Agreement Documents & Annual Reports
The Authority has maintained the primary responsibility for implementation of the provisions of the Section 106 Programmatic Agreement (PA), overseeing and guiding teams of professionally qualified historians and archaeologists tasked with conducting cultural resources technical studies for the project sections. The Authority submits the resulting technical reports specified in the PA to the California State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and consulting parties on behalf of FRA, and requests their concurrence with the findings in the reports. These findings are summarized in annual reports which are available below.
Confidentiality: The FRA and the Authority do not release cultural resources technical documents to the general public, unless redacted to exclude any sensitive information concerning the location and nature of historic properties and/or properties of religious and cultural significance.
Section 106 Programmatic Agreement
A Programmatic Agreement (PA) for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act was executed in July 2011 for the California High-Speed Rail Program. The PA requires that Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) be developed by the California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) for each individual project section in which the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) determines there would be an adverse effect to historic properties or when phased historic properties identification is necessary. View the Programmatic Agreement for Compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation ActPDF Document
Merced to Fresno Agreement Documents and Annual Reports
An MOA for the Merced to Fresno project section of the California high-speed rail system was executed in August 2012 to codify FRA’s and the Authority’s commitment to resolve adverse effects and to complete the phased historic properties identification effort prior to ground disturbing activities. In accordance with Stipulation V.I.1 of the MOA, this Annual Report summarizes all studies, reports, actions, evaluations, and monitoring reviewed or generated under the stipulations of the MOA, including all outreach and consultation efforts conducted as part of the implementation of this MOA and all efforts to identify, evaluate, and provide treatment for historic properties.
Fresno to Bakersfield Agreement Documents and Annual Reports
An MOA for the Fresno to Bakersfield project section of the California High-Speed Rail System was executed in May 2014 to codify FRA’s and the Authority’s commitment to resolve adverse effects and to complete the phased historic properties identification effort prior to ground disturbing activities. In accordance with Stipulation VIII.J of the MOA, this Annual Report summarizes all studies, reports, actions, evaluations, and monitoring reviewed or generated under the stipulations of the MOA; all outreach and consultation efforts conducted as part of the implementation of this MOA; and all efforts to evaluate and provide treatment for historic properties.
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