I Will Ride – Student Jobs
There are a variety of opportunities for students to gain experience working on the California high-speed rail project. We value students and know they are essential in building the nation’s first high-speed rail system. Below are descriptions of the different student job opportunities on the project.
Student Assistant Positions (State of California)
Student Assistant positions are jobs offered through the State of California for students to gain part-time experience with a state agency. Students can work in several units within a state agency including engineering, human resources, finance, accounting, IT, and strategic communications.
The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) occasionally has Student Assistant jobs available. Any Student Assistant job with the Authority will be posted on CalCareers.govExternal Link.
Read the Student Assistant HandoutPDF Document to learn more about Student Assistant Jobs with the State of California.
Fellowship Programs
The Authority has worked with several organizations to host fellows for their service term at the Authority. Such programs include the nationally recognized Sacramento State Capital Fellows ProgramExternal Link and the CivicSpark AmeriCorps programExternal Link.
School Partnerships for Internships
Schools throughout California house internship programs for students to gain real life job experience. These internship programs partner with agencies and ask the agencies to host interns for a short season. The Authority has worked with programs like the University of California, Berkeley’s Cal-in-Sacramento programExternal Link to host summer interns.
If you are a program administrator looking to explore a partnership with the Authority, contact us at iwillride@hsr.ca.gov.
Student Internships with Private Contractors
There are many private companies that work on the California High-Speed Rail Program as contractors. These private companies offer their own internships, fellowships, and entry level job opportunities that allow students to work on the California high-speed rail. You can find these companies by regularly checking what companies have been awarded contracts or ongoing procurements and bids at our Architectural & Engineering and Capital Procurements webpage.
If your company has a student opportunity related to the California High-Speed Rail Project that you would like to share in the next I Will Ride update, such as an internship, entry-level job, or scholarship, please send information about the opportunity to iwillride@hsr.ca.gov.
Education Partnerships
We’re proud our department has worked with the following education programs to give students experience working on the California high-speed rail either through student jobs or classroom projects.

Intern and Fellows Voices
I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to complete a fellowship at the High-Speed Rail Authority summer of 2024. As a senior at UC Berkeley studying Society and Environment with a minor in Public Policy, I was incredibly interested in environmental policy and HSR was the perfect place to learn and contribute to my professional development. The environment and people at HSR were so supportive and encouraging to work on what I was most passionate about, and I am so grateful for my experience!
My placement at the California High-Speed Rail Authority gave me immediate insight into what makes the state of California an exceptional place. I was surrounded by colleagues who are mission driven and passionate about delivering a transformative project to all Californians. The environment at the Authority was supportive and everyone pitched in to get the job done. I feel grateful to have been a part of this team and to contribute to the nation’s first high-speed rail.
My service year within the High-Speed Rail Authority allowed me to do meaningful work in a subject area I care about. After working on a project with the size and complexity of High-Speed Rail, the mentorship and experience I’ve gained will continue to shape my career path long into the future.
As a fellow on this project, I was surrounded by people who really cared about my professional growth. My mentors met with me regularly and provided me all the resources and training to be successful. I truly believe in this project and sometimes I can’t believe I get to be a part of bringing high-speed rail to California.
Serving as an Executive Fellow with the California High-Speed Rail Authority was an amazing experience. I learned a tremendous amount from my mentors and colleagues, and I feel honored to have had the opportunity to contribute to this transformative project. Working at the Authority affirmed my desire to pursue a career in urban planning so that I can continue to work on meaningful projects like high-speed rail in California.
I wanted to work on this project as I believe California High-Speed Rail is an integral part of the fight against climate change and the promotion of greater social and economic mobility. Equally important to my personal enthusiasm for the project were all the amazing, talented, and kind people I met during my fellowship. My mentors truly cared about me and worked to make my experience meaningful. I learned so many practical professional development skills and knowledge about government through my fellowship and feel so fortunate for the opportunity.
My fellowship with the California High-Speed Rail Authority allowed me to make connections and build experience that launched my career in sustainability and climate change.
More Information
You can contact representatives from the student outreach team at iwillride@hsr.ca.gov.
To request a California High-Speed Rail Authority speaker, fill out a form on the Speakers Bureau page.
You can find a full list of student jobs, internships, and fellowships in our I Will Ride newsletter.
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