
2024 Business Plan

A Draft 2024 Business Plan was issued February 09, 2024, with a 60-day public comment period that ran through April 09, 2024. The Authority Board held a public hearing as part of its February 29 meeting. Comments were also received at two legislative hearings that took place on March 11 and 12. Comments have been submitted to the Authority online and via email as well. The 2024 Revised Draft Business Plan was approved by the Authority Board of Directors at its Wednesday, April 11, 2024, Board meeting. Additional changes requested by the Authority’s Office of Inspector General to more thoroughly address statutory requirements were subsequently incorporated into this 2024 Final Business Plan.

Download the Plan*PDF Document


Message From the CEO

  • The Authority is making meaningful progress toward operations with advancements in construction, design for project extensions, procurement of trainsets, and more.
  • The federal government has made significant investments in California High-Speed Rail, including over $3.3 billion in new grant funding awarded in 2023.
  • The Authority remains committed to building a modern, electrified high-speed rail system that meets the state’s climate and sustainability goals.

Letter from the CEO

official portrait of President Joe Biden standing in front of US flag

photo courtesy of

“To put all of this in perspective, this project in California is the most ambitious rail project in the entire Western hemisphere. It’s expected to carry 31 million passengers a year, will be 100 percent powered by renewable energy, and, once again, this project is about jobs. It’s already created 12,000 good-paying union construction jobs, with thousands more to come.”

- President Joseph Biden Jr.

Man wearing a dark blue suit, white shirt, and blue tie in front of an American flag and a U.S. Department of Transportation flag. He has short brown hair.

photo courtesy of

“California is leading the way on high-speed rail for the nation. We have 119-miles of construction in the Central Valley, dispatching [over a thousand] workers daily. With top speeds of 220 miles per hour to connect San Francisco to Los Angeles in under 3 hours, we’re working to transform transportation in California.”

- Pete Buttigieg, U.S. Transportation Secretary

Woman in with pearl earrings, wearing apink blazer and white top smiling. The woman has neck length brown hair. She is front of the Capital Mall and the Washington Monument.

photo courtesy of

“An electrified high-speed rail network will dramatically improve the quality of life in the Central Valley and up and down California. These bullet trains will make travel quicker and easier, bring housing closer, create new jobs and economic opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach, secure cleaner air for our children and help save our planet.”

- Nancy Pelosi, Speaker Emerita


  • The Authority was awarded $3.3 billion in new federal funds to advance the work on the initial operating segment between Merced and Bakersfield.
  • The Authority is advancing necessary procurements to move the project from construction into operations, including purchasing electrified trains and designing the track and systems needed for passenger service.
  • The first construction package (CP 4) covering 22.5 miles in the Central Valley reached substantial completion.
  • The Authority’s construction jobs exceeded 13,000 since the start of construction, and the average daily number of construction workers on the job sites reached a record high in 2023 (more than 1,600 workers).
  • The designs for the extensions to Merced and Bakersfield, as well as the four Central Valley stations, are on schedule, meeting contract milestones for 2023.

Progress and Benefits of High-Speed Rail

Click the image for more detail.

Board of Directors

Thomas Richards, Chair
Nancy Miller, Vice Chair
Ernest M. Camacho
Emily Cohen
Martha M. Escutia
James C. Ghielmetti
Henry Perea
Lynn Schenk
Anthony Williams

Chief Executive Officer

Brian P. Kelly

Ex Officio Board Members

Honorable Dr. Joaquin Arambula
Honorable Lena Gonzalez

California High-Speed Rail Authority

770 L Street, Suite 620
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 324-1541

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The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) is required by Public Utilities Code Section 185033 to prepare, publish, adopt, and submit an updated Business Plan to the Legislature on May 1. The statute also dictates that, at least 60 days prior to submittal to the Legislature, the Authority must publish a draft Business Plan for public review and comment. Business plans are published in even-numbered years. Business plans represent the status of the high-speed rail program at a point in time, and summarize the Authority’s approach to implementing the system. Business Plans include:

  • A summary of progress over the last two years
  • A review of current challenges and how to address them
  • Updated capital cost and other estimates
  • Updated ridership and revenue forecasts

The California High-Speed Rail Authority makes every effort to ensure the website and its contents meet mandated ADA requirements as per the California State mandated Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA standard. If you are looking for a particular document not located on the California High-Speed Rail Authority website, you may make a request for the document under the Public Records Act through the Public Records Act page. If you have any questions about the website or its contents, please contact the Authority at