2022 Board Meeting Schedule & Materials

Agenda Item #2 Consider Approving the June 16, 2022, Board Meeting Minutes

Agenda Item #3 Staff Presentation on the San Francisco to San Jose Project Section Final EIR/EIS and Proposed Selection of the Portion of the Preferred Alternative (Alternative A with Caltrain Stations modified for HSR at 4th and King Streets and Millbrae, an East Brisbane Light Maintenance Facility, and the Millbrae Station Design) from the 4th and King Station in San Francisco to Scott Boulevard in Santa Clara and Related Decisions

Agenda Item #4 State Budget Agreement Summary and Consideration of Adopting the 2022/2023 Fiscal Year Budget

(Moved to Future Meeting) Agenda Item #5 Consider Awarding the Contract for Program Delivery Support Services

Agenda Item #6 Consider Providing Approval to Award the Contract for Design Services for the Merced to Madera Project

Agenda Item #7 Consider Providing Approval to Award the Contract for Design Services for the Fresno to Bakersfield Locally Generated Alternative (LGA) Project

Agenda Item #8 Track and Systems Procurement Stipend Adjustment

Agenda Item #9 Consider Approving Interagency Agreement with Caltrans for the Wasco SR46 Grade Separation Improvement Project

Agenda Item #10 CEO Report


Agenda Item #11 Finance and Audit Committee Report

Agenda Item #12 Staff Response to Public Comment Received Following Item #3 Staff Presentation on the San Francisco to San Jose Project Section Final EIR/EIS and Proposed Decisions

Agenda Item #13 Consider certifying the San Francisco to San Jose Project Section Final EIR/EIS under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

Agenda Item #14 Consider approving the portion of the Preferred Alternative (Alternative A with Caltrain Stations modified for HSR at 4th and King Streets and in Millbrae, an East Brisbane Light Maintenance Facility, the Millbrae Station Design, and associated facilities) from 4th and King Streets in San Francisco to Scott Boulevard in Santa Clara, and the related CEQA Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Enforcement Plan for the San Francisco to San Jose Project Section

Agenda Item #15 – Consider selecting the portion of the Preferred Alternative (as defined in Item 14) and Directing the Chief Executive Officer to sign a Draft Record of Decision under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) consistent with this selection and to issue a Final Record of Decision for the San Francisco to San Jose Project Section

Agenda Item #1 Consider Approving the March 17, 2022, Board Meeting Minutes

Agenda Item #2 Staff Presentation on the San Jose to Merced Project Section Final EIR/EIS and Proposed Selection of the Preferred Alternative (Alternative 4 with a San Jose Diridon Station, Gilroy Station, and South Gilroy Maintenance-of-Way Facility) and Related Decisions

Agenda Item #3 Consider Approving the Project Management and Funding Agreement for Los Angeles Union Station

Agenda Item #4 Consider Providing Approval to Release a Request for Qualifications for Design Services for the Central Valley Stations

Agenda Item #5 Consider Adopting the 2022 Business Plan 

Agenda Item #6 CEO Report

Agenda Item #7 Finance and Audit Committee Report

Agenda Item #8 Staff Response to Public Comment Received Following Item #2 Staff Presentation on the San Jose to Merced Project Section Final EIR/EIS and Proposed Decisions

Agenda Item #9 Consider certifying the San Jose to Merced Project Section Final EIR/EIS under the California Environmental Quality Act

Agenda Item #10 Consider Approving the Preferred Alternative (Alternative 4 with a San Jose Diridon Station, Gilroy Station, and South Gilroy Maintenance-of-Way Facility) including associated facilities and refinements, and the related California Environmental Quality Act Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Enforcement Plan for the San Jose to Merced Project Section

Agenda Item #11 Consider selecting the Preferred Alternative (as defined in Item 10) and Directing the Chief Executive Officer to sign the Draft Record of Decision and to issue it as a Final Record of Decision for the San Jose to Merced Project Section

Agenda Item #1 Consider Approving the February 1, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

Agenda Item #2 Economic Impact Analysis

Agenda Item #3 Consider Providing Approval to Release a Request for Qualifications for Program Delivery Support Services

Agenda Item #4 Consider Providing Approval to Release a Request for Qualifications for Design Services for the Merced to Madera Project

Agenda Item #5 Consider Providing Approval to Release a Request for Qualifications for Design Services for the Fresno to Bakersfield Locally Generated Alternative Project

Agenda Item #6 2022 Draft Business Plan Summary

Agenda Item #7 CEO Report

Agenda Item #1 Consider Approving the December 16, 2021, Board Meeting Minutes

Agenda Item #2 Staff Presentation on the Burbank to Los Angeles Project Section Final EIR/EIS and Proposed Selection of the Preferred Alternative (HSR Build Alternative with an underground Burbank Airport Station, a modified Los Angeles Union Station and two new electrified tracks) and Related Decisions

Agenda Item #3 Consider Providing Approval to Release a Request for Qualifications for Program Delivery Support Services

Agenda Item #4 Consider Providing Approval to Release a Request for Qualifications for Design for the Merced to Madera Project

Agenda Item #5 Consider Providing Approval to Release a Request for Qualifications for Design for the Fresno to Bakersfield Locally Generated Alternative Project

Agenda Item #6 CEO Report

Agenda Item #7 Finance and Audit Committee Report

January 20, 2022

Agenda Item #8 Staff Response to Public Comment Received Following Item #2 Staff Presentation on the Burbank to Los Angeles Project Section Final EIR/EIS and Proposed Decisions

Agenda Item #9 Consider Certifying the Burbank to Los Angeles Section Final EIR/EIS under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

Agenda Item #10 Consider Approving the Preferred Alternative (the HSR Build Alternative with the underground Burbank Airport Station, a modified Los Angeles Union Station, and two new electrified tracks) including associated facilities, and the related California Environmental Quality Act Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Enforcement Plan for the Burbank to Los Angeles Project Section

Agenda Item #11 Consider Selecting the Preferred Alternative (as defined in Item #10) and Directing the Chief Executive Officer to sign and issue the Final Record of Decision for the Burbank to Los Angeles Project Section

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