Federal Grants

Federal Grants

Securing large new federal grants is a necessary and critical step to achieve the California High-Speed Rail Authority’s (Authority) goal of delivering high-speed passenger rail by 2030. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) grant opportunities of more than $75 billion have been identified, making significant funding available for projects like high-speed rail to compete for.

The Authority is uniquely positioned to immediately deploy new federal funding investments that will supplement current state funds toward the delivery of the initial high-speed rail line between Merced and Bakersfield and to advance design on crucial segments in both Northern and Southern California.

The Authority will continue to submit multiple federal grant applications annually over the 5-year BIL program with a total award target of $8 billion. If funding is provided at this level, the federal share would increase to between 35 and 37%.

Recent Federal Investment

Over the last few years, the Authority has received $69 million in funding from three Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grants, almost $202 million from the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) grant program and nearly $3.1 billion from the Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Program, totaling over $3.3 billion. Further detail on these grants is included in the table below.

Early Federal Investment

The Authority received approximately $3.5 billion in federal funding commitments to complete environmental review for the Phase 1 system and to construct the 119-mile Central Valley Segment between Madera and Poplar Avenue.

Of this:

  • $2.5 billion was from the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and;
  • $929 million was appropriated by Congress from Fiscal Year 2010 (FY10) Transportation, Housing and Urban Development funds.

These funds were awarded by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) through federal grants. This partnership was instrumental in enabling the Authority to advance the program into construction. The $2.5 billion in ARRA funding was fully expended before the statutory deadline and in compliance with the FRA grant requirement. In January 2022, the FRA fully approved the Authority’s state match, about 12 months ahead of the deadline.

Per the terms of the federal grant agreement, the $929 million of FY10 funds, along with $360 million of state matching funds, are scheduled to be the last funding required to complete the federal grant scope of work.

More on these grants can be found on our Capital Costs and Funding page.

The chart below highlights federal grant funding awarded and pending to date.

Grant ProgramDateAmountScope
$2.5BThe ARRA grant provided HSR with $2.5 billion in federal funding, which was fully expended by the statutory deadline of October 2017. In January 2022, the Authority achieved its state match requirement ($2.5 billion), approximately one year ahead of schedule.
$929MThe FY10 grant provides the Authority with $929 million and has state match requirement of $360 million. The period of performance under the grant is through 2026 with planned expenditures to start in the summer of 2024.
August 2017
$600KThe Brownfields EPA grant targeted Project Development work in the Los Angeles-Anaheim region. This grant was closed out with all tasks and deliverables met in March 2023.
November 2021
$24M (Grant Awarded)

$84M (Total Project Cost)
The grant was awarded to fund crucial safety, efficiency, and construction projects in and around the City of Wasco.
August 2022
$25M (Grant Awarded)

$41M (Total Project Cost)
This grant was awarded to fund design for the Merced Extension of the California High-Speed Rail project. The project will design civil infrastructure, track and systems and station platforms from Madera to Merced.
June 2023
$20M (Grant Awarded)

$33M (Total Project Cost)
This grant was awarded to fund the Fresno Historic Depot Renovation and Plaza Activation Project, and to integrate zero emissions vehicle infrastructure into historically disadvantaged communities.
September 2023
$202M (Grant Awarded)

$292M (Total Project Cost)
This grant was awarded to fund complete design, purchase right-or-way and construct six grade separations in the city of Shafter.
Corridor IdentificationAwarded
December 2023
No monetary request, but acceptance into the program came with $500,000Acceptance into this program included California High-Speed Rail in the National Rail Network.
Federal-State PartnershipAwarded
December 2023
$3.073B (Grant Awarded)

$3.842 B (Total Project Cost)
Inaugural High-Speed Service:

  • Procure 6 electric trainsets for testing and use

  • Fund design and construction of trainset facilities

  • Fund design and construction of the Fresno station

  • Fund final design and right-of-way acquisition for the Merced and the Bakersfield extensions

  • Construction, including track and systems, for the Merced-Bakersfield Initial Operating Segment

September 2024
$89.65M (Applied)

$112.06M (Total Project Cost)
The Le Grand Road Overcrossing Project consists of the following elements:

  • Construction of the Le Grand Road Overcrossing;

  • Closing of two at-grade crossings at Ranch Road and Lingard Road;

  • Construction of new connecting roads to reach the Le Grand Road Overcrossing; and

  • Construction management, project management and reporting.
September 2024
$127M (Applied)

$254M (Total Project Cost)
Chowchilla and Fairmead Community Improvements include the following elements:

  • Construction of two new grade-separated crossings at State Route 152;

  • Installation of walking and biking infrastructure;

  • Creation of a multi-use trail;

  • Modifications of water supply and sewer systems; and

  • Construction of a community center.

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