Project Section Environmental Documents (Tier 2)

Using the programmatic EIR/EISs and first-tier decisions as a foundation, the Authority and FRA continued planning for the high-speed rail system by dividing the statewide HSR system into individual project sections with a station at each end. These project sections have formed the basis for second-tier, project-level planning and environmental documents under CEQA and NEPA to support specific decisions for the HSR system.

California Governor Gavin Newsom and Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Administrator Ronald Batory signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), by which the California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) has been assigned FRA’s responsibilities as lead agency under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Pursuant to Section 327 of Title 23 of the United States Code, effective July 23, 2019 (and renewed on July 22, 2024)  the MOU is authorized under the Surface Transportation Project Delivery Program, otherwise known as NEPA Assignment.

The following second-tier EIR/EIS documents are either in progress or completed:

San Francisco to San Jose Project Section Environmental Documents:

San Jose to Merced Project Section Environmental Documents:

Merced to Fresno Project Section Environmental Documents:

Merced to Fresno Project Section Environmental Documents: Central Valley Wye

Fresno to Bakersfield Project Section Environmental Documents:

Fresno to Bakersfield Project Section Environmental Documents: Locally Generated Alternative

Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section Environmental Documents:

Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Environmental Documents:

Burbank to Los Angeles Project Section Environmental Documents:


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