California High-Speed Rail Board of Directors Meeting
April 27-28
Main Location
California Department of Healthcare Services
The Auditorium
1500 Capitol Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95814
Download AgendaPDF Document Board Meeting Materials
April 27, 2022
10 AM
An opportunity for public comment on all April 27-28, 2022, agenda and non-agenda items other than agenda items 2,8,9,10, and 11 will be provided at the outset of the meeting. An opportunity for public comment on agenda items 2,8,9,10, and 11 will be offered after agenda item #2 has been presented. Public comment will be offered in person or via telephone by dialing 877-226-8189 (Access Code: 9526555). Pre-registration is no longer required for public comment. Those persons who wish to comment in person are required to submit their requests to the Board Secretary before the start of the meeting by filling in the green cards Typically, public comment will be limited to two minutes per person, however, the Chair may decide to shorten or lengthen the public comment periods, at his or her discretion.
In the Status column, “A” denotes an “Action” item; “I” denotes an “Information” item; “C” denotes a “consent” item.
Item Number | Agenda Item | Responsible Party | Status | Approx. Duration |
1 | Consider Approving the March 17, 2022, Board Meeting Minutes | Board | A | 5 min |
2 | Staff Presentation on the San Jose to Merced Project Section Final EIR/EIS and Proposed Selection of the Preferred Alternative (Alternative 4 with a San Jose Diridon Station, Gilroy Station, and South Gilroy Maintenance-of-Way Facility) and Related Decisions |
B. Lipkin/S. Stanich/G. Kennerley
I | 90 min |
An opportunity for public comment on agenda items 2,8,9,10, and 11 will be offered. Public comment will be offered in person or via telephone by dialing 877-226-8189 (Access Code: 9526555). Pre-registration is no longer required for public comment. Those persons who wish to comment in person are required to submit their requests to the Board Secretary before the start of the meeting by filling in the green cards. Typically, public comment will be limited to two minutes per person, however, the Chair may decide to shorten or lengthen the public comment periods, at his or her discretion. Following public comment, the Board may direct staff to address any questions or issues based on agenda item #2 and public comment.
The April 27, 2022, California High-Speed Rail Authority Monthly Board of Directors meeting will adjourn for a one-hour lunch break.
Item Number | Agenda Item | Responsible Party | Status | Approx. Duration |
3 | Consider Approving the Project Management and Funding Agreement for Los Angeles Union Station | B. Annis/B. Armistead | A | 30 min |
4 | Consider Providing Approval to Release a Request for Qualifications for Design Services for the Central Valley Stations | M. Cederoth | A | 30 min |
5 | Consider Adopting the 2022 Business Plan | B. Kelly | A | 30 min |
6 |
CEO Report
B. Kelly | I | 20 min |
7 | Finance and Audit Committee Report | T. Richards | I | 5 min |
The April 27, 2022, California High-Speed Rail Authority Monthly Board of Directors meeting will adjourn until April 28, 2022, 11:00 a.m.
April 28, 2022
11 AM
In the Status column, “A” denotes an “Action” item; “I” denotes an “Information” item; “C” denotes a “consent” item.
Item Number | Agenda Item | Responsible Party | Status | Approx. Duration |
8 | Staff Response to Public Comment Received Following Item #2 Staff Presentation on the San Jose to Merced Project Section Final EIR/EIS and Proposed Decisions |
B. Lipkin/ S. Stanich/ G. Kennerley |
I | 60 min |
9 | Consider certifying the San Jose to Merced Project Section Final EIR/EIS under the California Environmental Quality Act | M. Wu Morri/ J. Tucker Mohl |
A | 20 min |
10 | Consider Approving the Preferred Alternative (Alternative 4 with a San Jose Diridon Station, Gilroy Station, and South Gilroy Maintenance-of-Way Facility) including associated facilities and refinements, and the related California Environmental Quality Act Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Enforcement Plan for the San Jose to Merced Project Section | M. Wu Morri/J. Tucker Mohl | A | 20 min |
11 | Consider selecting the Preferred Alternative (as defined in Item 10) and Directing the Chief Executive Officer to sign the Draft Record of Decision and to issue it as a Final Record of Decision for the San Jose to Merced Project Section | M. Wu Morri | A | 20 min |

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