NEWS RELEASE: High-Speed Rail Authority Opens Avenue 9 Overcrossing in Madera County to Traffic​

November 15, 2023

MADERA COUNTY, Calif. – The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) announced today the Avenue 9 overcrossing located in Madera County is now open to traffic. The Avenue 9 overcrossing is the 10th high-speed rail structure this year to be completed or opened to traffic in the Central Valley.

Designed and constructed by Tutor-Perini/Zachry/Parsons (TPZP), the Avenue 9 overcrossing is located just east of State Route 99. The overcrossing is 177 feet long, more than 66 feet wide, and will take traffic over the future high-speed rail tracks.
The Avenue 9 overcrossing is centered in the picture in afternoon hazy sunlight. A clear sky is above, and lush orchards are below, framing the structure, with the cleared right of way for future high-speed trains starkly visible beneath the structure. The right of way is stretching away off into the horizon, and under other structures in the far distance.
The Avenue 9 overcrossing is centered in the picture, taken from below, in the right-of-way for future 220 mph trains. The structure’s concrete is stark in the fall sunlight. A clear sky is above, and a hint of lush orchards are below, framing the structure.

Open above photos for larger versions.

“This has been a significant year of progress for the high-speed rail project and construction in the Central Valley,” said Garth Fernandez, Central Valley Regional Director. “We remain committed to work diligently across the Valley, complete more grade separations and open more roadways, all to ensure the safety of the community while we’re in construction and as we advance to deliver the nation’s first electrified high-speed rail system.”

Earlier this month, the Authority announced the completion of overcrossings at Kansas Avenue in Kings County, and Davis Avenue in Fresno County. Several other structures have also been completed throughout the year including overcrossings at Elkhorn Avenue in Fresno County; structures at Idaho and Dover Avenues in Kings County; and grade separations at Merced, McCombs, and Poso avenues in Kern County. The Cedar Viaduct, a high-speed rail structure that will take future trains over State Route 99 in south Fresno was also completed in May.

On average, the Authority dispatches nearly 1,500 workers daily to a high-speed rail construction site. Since the start of construction, the Authority has created more than 11,500 good-paying construction jobs, a majority going to residents of the Central Valley.

For more on construction, visit: www.buildhsr.comExternal Link

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Augie Blancas
559-720-6695 (c)


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