2020 Business Plan
A Draft 2020 Business Plan was issued February 12, 2020, with an initial 60-day public comment period that was extended due to the COVID-19 pandemic to June 1, 2020. Subsequently, final adoption was further extended to April 15, 2021.
A Revised Draft 2020 Business Plan was issued on February 9, 2021, including an additional 30-day comment period. The 2020 Business Plan was adopted by the Authority Board of Directors on Thursday, March 25, and submitted to the state legislature on Monday, April 12, 2021.
For questions and to leave comments, please reach out to us at:
(916) 324-1541
Chapter Highlights
Message From the CEO
- We adapted quickly to address the immediate circumstances associated with the pandemic
- COVID-19 has impacted virtually every aspect of our organization and program, including our schedules and costs
- We hit an all-time high of 1,208 daily workers dispatched to 35 open job sites in the Central Valley during November 2020, almost doubling the number of workers dispatched at the start of the pandemic
- Our recent progress will culminate in significant milestones and actions by the Authority over the next 12-15 months
“High-speed rail is much more than a train project. It’s about economic transformation and unlocking the enormous potential of the Valley.”
- We are moving from yesterday to tomorrow’s electrified rail transportation future.
- The first segment is under construction in the Central Valley, creating more than 5,000 good-paying labor jobs to date and visibly changing the landscape all along the 119-mile first construction segment.
- Over the next two years, the 500-mile Phase 1 alignment from San Francisco to Los Angeles/Anaheim will be identified and environmental documents completed and will be ready for advanced design.
- Current recommendations call for the first high-speed rail interim service to be operational between Merced and Bakersfield, creating the opportunity for riders to experience 220 mph, electrified high-speed rail in California.
- The state match to the first federal grant agreement is complete and environmental work and construction continues using Proposition 1A and Cap-and-Trade funds.
- COVID-19 impacts are being managed and mitigated, and risk assessments, costs and schedules are being updated.
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) State-match Status Update::
ARRA State-match status text description of the pie chart
The chart describes the matching funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Currently, the Authority is fulfilling ARRA grant’s state match obligation under the tapered match provision. As of February 2021, nearly $2.5 billion, 100% percent of the total ARRA match required, have been recorded.
Numerical values presented on the image:
Status | Dollar amount (in millions) | Percentage of corresponding match |
Pending FRA Approval | $909 | 36% |
FRA Approved | $1,591 | 64% |
Total - State Match Invoices Sent to FRA | $2.5 billion | 100% |
Where we are today
Caltrain Peninsula Corridor Electrification Project
This 51-mile corridor is under construction representing the first phase of high-speed rail development in Northern California. The Authority has dedicated $714 million towards this construction.
Los Angeles Union Station
The Authority is working with LA Metro on the development of this station and track upgrades. The Authority contributed $18 million towards the environmental review underway, and will complete this year a funding agreement for $423 million towards Phase A construction.
Where We Are Today text description
This map shows current progress of high-speed rail in California, including 119 miles of high-speed rail under construction in the Central Valley, environmental documents completed in areas to the north and south of construction, environmental documents underway in the Bay Area and Los Angeles/Anaheim area, planned station locations, key station locations in San Francisco and Los Angeles, funded grade separation projects in the Bay Area and Los Angeles Basin, and 130 miles of high-speed rail between the Nevada border and Victorville.
Technical Reports
- 50-Year Lifecycle Capital Cost Model Documentation
- Revised Capital Cost Basis of Estimate Report
- High, Medium and Low Cash Flow Analysis
- Operations and Maintenance Cost Model Documentation
- Ridership and Revenue Forecasting
- Service Planning Methodology
- Ridership and Revenue Risk Analysis
- Ridership and Revenue Model
Supplemental Reports
- Business Case Assessment Study
- Central Valley Segment System Management Operations Interim Financial Plan
- Side by Side Study – Quantitative Report
- 2019 Equivalent Capacity Analysis Report
- RSG Peer Review of Side-by-Side Study
- Side-By-Side Comparison: Southern California High-Speed Rail Financial Study, Peninsula Corridor Financial Study, Central Valley Segment Financial Study
Board of Directors
Thomas Richards, Chair
Nancy Miller, Vice Chair
Andre Boutros
Ernest M. Camacho
Martha M. Escutia
James C. Ghielmetti
Henry Perea
Lynn Schenk
Anthony Williams
Chief Executive Officer
Brian P. Kelly
Ex Officio Board Members
Honorable Dr. Joaquin Arambula
Honorable Jim Beall
California High-Speed Rail Authority
770 L Street, Suite 620
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 324-1541
If you need a particular document on the Authority’s website translated, you may submit a document translation request to the Title VI Coordinator via email at TitleVICoordinator@hsr.ca.gov.
The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) is required by Public Utilities Code Section 185033 to prepare, publish, adopt, and submit an updated Business Plan to the Legislature on May 1. Statute also dictates that, at least 60 days prior to submittal to the Legislature, the Authority must publish a draft Business Plan for public review and comment. Business plans are published in even-numbered years, and the next business plan will be issued in 2022.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the adoption of the final 2020 Business Plan was extended. The Revised Draft 2020 Business Plan was issued February 9, 2021, with an additional 30-day comment period through March 12, 2021. The 2020 Business Plan was adopted by the Authority Board of Directors on Thursday, March 25, and then submitted to the state legislature on Monday, April 12, 2021.
Business plans represent the status of the high-speed rail program at a point in time, and summarize the Authority’s approach to implementing the system. Business Plans include:
- Summary of progress over last two years
- Review current challenges and how to address them
- Updated capital cost and other estimates
- Updated ridership and revenue forecasts
The California High-Speed Rail Authority makes every effort to ensure the website and its contents meet mandated ADA requirements as per the California State mandated Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA standard. If you are looking for a particular document not located on the California High-Speed Rail Authority website, you may make a request for the document under the Public Records Act through the Public Records Act page. If you have any questions about the website or its contents, please contact the Authority at info@hsr.ca.gov.