
加州高铁管理局(管理局)作为联邦牵头机构的角色是根据地面交通项目交付计划授权的,也称为 国家环境政策法 (NEPA) 任务,根据美国法典第 23 篇第 327 节以及 2019 年 7 月 23 日联邦铁路管理局 (FRA) 与加利福尼亚州 (州) 之间通过加利福尼亚州运输署行事的谅解备忘录 (MOU) 和权威。谅解备忘录规定,FRA 就谅解备忘录中确定的铁路项目指定并承担 FRA 遵守 NEPA 和其他联邦环境法的责任,包括环境审查、咨询和其他必要行动的责任。为履行谅解备忘录规定的职责,国家被视为 FRA。这些指定的联邦职责由管理局履行,并由加利福尼亚州交通局和州监督。谅解备忘录中分配给国家的铁路项目包括管理局的项目、直接连接到加州高速铁路系统和 ACE 车站的某些铁路项目向前 Altamont Corridor Express 系统内的项目。斯托克顿钻石项目由圣华金地区铁路委员会 (SJRRC) 赞助,是 ACE 的一部分向前 项目套件。



项目赞助商:圣华金地区铁路委员会 (SJRRC)

项目状态: 截至 2022 年 7 月 28 日,管理局和 SJRRC 已完成 Stockton 钻石等级分离项目(Project)的 NEPA 流程,最终 EA 和 FONSI 可在 Stockton Diamond 网站上获取,链接如下。在 2022 年 4 月 27 日 EA 草案的 30 天公众意见征询期结束后,管理局和 SJRRC 继续 NEPA 流程并审查意见、提供回复并准备最终 EA。请参阅 SJRRC 项目网站以获取完整的项目文件和信息,包括所有项目阶段的当前状态。

网站: https://stocktondiamond.com/resources/

圣华金地区铁路委员会 (SJRRC) 提议建造斯托克顿钻石级分离项目(项目),这是一个重要的客运和货运流动性项目,将在现有的斯托克顿钻石铁路交叉口。 SJRRC 是加州环境质量法案 (CEQA) 下的牵头机构,也是国家环境政策法案 (NEPA) 下的联合牵头机构。加州高速铁路管理局(管理局)是 NEPA 分配计划下的联邦牵头机构。

2020 年 8 月 19 日,SJRRC 正式启动了斯托克顿钻石级分离项目(项目)的环境审查程序,并附有环境影响报告 (EIR) 的准备通知 (NOP)。当 NOP 发布时,环境文件作为 CEQA/NEPA 联合文件提交给利益相关者和公众。 SJRRC 作为 CEQA 牵头机构,与作为 NEPA 牵头机构的管理局协调,受 FRA 的委托,准备一份 EIR/环境评估 (EA)。由于资金期限的考虑,CEQA/NEPA 文件被拆分,SJRRC 为该项目准备了一份 EIR,该项目于 2021 年 6 月 4 日被 SJRRC 董事会通过。SJRRC 和管理局随后共同准备了一份 EA 草案和最终 EA项目符合 NEPA。 SJRRC 是 NEPA 下的项目发起人和联合牵头机构。

该项目位于加利福尼亚州圣华金县斯托克顿市的斯托克顿市中心以南,靠近南奥罗拉街和东斯科茨大道。撞击区域以北的罗伯特 J. 卡布拉尔站为界;南面的 UP Stockton Yard,大约位于东四街;南朝圣者街向东;和向西的南格兰特街(见下图 1)。

该项目将通过将 UP 主线轨道抬高到 BNSF 主线轨道之上,构建 BNSF 和 UP 铁路线的坡度分离,以减少铁路拥堵,并允许客运和货运铁路交通不间断地通过交叉口。目前,BNSF Stockton Subdivision 和 UP Fresno Subdivision 分别由两条主要轨道组成,它们在一个被称为 Stockton Diamond 的平交道处彼此相交。这个铁路交叉口是加州最繁忙的地面铁路交叉口。整个中央山谷的乘客和货运以及更广泛的国家网络上的货运都经历了严重的拥堵和延误服务。目前,轨道的地面配置导致该地区的客运和货运列车严重延误,包括服务于斯托克顿港的列车。火车拥堵还会导致道路-铁路交叉口的车辆延误,并造成潜在的机动车辆、铁路、自行车和行人冲突。减少这些冲突可以通过关闭交叉口以及改善多个道路/铁路平交道口的自行车、行人和道路改善斯托克顿市居民的安全、通道和流动性。

SJRRC 拥有并运营连接斯托克顿和圣何塞的客运铁路项目的 Altamont Corridor Express 计划。 圣华金联合权力机构 (SJJPA) 管理 Amtrak San Joaquins 城际客运铁路服务。目前的 ACE 和圣华金城际客运铁路服务受到地面 Stockton Diamond Interlock 地面交叉口的限制,这会降低客运和货运铁路服务的可靠性和准时性能。等级分离将有助于提高 SJRRC 和 SJJPA 的运营绩效,因为它们在中央山谷、萨克拉门托和旧金山湾区之间提供服务。圣华金县的公交对该地区也很重要,包括快速公交系统、城际和区域间公交服务、ACE 通勤铁路服务和圣华金城际铁路服务。


该项目的公共利益将扩展到整个地区的驾车者、行人、铁路乘客、货运托运人和居民。其他好处包括减少燃料消耗、降低货运铁路运输成本以及改善旅行时间和可靠性。正如 EA 中描述和解释的那样,该项目将对项目研究区域的长期空气质量、交通运输以及视觉质量和美学产生整体有益的影响。

图 1. 项目研究区

Map of impacted streets of the project in Stockton with map key for important locations

Project: Link Union Station

Project: Link Union Station (Link US)

Project Sponsor: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) 

Project Status: On June 21, 2024, the California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) and Metro released the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Supplemental EIR (EIS/SEIR) for a 45-day public review and comment period in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The 45-day public review and comment period begins on June 21, 2024 and ends on August 9, 2024.  

OPEN HOUSE AND PUBLIC HEARING: Metro will hold an open house and public hearing to explain the Project and the Draft EIS/SEIR analysis. Comments from the public may be submitted at the public hearing via comment card or court reporter. Information regarding the open house and public hearing is provided below. 

日期: Tuesday, July 9, 2024 

时间: 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. 

Location: Metro Headquarters, One Gateway Plaza, Board Room, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012   

Please refer to the Link US project website for complete Project documents and information including Open House and Public Hearing details. 


项目介绍: 地铁 is proposing the Link US Project to address existing capacity constraints at Los Angeles Union Station (LAUS). The Project consists of transforming LAUS from a stub end tracks station into a run-through tracks station by extending ten platform tracks south of LAUS Platforms 2 through 6 that would merge into a minimum of four tracks on the U.S. Highway 101 (US-101) viaduct and continue south to connect to mainline tracks along the west bank of the Los Angeles River, replacing the existing pedestrian passageway under the LAUS platforms and tracks with a new expanded passageway, and establishing 10 new run-through tracks for regional/intercity trains and future high-speed rail trains south of LAUS. The Project also includes off-site railroad improvements to BNSF Railway’s Malabar Yard in the City of Vernon. The Malabar Yard railroad improvements consist of the closure of the 49th Street at-grade railroad crossing and a new track connection between two existing track segments along 46th Street in the City of Vernon. Metro is the lead agency under CEQA and joint lead agency under NEPA. The Authority is the federal lead agency under the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) NEPA Assignment Program. 

In May 2016, pursuant to the requirements of NEPA and CEQA, FRA (federal lead agency at the time) and Metro issued a Notice of Intent/Notice of Preparation to prepare a joint EIS/EIR for the Link US Project. In October 2018, Metro elected to prepare a standalone Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in compliance with CEQA and certified the Final EIR on June 27, 2019. In October 2021, Metro approved CEQA Addendum No.1 to the Final EIR. Since certification of the Final EIR and approval of the CEQA Addendum, there have been minor additions or changes to the Project, which requires the preparation of a Supplemental EIR. Therefore, in April 2023, the Authority and Metro agreed to prepare a joint EIS/Supplemental EIR to complete the NEPA and CEQA process. The final EIS/SEIR is expected in early 2025.  

The Project is located in Downtown Los Angeles in the vicinity of LAUS (see Figure 1 below). LAUS is located at 800 Alameda Street in the City of Los Angeles, California. LAUS is bounded by US-101 to the south, Alameda Street to the west, Cesar Chavez Avenue to the north, and Vignes Street to the east. The Project extends from the northern terminus at North Main Street to the southern terminus south of First Street in the City of Los Angeles. 

The Link US Project comprises several key components: 

  1. New lead tracks with an elevated rail yard with new platforms and canopies 
  2. New concourse-related improvements, including a 140-foot-wide expanded passageway below the rail yard with new escalators and elevators
  3. New run-through tracks south of the LAUS over US-101 
  4. Accommodation of the Authority’s planned high-speed rail (HSR) system on common rail infrastructure to support future HSR trains 
  5. New rail communications, signals, and safety improvements 

At the BNSF West Bank Yard, dedicated lead tracks for Amtrak trains and BNSF trains, in combination with implementation of common rail infrastructure would result in permanent loss of freight rail storage track capacity at the north end of BNSF West Bank Yard (5,500 track feet). As proposed mitigation to offset the permanent loss of freight storage tracks at the BNSF West Bank Yard, Metro would implement two railroad improvements at BNSF’s Malabar Yard in the City of Vernon, as described below (see Figure 2 below) : 

  1. Closure of the at-grade railroad crossing at 49th Street; and  
  2. New 1,000-foot track connection along 46th Street between Pacific Boulevard and Seville Avenue. 

The Project’s benefits include increasing regional/intercity rail capacity, improving transit connectivity, enabling one-seat rides on the regional/intercity rail systems across Southern California and accommodating the planned HSR system at LAUS.  


Figure 2: Link Union Station Project Study Area and Malabar Yard Study Area

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