Construction Jobs
Looking to make a change? Join our team.
Working on the nation’s first high-speed rail program is exciting, innovative, fast-paced and requires a variety of experts including planners, designers, builders and eventually operators.
Currently, more than 15,000 jobs have been created building high-speed rail in the Central Valley. As construction continues there will continue to be a high demand for electricians, cement workers, steel laborers and more. Job-specific skills are essential in building the supportive structures for the high-speed rail system. These are steady union jobs that provide union wages and benefits. We are seeking individuals who can help us accomplish our objectives, meet new challenges and explore ground-breaking opportunities. Contact the job coordinators for the Design Build Contractors below to find out about jobs on the construction packages.
For more information about jobs with high-speed rail contractors, visit our Contractors page for the latest information about contract opportunities.
Construction Package 1
Construction Package 2-3
Construction Package 4
Pre-Apprentice Training Programs
The Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board is currently recruiting for its Construction Pre-Apprentice training. This training is in partnership with the Plumbers, Cement Masons, Iron Workers, Teamsters, Sheet Metals Workers, Pipefitters, Electricians and Operating Engineers Building Trades Unions. Visit valleybuild.netExternal Link to sign up. The Authority partnered with the City of Selma to announce the creation of the Central Valley Training CenterExternal Link, a workforce development center to provide pre-apprenticeship classes and hands-on construction training for residents up and down the Central Valley who are looking for work on the nation’s first high-speed rail project. Visit cvtcprogram.comExternal Link to find out more or to sign up.
Professional Services Jobs
As part of building the nation’s first high-speed rail system, there has been a tremendous need for professional services including architects, engineers, planners, rail specialists and other related services. Such work is necessary to complete Phase I of the high-speed rail system from San Francisco to the Los Angeles area. Learn more about State of California Jobs, External LinkAECOM Jobs (Program Delivery Support)External Link, and Network Rail Consulting Jobs (Rail Systems Engineering Services)External Link.
Putting Small Businesses to Work
Small businesses play a major role in high-speed rail. The Authority is putting small, minority, women, and veteran owned businesses to work and is committed to making active participation of small businesses a priority in all contracting phases of the high-speed rail project. Visit our Small Business page to find out more about the program, or find out how to get connected using our free ConnectHSR online vendor registry.
Get the Facts on Jobs
Jobs dispatched to build high-speed rail
(as of February 28, 2025)
7,543 Total National Targeted Hiring Initiative (NTHI)PDF Document Workers
491 Total DisadvantagedPDF Document Workers
9,529 Total Journeyman Workers
1,846 Total Apprentice Workers
*Jobs Created is a comprehensive count of all jobs that have been employed by this project. This number takes into account employees who have worked with one or more subcontractors and have held one or more job(s) on this contract.
MAP | Construction Package 1-4PDF Document

Construction Package 1-4 Map
State Jobs
Job Openings
Job openings with the California High-Speed Rail Authority are posted on the CalCareersExternal Link website. Obtaining employment with the California High-Speed Rail Authority involves a competitive testing and application process that consists of two phases. Read below to learn more about how to apply.
- Current OpeningsExternal Link
- Career Executive Assignment (CEA) and Exempt Job OpeningsExternal Link
How to Apply
All applicants must complete a state application through CalCareer.
- Online CalCareer AccountExternal Link
- State ApplicationPDF DocumentExternal Link
- High-Speed Rail Authority State Careers FactsheetPDF Document
Obtaining employment with the California High-Speed Rail Authority involves a competitive testing and application process that consists of two phases:
- Search for an Exam – You may only apply for exams designated as “open” if you are new to State employment. Any person meeting the minimum qualifications as stated on the specific exam announcement may apply for open examinations. Browse current open examsExternal Link Exam/Assessment SearchExternal Link
- Apply for an Exam – Review the exam bulletin and determine if you meet all the criteria, including the minimum qualifications and location. Once you‘ve determined you meet the stated criteria, apply for the exam by completing the Standard State ApplicationPDF DocumentExternal Link. Refer to the exam bulletin to determine the preferred method of applying for the exam.
- Prepare for the Exam – The exam bulletin indicates the types of testing used for the exam. This may include written tests, structured (oral) interviews, supplemental applications, education and experience, or Internet exam. Review the “Examination Information” section to find what type of test will be used and how the test will be scored. Read the “Examination Scope” section to determine what knowledge, skills, and abilities may be tested.
- After the Exam – Successful exam candidates are placed on an employment list and can start applying for job openings in the classification for which they have tested. State eligible lists are divided into ranks by score. Only candidates in the top three ranks are immediately eligible for appointment.
Student Jobs
There are a variety of opportunities for students to gain experience working on the California high-speed rail project. Students that have worked on the project have gone on to land full-time positions with the State, our prime contractors and small businesses. The Authority, and many other departments throughout California provide Student Assistant jobs covering a wide range of work including information technology, engineering, human resources, and strategic communications. We value students and know they are essential in building the nation’s first high-speed rail system, whether from the office or a construction site.
For more information on how to get involved or how to get a student job with the Authority, check out the I Will Ride page and the Internships and Fellowships page.
General Information
Questions or comments related to job opportunities may be directed to the Authority’s Human Resources Branch at 916-324-1541 or humanresources@hsr.ca.gov.
- Compensation & Benefits: New & Current EmployeesExternal Link
- Limited Examination and Appointment Program (LEAP)
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- CalHR Career Mobility Resources
The California High-Speed Rail Authority makes every effort to ensure the website and its contents meet mandated ADA requirements as per the California State mandated Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA standard. If you are looking for a particular document not located on the California High-Speed Rail Authority website, you may make a request for the document under the Public Records Act through the Public Records Act page. If you have any questions about the website or its contents, please contact the Authority at info@hsr.ca.gov.