Project Level Environmental & Engineering Guidelines, Studies & Reports
- Project Level Environmental Analysis Methodology Guidelines Version 5.11
- Project Environmental Document: Style and Preparation Guidelines
- MOU: National Environmental Policy Act, Clean Water Act Section 404 and Rivers and Harbors Act Section 14 Integration Process for the California High-Speed Train Program
- Section 106 Programmatic Agreement for National Historic Preservation Act
This content is not available online. However, you may make a request for content under the Public Records Act through the Public Records Act page. If you have any questions about the website or its contents, please contact the Authority at
Environmental & Engineering Technical Memos
- TM 0.0a Design Terms, Abbreviations and AcronymsPDF Document
Release date: 8/08/12
Current revision: R2 - TM 0.1 Preliminary Engineering for Project Definition Guidelines PDF Document
Release date: 3/16/15
Current revision: R4 - TM 0.1.1 Preliminary Engineering for Procurement ScopePDF Document
Release date: 12/31/13
Current revision: R3 - TM 0.3 CHSTP Basis of Design ReportPDF Document
Release date: 6/21/13
Current revision: R3 - TM 0.3.1 Basis of Design for Blended OperationPDF Document
Release date: 3/30/15
Current revision: R0 - TM 0.5 Coordination with CaltransPDF Document
Release date: 12/30/09
Current revision: R1 - TM 0.6 Risk Register Development ProtocolPDF Document
Release date: 3/11/10
Current revision: R1 - TM 0.7 Design Submittal ProtocolPDF Document
Release date: 8/30/10
Current revision: R2
- TM 1.1.1 Codes, Regulations, Design Standards, and GuidelinesPDF Document
Release date: 7/10/09
Current revision: R0 - TM 1.1.2 Design LifePDF Document
Release date: 6/08/09
Current revision: R0 - TM 1.1.4 Engineering Mapping and SurveysPDF Document
Release date: 3/16/10
Current revision: R1 - TM 1.1.5 CADD GuidelinesPDF Document
Release date: 8/24/12
Current revision: R3 - TM CHSTP Plan Prep Manual PDF Document
Release date: 08/24/12
Current revision: R0 - TM 1.1.6 Alignment Standards for Shared Use Corridor – LA to AnaheimPDF Document
Release date: 1/03/08
Current revision: R0 - TM 1.1.8 Proposed Methodology for Demarcation of Territorial Subdivisions and Milepost NumericsPDF Document
Release date: 3/24/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 1.1.10 High-Speed Equipment Structure GaugesPDF Document
Release date: 3/24/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 1.1.18 Design Variance GuidelinesPDF Document
Release date: 10/20/14
Current revision: R3 - TM 1.1.19 15% Capital Cost MethodPDF Document
Release date: 1/11/11
Current revision: R1 - TM 1.1.21 Typical Cross Sections for 15% DesignPDF Document
Release date: 8/23/13
Current revision: R1 - TM 1.1.22 30% Cost Estimating MethodologyPDF Document
Release date: 3/11/11
Current revision: R0 - TM 1.1.24 Production Guide for Special Provisions PDF Document
Release date: 04/30/13
Current revision: R0
- TM 100.01 Peer ReviewPDF Document
Release date: 1/11/11
Current revision: R0 - TM 100.03 FRA Drawing Review PDF Document
Release date: 02/14/12
Current revision: R0 - TM 100.07 Value Engineering Implementation Plan PDF Document
Release date: 06/21/13
Current revision: R0
- TM 1600.01 Verification and Validation Management Plan PDF Document
Release date: 06/21/13
Current revision: R0 - TM 1600.02 Interface Management Plan PDF Document
Release date: 06/21/13
Current revision: R0
- TM 2.1.2 Alignment Design Standards for High-Speed Train OperationPDF Document
Release date: 4/08/09
Current revision: R0 - TM 2.1.3 Turnouts and Station TracksPDF Document
Release date: 6/29/09
Current revision: R0 - TM 2.1.7 Rolling Stock and Vehicle Intrusion Protection for High-Speed Rail and Adjacent Transportation SystemsPDF Document
Release date: 6/21/13
Current revision: R1 - TM 2.1.8 Turnouts and Yard TracksPDF Document
Release date: 7/17/09
Current revision: R0 - TM 2.2.2 Station Program Design GuidelinesPDF Document
Release date: 6/07/11
Current revision: R1 - TM 2.2.3 High-Speed Train Passenger Station Site Design GuidelinesPDF Document
Release date: 4/10/09
Current revision: R0 - TM 2.2.4 Station Platform Geometric DesignPDF Document
Release date: 7/07/10
Current revision: R1 - TM 2.2.5 High-Speed Train Station Descriptions PDF Document
Release date: 08/08/12
Current revision: R0 - TM 2.3.2 Structure Design LoadsPDF Document
Release date: 7/08/11
Current revision: R2 - TM 2.3.3 Design Guidelines for High-Speed Train Aerial StructuresPDF Document
Release date: 6/02/09
Current revision: R0 - TM 2.4.2 Basic Tunnel ConfigurationPDF Document
Release date: 11/15/10
Current revision: R1 - TM 2.4.5 Tunnel Structure DesignPDF Document
Release date: 8/03/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 2.4.6 Tunnel Portal FacilitiesPDF Document
Release date: 6/21/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 2.4.8 Service Maintenance Considerations for HST TunnelsPDF Document
Release date: 6/25/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 2.5.1 Structure Design of Surface Facilities and BuildingsPDF Document
Release date: 6/10/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 2.6.5 Hydraulics and Hydrology Design GuidelinesPDF Document
Release date: 7/27/11
Current revision: R1 - TM 2.6.7 Earthwork and Track Bed Design GuidelinesPDF Document
Release date: 7/23/09
Current revision: R0 - TM 2.7.4 Utilities Requirements for 15% DesignPDF Document
Release date: 11/20/08
Current revision: R0 - TM 2.7.5 Utility Requirements for 30% Design PDF Document
Release date: 07/25/12
Current revision: R0 - TM 2.8.1 Safety and Security Design Requirements for Infrastructure Elements PDF Document
Release date: 02/19/13
Current revision: R0 - TM 2.8.2 Access Control for HSR ROW and FacilitiesPDF Document
Release date: 10/11/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 2.9.1 Geotechnical Investigation GuidelinesPDF Document
Release date: 7/27/11
Current revision: R1 - TM 2.9.2 Geotech Reports Preparation GuidelinesPDF Document
Release date: 7/27/11
Current revision: R1 - TM 2.9.3 Geologic and Seismic Hazard Analysis GuidelinesPDF Document
Release date: 7/27/11
Current revision: R1 - TM 2.9.6 Interim Ground MotionPDF Document
Release date: 3/11/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 2.9.10 Geotechnical Design GuidelinesPDF Document
Release date: 7/18/11
Current revision: R1 - TM 2.10.4 Interim Seismic Design CriteriaPDF Document
Release date: 7/8/11
Current revision: R1 - TM 2.10.5 15% Seismic Design BenchmarkPDF Document
Release date: 3/29/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 2.10.6 Fault Hazard Analysis and MitigationPDF Document
Release date: 6/30/14
Current revision: R1 - TM 2.10.10 Track Structure InteractionPDF Document
Release date: 1/29/14
Current revision: R1
- TM 200.01 Seismic Design and Ground MotionPDF Document
Release date: 7/10/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 200.02 Utility StrategyPDF Document
Release date: 4/13/11
Current revision: R0 - TM 200.06 Aesthetic GuidelinesPDF Document
Release date: 4/03/11
Current revision: R0 - TM 200.07: Aesthetic Review Process for Non-Station StructuresPDF Document
Release date: 3/06/14
Current revision: R0
- TM 2×25 kV Autotransformer SystemPDF Document
Release date: 4/06/10
Current revision: R2 - TM Traction Power Facilities General Standardization RequirementsPDF Document
Release date: 6/10/10
Current revision: R2 - TM Traction Power Simulations Initial SegmentPDF Document
Release date: 06/19/09
Current revision: R0 - TM Utility Power Supply for TPSPDF Document
Release date: 6/15/10
Current revision: R1 - TM 3.2.1 OCS RequirementsPDF Document
Release date: 8/16/10
Current revision: R1 - TM 3.2.2 OCS Structural RequirementsPDF Document
Release date: 6/08/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 3.2.3 Pantograph ClearancesPDF Document
Release date: 7/17/09
Current revision: R0 - TM 3.2.6 TES Requirements for Grounding and Bondings and Protection Against Electric ShockPDF Document
Release date: 6/11/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 3.3.1 ATC Concept of SystemPDF Document
Release date: 6/28/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 3.3.2 ATC Site RequirementsPDF Document
Release date: 6/28/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 3.3.3 ATC Wayside Power Supply OptionsPDF Document
Release date: 6/28/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 3.3.4 Grounding and Bonding Requirements for Train Control and CommunicationsPDF Document
Release date: 6/10/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 3.4.1 Communications System General ReqtsPDF Document
Release date: 9/27/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 3.4.2 Communications Systems Site RequirementsPDF Document
Release date: 7/07/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 3.4.11 EMI Footprint ProcedurePDF Document
Release date: 3/23/10
Current revision: R0
- TM 300.01 TPS Interconnections to UtilityPDF Document
Release date: 04/12/11
Current revision: R0 - TM 300.02 EMC Program PlanPDF Document
Current Release date: 6/26/12
Current revision: R0 - TM 300.03 RF Spectrum Acquisition StrategyPDF Document
Release date: 05/04/11
Current revision: R0 - TM 300.04 ATC-Radio-Spectrum-WhitepaperPDF Document
Release date: 04/05/11
Current revision: R0 - TM 300.06 RF Propagation Simulations PDF Document
Release date: 06/26/12
Current revision: R0 - TM 300.07 CHSTP EIR-EIS Assessment of CHSTP Alignment EMF FootprintPDF Document
Release date: 6/26/12
Current revision: R0 - TM 300.10 CHSTP Implementation Stage EMC Program Plan (ISEP)PDF Document
Release Date: 02/13/14
Current revision: R0
- TM 4.1 LOSSAN Concept Level Operation Feasibility StudyPDF Document
Release date: 6/12/08
Current revision: R2 - TM 4.1.1 Justification for Two Track Station Configuration – LA to AnaheimPDF Document
Release date: 7/10/09
Current revision: R0 - TM 4.2 Phase 1 Service PlanPDF Document
Release date: 11/26/08
Current revision: R0
- Summary of Requirements for O&M Facilities, Revision 1 (Formerly TM 5.1)PDF Document
Release date: 03/21/13
Current revision: R1 - TM 5.3 Summary Description of Requirements and GuidelinesPDF Document
Release date: 8/05/09
Current revision: R0
- TM 6.1 Selected Train TechnologiesPDF Document
Release date: 5/30/08
Current revision: R0 - TM 6.3 Trainset Configuration Analysis and RecommendationPDF Document
Release date: 9/23/09
Current revision: R0
- TM 600.01 Vehicle WidthPDF Document
Release date: 13/12/10
Current revision: R0 - TM 600.02 CHSTP Test TrackPDF Document
Release date: 04/20/11
Current revision: R0 - TM 600.03 InteroperabilityPDF Document
Release date: 05/26/11
Current revision: R0
- TM 7.3 International Rail StandardsPDF Document
Release date: 5/11/09
Current revision: R0
Notice to Designers
All Notices
- Notice to Designer No. 1 – Geotechnical Investigations for Preliminary Design, R1PDF Document
- Notice to Designer No. 2 – Guidance on Functional Station Design to Support the Environmental DocumentsPDF Document
- Notice to Designer No. 3 – Preliminary Engineering (30% Design) Scope RevisionsPDF Document
- Notice to Designers No. 4 – System Facility Guidance Memo – Traction Power Supply System (TPS), Communication System (COM), and Train Control (TC) related Drawings to be developed by the Regional Consultants at 30% Design Submission LevelPDF Document
- Notice to Designers No. 5 – Technical Support Requirements for the 408-208 PermitsPDF Document
- Notice to Designers No. 6 – Stand Alone Radio SitesPDF Document
- Notice to Designers No. 7 – CHSTP Facilities Naming ConventionPDF Document
- Notice to Designers No. 8 – Geotechnical Boring and Sample Identification, Handling and Storage Guidelines, R0PDF Document
- Notice to Designers No. 9 – Radio Tower location suitability investigation via FCC’s TOWAIR Online ToolPDF Document
- Notice to Designers No. 10 – Special Track Work: Crossover and Turnouts; Tunnel Cross Section ReductionPDF Document
- Notice to Designers No. 11 – Automatic Train Control (ATC) Site RequirementsPDF Document
- Notice to Designers No. 12 – Seismic Retrofit and Clearance Check List for Existing Primary Type 2 StructuresPDF Document
- Notice to Designers No. 13 – Station Platform and TrackPDF Document
- NEPA Assignment MOU
- Local Agency Sponsored Projects
- Environmental Mitigation & Commitments
- Programmatic Environmental Documents (Tier 1)
- Project Section Environmental Documents (Tier 2)
- Special Project Environmental Documents
- Project Level Environmental & Engineering Guidelines, Studies & Reports
- Stormwater Management
Select a project section to learn more:
(916) 324-1541
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