通知。請提交申請至高速鐵路管理局的公平就業機會(EEO)辦公室,電話為(916) 324-1541,或請發送電郵至
Mga Makatuwirang Kaluwagan
Ang mga kahilingan para sa makatuwirang kaluwagan, tulad ng tagapagsalin ng wika o kagamitang pantulong sa pagdining, ay nangangailangan ng isang linggung paunang abiso bago ang pagpupulong/kaganapan. Mangyaring magsumite ng kahilingan sa Sangay ng Pantay na Pagkakataon sa Trabaho (Equal Employment Opportunity, EEO) ng Awtoridad ng Mabilis na Tren (High-Speed Rail Authority) sa (916) 324-1541 o sa pamamagitan ng email sa
합리적인 편의서비스
통역사 또는 청취 지원 장치 등의 합리적인 편의서비스에 대한 요청은 미팅/행사 적어도 1주일 전에 요청해야 합니다. 요청서를 고속철도청 평등한 고용기회(EEO) 지점, (916) 324-1541 또는 이메일로 보내 주십시오.
หากต้องการขอรับการอำนวยความสะดวกที่เหมาะสม เช่น ล่ามหรืออุปกรณ์ช่วยฟัง ต้องมีการแจ้งให้ทราบล่วงหน้าก่อนการประชุม/การจัดงานอย่างน้อยหนึ่งสัปดาห์ โปรดส่งคำขอไปยังสำนักงานสาขาโอกาสการจ้างงานที่เท่าทียมกัน (EEO) ของการรถไฟความเร็วสูงที่หมายเลข (916) 324-1541 หรือผ่านทางอีเมลที่

For consultation and/or translation support, call (916) 324-1541 or email
For TTY/TTD assistance, call (800) 881-5799 or the California Relay Service at 711.
Communications and Media Relations
(916) 322-1422
Privacy Officer
(916) 324-1541
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