Los Angeles to San Diego
As the high-speed rail system grows to include the entire Phase 1 service, opportunities will exist to extend the benefits of Phase 1 service into Phase 2 corridors such as Los Angeles to San Diego via the Inland Empire. This project section is approximately 167 miles long.
Corridor planning is helping to prioritize the timing and type of investments necessary to extend the Phase 1 system. Near-term service improvements to Metrolink, Amtrak Pacific Surfliner and Coaster services will be identified, while also laying the groundwork for full Phase 2 high-speed rail service in the future. In conjunction with Statewide Rail Modernization, Planning, and Integration efforts, the Authority and the Inland Corridor Group have worked to define the southern Phase 2 corridor.
What's New
Public Involvement & Community Outreach
In conducting outreach events, such as Open House and Community Working Group meetings, the Authority informs the public about all aspects of the program, including the presentation of specific project section plans and key milestones contributing to the first phase of the high-speed rail system.
For a listing of upcoming events and outreach opportunities in your area visit the Events page.
Newsletters & Factsheets
To sign up for project section updates, visit the Contact Us page and select Northern California, Central Valley or Southern California.
Visit the Information Center to learn more about the Los Angeles to San Diego project section in the regional and project section factsheets.
Environmental Review
Contact Information
(916) 324-1541
Visit the Contact Us page to sign up for e-mail alerts and for additional contact information.
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All the latest information on what's happening and where as we build California's high-speed rail
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