CEO Report
May 16, 2024
HSR 2024 Milestones | Newly Submitted Grant Applications | Central Valley Station Open Houses | Small Business/Procurement Outreach Event | Brightline West Groundbreaking |Relevant Materials |
Goals to complete this year
- Project Delivery
- Surpass 14k construction jobs
- Achieve construction project milestones
- Stations
- Complete schematic designs for Central Valley Stations by Q3
- Complete Fresno Historic Depot design
- Complete Fresno Plaza design
- Rail Operations/Procurements
- Release RFP and award contract for trainsets
- Award contract for Track and Systems design
- Conduct Industry Forum
- Litigation
- Work toward settlement on existing CEQA litigation (Brisbane, Baylands Development, Inc.)
- Federal Partnership
- Apply for nine federal grants
- Complete renewal of NEPA assignment
- Obligate all grant awards from 2023.
- Project Controls/Risk
- Update master schedule for 171-mile early operating segment
- Complete cost review for Palmdale to Burbank Section
- Strategic Delivery
- Get to 30% design for Bakersfield and Merced extensions
- Begin right-of-way acquisitions for Bakersfield and Merced extensions
- Certify environmental documents for Palmdale to Burbank segment
- Issue draft EIR/EIS for Los Angeles to Anaheim segment
- Strategic Communications
- Complete exhibit for California State Fair (July 2024)
- Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE)
- Merced integrated station work
- RAISE Program Eligibility and Purpose:
- Invest in roads, rail, transit and port projects to achieve national objectives.
- Application Overview:
- The Project is the Final Design phase of the Merced Integrated Multimodal Station (Project). The Merced Station will be designed to maximize seamless multimodal opportunities. It will serve passenger needs more effectively and increase rail and bus ridership.
- The station design will include: canopies and platforms; elevators, escalators and concourses; electric vehicle charging; and parking and drop-off areas.
- Additional Information:
- Grant request of about $16 million, matched with about $4 million.
- 2024 Grant Application Submitted February 28, 2024
- Grid Resilience and Innovation Program (GRIP)
- Electric power transmission
- GRIP Program Eligibility and Purpose:
- Supports innovation for electric power transmission and distribution capacity and resiliency.
- Application Overview:
- The Authority’s Project will deploy and demonstrate an innovative and grid-optimal energy system. The Project will deploy behind-the-meter solar photovoltaic energy generation to serve four Traction Power Substations and a battery energy storage system.
- These Microgrid systems will power High-Speed Rail and can reduce peak demands and energy intensity on the transmission grid and enable community resilience to members of the district and adjacent communities.
- Additional Information:
- HSR submitted a concept paper to US DOE and was encouraged to apply in 2024.
- Grant request of about $60.2 million, matched with about $60.2 million.
- Application Submitted April 12, 2024.
- National Infrastructure Project Assistance (Megaprojects)
- Merced integrated station work
- GRIP Program Eligibility and Purpose:
- Broad eligibility for different types of infrastructure.
- Application Overview:
- The application is for the Merced Integrated Multimodal Station (Project), a planned mobility hub in downtown Merced designed to maximize seamless multimodal opportunities.
- The Project will serve as a “Northern California Gateway” with services, including:
- High-Speed Rail to Fresno and Bakersfield with connections South;
- Amtrak’s San Joaquin service to Oakland and Sacramento;
- Altamont Commuter Express service to San José and Sacramento; and
- Interregional and Merced County Transit bus services, including to Yosemite National Park.
- Additional Information:
- Grant request of about $236.1 million, matched with about $157.4 million.
- Application Submitted May 6, 2024.
Four open houses were held in:
- Bakersfield
- Hanford
- Fresno
- Bakersfield
650+ people attended over four days
Earned media audience: 463 million clicks
Publicity value: 4.4 million
Feedback will continue to inform station design work
- May 7, 2024
- 180 participants
- 27 small businesses/firms set up tables for outreach
See PowerPoint for photos from the event.
- Board Memo for May 2024 CEO Report.PDF Document
- PowerPoint Presentation for May 2024 CEO Report.PDF Document
- Video of May 2024 CEO Report (when available)
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