Community Benefits Agreement

The Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) is designed to assist small businesses and job seekers in finding or obtaining construction contracts, jobs, and training opportunities for residents who live in economically-disadvantaged areas. The CBA supports employment of individuals who reside in disadvantaged areas and those designated as ‘disadvantaged workers’, including veterans; it also helps remove potential barriers for small businesses participation.

The CBA is a cooperative partnership and commitment between the High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority), skilled craft unions, and contractors. All construction contracts have a CBA, which is based on the Community Benefit Policy that promotes employment and business opportunities during the construction of the high-speed rail project. The Community Benefit Policy was approved by the Authority Board of Directors and signed by the Authority Chief Executive Officer in December 2012.


Letters of Assent

Attachment B
Letter Of Assent to community benefits agreement for the California High-Speed Rail project

The undersigned hereby certifies and agrees that:

  1. It is a C/S/E as that term is defined in Section 1.6 of the California High-Speed Rail Community Benefits Agreement (“Agreement”) because it has been, or will be, awarded a contract or subcontract to assign, award or subcontract Project Work on the Project, or to authorize another party to assign, award or subcontract Project Work, or to perform Project Work.
  2. In consideration of the award of such contract or subcontract, and in further consideration of the promises made in the Agreement and all attachments thereto (a copy of which was received and is hereby acknowledged), it accepts and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Agreement, together with any and all amendments and supplements now existing or which are later made thereto.
  3. If it performs Project Work, it will be bound by the legally established trust agreements designated in local master collective bargaining agreements, and hereby authorizes the parties to such local trust agreements to appoint trustees and successor trustee to administer the trust funds, and hereby ratifies and accepts the trustees so appointed as if made by the undersigned.
  4. It has no commitments or agreements that would preclude its full and complete compliance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement.
  5. It will secure a duly executed Letter of Assent, in form identical to this document, from any C/S/E(s) at any tier or tiers with which it contracts to assign, award, or subcontract Project Work, or to authorize another party to assign, award or subcontract Project Work, or to perform Project Work.

The following organizations have submitted a signed Letter of Assent to the Community Benefits Agreement. 

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