Project Section Environmental Documents


The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) has prepared the Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) for the San Jose to Merced Project Section of the California High-Speed Rail (HSR) Project. The Final EIR/EIS has been prepared and is being made available pursuant to both the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being or have been carried out by the State of California pursuant to 23 United States Code 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated July 23, 2019, and executed by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and the State of California. Under that MOU, the Authority is the project’s lead agency under NEPA. Prior to the July 23, 2019 MOU, the FRA was the federal lead agency. The Authority is also the project’s lead agency under CEQA.

Following the Authority’s publication of the Draft EIR/EIS in April 2020, the Authority learned that the California Fish and Game Commission advanced the Southern California and Central Coast mountain lion (Puma concolor) populations to candidacy for listing under the California Endangered Species Act. The Authority also learned that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) determined that listing the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) under the federal Endangered Species Act is warranted, but that listing is precluded by other priorities; therefore, the monarch butterfly is now a candidate species under the Endangered Species Act. As a result, pursuant to both CEQA and NEPA, the Authority published a Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS in April 2021 to address potential impacts on mountain lion and monarch butterfly, as well as potential noise and light impacts on wildlife and associated mitigation. Responses to comments received during the review periods for both the Draft EIR/EIS and the Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS are provided in Volume 4 of this Final EIR/EIS.


The documents identified below are available electronically in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have a copy of this free software, you can download it from Adobe at Link. If you already have a copy of this software, simply click on the links and the documents will open automatically. Note: many of these files are very large and could take several minutes to download.

The previously published Draft EIR/EIS and Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS are also available on the Authority website. You may also request an electronic copy of the Final EIR/EIS, the previously published Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS and Draft EIR/EIS, and the associated technical reports by calling (800) 455-8166 or emailing

In addition to posting the electronic version of the Final EIR/EIS on this website, printed and/or electronic copies of the Final EIR/EIS will be available at the following locations during hours the facilities are open (open days/hours may be reduced for compliance with coronavirus public health and safety directives):

  • Santa Clara—2635 Homestead Road, Santa Clara, CA 95051 (Central Park Library)
  • San Jose—150 E. San Fernando Street, San Jose, CA 95112 (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library)
  • Gilroy—350 W. 6th Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 (Gilroy Library)
  • Los Banos—1312 7th Street, Los Banos, CA 93635 (Los Banos Branch Library)
  • Merced—2100 O Street, Merced, CA 95340 (Merced County Library) and 2222 M Street, Merced, CA 95340 (Merced County Clerk)
  • Morgan Hill—660 W. Main Avenue, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (Morgan Hill Library) and 17575 Peak Avenue, Morgan Hill, CA, 95037 (Morgan Hill City Hall, Development Services Department)
  • San Benito—440 5th Street #206, Hollister, CA 95023 (San Benito County Recorder)

Printed and/or electronic copies of the Final EIR/EIS, as well as the previously published Draft EIR/EIS and Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS, and electronic copies of associated technical reports are also available for review during business hours at the Authority’s Northern California Regional Office at 100 Paseo de San Antonio, Suite 300, San Jose, CA 95113 and the Authority’s Headquarters at 770 L Street, Suite 620 MS-1, Sacramento, CA 95814. Please contact the Authority at (800) 455-8166 to make arrangements to view the documents.

Printed and/or electronic copies of the Final Program EIR/EIS for the Proposed California High-Speed Train System (2005), the Final Program EIR/EIS for the Bay Area to Central Valley High-Speed Train (2008), and the Partially Revised Final Program EIR for the Bay Area to Central Valley High-Speed Train (2012) are available for review during business hours at the Authority’s Northern California Regional Office at 100 Paseo de San Antonio, Suite 300, San Jose, CA 95113 and the Authority’s Headquarters at 770 L Street, Suite 620, Sacramento, CA 95814. Please contact the Authority at (800) 455-8166 to make arrangements to view the documents. Electronic copies of these documents are available upon request by calling the Authority office at (916) 324-1541.

The Authority does not discriminate on the basis of a disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities.

The Executive Summary, available in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese, provides an overview of all of the substantive chapters of the Final EIR/EIS. It includes a table listing the potential environmental impacts for each environmental resource topic and directs the reader where to get details in the rest of the document.

Document Organization

The San Jose to Merced Project Section Final EIR/EIS includes the following volumes:

  • Volume 1—Report
  • Volume 2—Technical Appendices
  • Volume 3—Preliminary Engineering Plans
  • Volume 4—Responses to Comments

The purpose of environmental documents is to disclose information to decision-makers and the public. While the science and analysis that supports this Final EIR/EIS is complex, this document is intended for the general public. Use of technical terms and acronyms has been limited. Terms and acronyms are defined the first time they are used, and a list of acronyms and abbreviations is provided in Chapter 15 of this document. The Executive Summary provides an overview of all of the substantive chapters of the Final EIR/EIS. It includes a table listing the potential environmental impacts for each environmental resource topic and directs the reader where to get details in the rest of the document.

Approval Documents

Educational Materials


Volume 1: Report

Volume 2: Technical Appendices

Volume 3: Preliminary Engineering Plans

Volume 4: Responses to Comments on the Draft EIR/EIS and Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS


Technical Reports

  • Transportation Resources Technical Report
  • Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases Technical Report
  • Noise and Vibration Technical Report
  • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report
  • Aquatic Resources Delineation Report
  • Watershed and Wetland Condition Evaluation Report (CRAM/WER)
  • Preliminary Compensatory Mitigation Plan (Redacted)
  • Hydrology and Water Resources Technical Report
  • Geology, Soils, and Seismicity Technical Report
  • Paleontological Resources Technical Report
  • Hazardous Materials and Wastes Technical Report
  • Draft Relocation Impact Report
  • Community Impact Assessment
  • Agricultural Farmland Technical Report
  • Aesthetics and Visual Resources Technical Report
  • Historic Architectural Survey Report
  • Section 106 Finding of Effect Report

Electronic versions of the technical reports are available upon request by calling the Authority office at (800) 455-8166.

Brief Explanation of Each Volume and Chapter

Volume 1: Report

Chapter 1, Project Purpose, Need, and Objectives, explains the Authority’s purpose and need for the San Jose to Merced Project Section and provides a history of the planning process.

Chapter 2, Alternatives, describes the proposed project alternatives, as well as the No Project Alternative used for purposes of comparison. It contains illustrations and maps and provides a review of construction activities. These first two chapters help the reader understand what is being analyzed in the remainder of the document.

Chapter 3, Affected Environment, Environmental Consequences, and Mitigation Measures, is where the reader can find information about the existing transportation, environmental, and social conditions in the vicinity of the San Jose to Central Valley Wye Project Extent. This chapter provides the findings of the analysis of potential environmental impacts, along with methods to reduce these impacts (called mitigation measures).

Chapter 4, Section 4(f/6(f) Evaluation, provides the analysis to support the Authority’s determinations under Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 and Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act. Section 4(f) refers to publicly owned parks, recreation areas, and wildlife/waterfowl refuges, as well as and historical sites of local, state, or national significance. Section 6(f) refers to recreation areas funded by the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, which protects funded properties from being converted to a use other than public outdoor recreation without approval of the U.S. Secretary of the Department of the Interior.

Chapter 5, Environmental Justice, discusses whether the project alternatives may cause disproportionate impacts on low-income communities and minority communities. It also identifies mitigation to reduce those impacts where appropriate.

Chapter 6, Project Costs and Operations, summarizes the estimated capital and operations and maintenance costs for each project alternative evaluated in this Final EIR/EIS.

Chapter 7, Other CEQA/NEPA Considerations, summarizes the project alternatives, the significant and unavoidable environmental impacts under CEQA, adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided under NEPA, and the significant irreversible environmental changes that would occur as a result of the project alternatives or irretrievable commitments of resources or foreclosure of future options.

Chapter 8, Preferred Alternative, describes the Preferred Alternative and the basis for identifying it.

Chapter 9, Public and Agency Involvement, contains summaries of coordination and outreach activities with agencies and the general public during preparation of this Final EIR/EIS.

Chapter 10, Distribution List, identifies the public agencies, tribes, and organizations that were informed of the availability of, and locations to review, this Final EIR/EIS.

Chapter 11, List of Preparers, provides the names and responsibilities of the authors of this Final EIR/EIS.

Chapter 12, References, lists references and contacts cited in writing this Final EIR/EIS.

Chapter 13, Glossary of Terms, provides a definition of certain terms used in this Final EIR/EIS.

Chapter 14, Index, provides a tool to cross-reference major topics addressed in this Final EIR/EIS.

Chapter 15, Acronyms and Abbreviations, defines the acronyms and abbreviations used in this Final EIR/EIS.

Volume 2: Technical Appendices

Appendices provide additional details on the project alternatives and the Final EIR/EIS process. The technical appendices are primarily related to the affected environment and environmental consequences analyses. These appendices are numbered to match their corresponding section in Chapters 2 and 3 of this Final EIR/EIS (e.g., Appendix 3.7-A is the first appendix for Section 3.7, Biological and Aquatic Resources).

Volume 3: Preliminary Engineering Plans

These are detailed design drawings, including trackway, stations, structures, roadway crossings, maintenance facilities, tunnels, and systems.

Volume 4: Responses to Comments on the Draft EIR/EIS and Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS

This volume includes comments received on the Draft EIR/EIS and Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS during the review periods for each document, and the responses to those comments.

The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) announces the availability of a limited revision to its previously published Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR)/Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the San Jose to Merced Project Section of the California High-Speed Rail (HSR) Project. This document is entitled San Jose to Merced Project Section: Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Biological Resources Analysis (Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS). The Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS has been prepared and is being made available pursuant to both the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being or have been carried out by the State of California pursuant to 23 United States Code (U.S.C.) 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated July 23, 2019 and executed by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and the State of California. Under that MOU, the Authority is the project’s lead agency under NEPA. Prior to the July 23, 2019, MOU, the FRA was the federal lead agency. The San Jose to Merced Project Section Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS will be available to the public on April 23, 2021. Pursuant to Section 15088.5(f)(2) of the CEQA Guidelines, the Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS only includes the portions of the previously published Draft EIR/EIS that have been revised. Other information that has not been revised, including the methods for evaluating impacts under NEPA and the methods for determining significance under CEQA, as well as appendices, can be found in the Draft EIR/EIS. The previously published Draft EIR/EIS, including Sections 3.7 and 3.19 and Chapter 12, is available on the Authority’s website ( The Authority requests that reviewers limit the scope of their comments to the revised information in the Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS. The Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS presents new biological resources analysis that was not included in the Draft EIR/EIS, as follows:

Biological Resources – New Special-Status Species

Following the Authority’s publication of the Draft EIR/EIS in April 2020, the Authority learned that the California Fish and Game Commission published a notice of findings, on May 1, 2020, to designate the Southern California/Central Coast population (evolutionarily significant unit) of mountain lion (Puma concolor) as a candidate for listing under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA).1 Additionally, the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) became a candidate for listing under the federal Endangered Species Act (FESA) on December 15, 2020.2

These actions by the California Fish and Game Commission and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) make the Southern California/Central Coast mountain lion and monarch butterfly subject to the definition of special-status species used by the Authority for analysis:

    • “Plants or wildlife listed or proposed for listing as threatened or endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act (FESA) (16 United States Code [U.S.C.] § 1531 et seq.), and
    • Plants or wildlife listed or candidates for listing as threatened or endangered under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA) (California [Cal.] Fish and Game Code §§ 2050–2085).”3

Both the Southern California/Central Coast mountain lion and the monarch butterfly are assumed to be present in the resource study area for the San Jose to Merced Project Section alternatives, based on historical records and existence of suitable habitat for the species. As these are new potential impacts not included in the Draft EIR/EIS, the Authority directed that the analysis of these impacts should be included in a recirculated document. Accordingly, Section 3.7, Biological and Aquatic Resources, in this Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS includes additional analysis and revised and new mitigation measures related to the Southern California/Central Coast mountain lion and monarch butterfly.

Biological Resources – Impact of Noise on Wildlife

The Authority received comments on the Draft EIR/EIS pertaining to HSR noise and the associated impacts on wildlife. The Authority determined that additional analysis and mitigation were warranted in relation to these concerns and directed this additional information to be included in a recirculated document. The Authority conducted additional analysis of mammalian responses to HSR noise sources, which is included in this Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS as Appendix 3.7-E, Supplemental Noise Analysis on Terrestrial Wildlife Species. Section 3.7 includes a summary of this additional analysis and revised mitigation to further address noise impacts on wildlife.

Biological Resources – Impact of Lighting on Wildlife

The Authority also received comments on the Draft EIR/EIS pertaining to HSR lighting, especially at night, and the associated impacts on wildlife. Commenters disagreed with the less-than-significant CEQA conclusion for Impact BIO#47, Intermittent and Permanent Lighting Disturbance of Wildlife Using Corridors during Operations, in Section 3.7, Biological and Aquatic Resources, of the Draft EIR/EIS. The Authority determined that additional analysis and mitigation were warranted in relation to these concerns and directed this additional information be included in a recirculated document. The Authority conducted additional analysis of impacts from artificial lighting on wildlife, which is included in this Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS as Appendix 3.7-F, Supplemental Artificial Light Analysis on Terrestrial Wildlife Species. This additional analysis led to a revision in the CEQA conclusion, which is now significant under all four alternatives. Section 3.7 also includes revised mitigation and a new mitigation measure to minimize the impacts of operational lighting on wildlife species.

Both CEQA and NEPA provide guidance on the recirculation and supplementation of published environmental documents. Pursuant to pertinent requirements of both laws,4 the Authority, as lead CEQA and NEPA agency for the San Jose to Merced Project Section, is issuing this Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS limited to the portions of the Draft EIR/EIS that require revision based on the new information described above. New information in the Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS includes background information, methodology, impact analysis, and mitigation measures. A vertical line in the margin indicates a substantive change in the text since publication of the Draft EIR/EIS; minor editorial changes and clarifications are not identified. Changes in the Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS are primarily related to mountain lion and monarch butterfly but also include updates to other information as informed by the new or updated analysis. The Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS consists of excerpted text where updates or additions have been made. Ellipses are used to identify where text from the Draft EIR/EIS remains unchanged and, therefore, is not included in the Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS. All tables in the Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS present only information related to the new or updated analysis. The sections comprising the Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS are:

  • Section 3.7, Biological and Aquatic Resources
  • Section 3.19, Cumulative Impacts
  • Chapter 12, References
  • Appendix 3.7-A: Special-Status Species Subject to Project Impacts
  • Appendix 3.7-D: Supplemental Species Habitat Model Descriptions
  • Appendix 3.7-E: Supplemental Noise Analysis on Terrestrial Wildlife Species
  • Appendix 3.7-F: Supplemental Artificial Light Analysis on Terrestrial Wildlife Species

The Authority reviewed other sections of the Draft EIR/EIS and found, based on research and a review of the evidence, that no other substantive changes would be required for this Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS. All other appendices to Section 3.7, as well as all technical reports supporting Section 3.7 of the Draft EIR/EIS, remain unchanged.

Copies of the Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS

Many of the following documents are available electronically in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have a copy of this free software, you can download it from Adobe at Link. If you already have a copy of this software, simply click on the links and the documents will open automatically. Note: many of these files are very large and could take up to several minutes to download. In addition to posting the electronic version of the Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS on this website, printed and/or electronic copies of the Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS will be available at the following locations during hours the facilities are open (open days/hours may be reduced for compliance with coronavirus public health and safety directives):

  • Santa Clara—2635 Homestead Road, Santa Clara, CA 95051 (Central Park Library)
  • San Jose—150 E. San Fernando Street, San Jose, CA 95112 (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library)
  • Gilroy—350 W. 6th Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 (Gilroy Library)
  • Los Banos—1312 7th Street, Los Banos, CA 93635 (Los Banos Branch Library)
  • Merced—2100 O Street, Merced, CA 95340 (Merced County Library) and 2222 M Street, Merced, CA 95340 (Merced County Clerk)
  • Morgan Hill—660 W. Main Avenue, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (Morgan Hill Library) and 17575 Peak Avenue, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (Morgan Hill City Hall, Development Services Department)
  • San Benito—440 5th Street #206, Hollister, CA 95023 (San Benito County Recorder).

Printed and/or electronic copies of the Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS are also available for review during business hours at the Authority’s Northern California Regional Office at 100 Paseo de San Antonio, Suite 300, San Jose, CA 95113 and the Authority’s Headquarters at 770 L Street, Suite 620 MS-1, Sacramento, CA 95814. Please contact the Authority at (800) 455-8166 to make arrangements to view the Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS. Electronic copies of the Tier 1 EIR/EIS, the Merced to Fresno Final EIR/EIS, and the Merced to Fresno Central Valley Wye Final Supplemental EIR/EIS documents are available by calling the Authority at (800) 455-8166 and can also be viewed, in printed and/or electronic format, during business hours at the Authority’s Northern California Regional Office in San Jose and the Authority’s Headquarters in Sacramento. These documents are not part of the current public review and comment process; however, they are available for review and reference. Technical reports can be requested by calling (800) 455-8166. Authority offices may have reduced open days/hours, as required by coronavirus public health and safety directives. Please consult for up-to-date information. Please contact the Authority at (800) 455-8166 to make arrangements to view the Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS. The Authority does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. People with sensory disabilities may contact the Authority by phone or via the Authority website to request accessibility support. The purpose of environmental documents is to disclose information to decision makers and the public. While the science and analysis that supports this Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS are complex, this document is intended for the general public. Every attempt has been made to limit technical terms and the use of acronyms. The terms and acronyms are defined the first time they are used. The Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS cover memo for the San Jose to Merced Project Section of the California HSR Project is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese and explains the purpose of the revision and review period.



Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS


Submitting a Comment

The comment period is closed.


The Authority anticipates publishing the Final EIR/EIS in winter 2021/2022. The Final EIR/EIS will include the Authority’s responses to comments received on the previously circulated Draft EIR/EIS, in addition to responses to comments received on the Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS. The new mitigation measures included in Section 3.7 will be incorporated into the Mitigation Monitoring and Enforcement Plan as part of the CEQA/NEPA decision documents. After publishing the Final EIR/EIS, the Authority Board of Directors will consider whether to certify the Final EIR and approve the preferred alternative pursuant to CEQA. The Authority, as NEPA lead agency, will also consider whether to issue a Record of Decision approving the preferred alternative.     1 California Department of Fish and Wildlife. 2020. Keep Me Wild: Mountain Lion. Available: Link. 2 United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 2020. Questions and Answers: Extension of deadline for 12-month finding on petition to list the monarch butterfly under the Endangered Species Act. Available: Link. 3 California High-Speed Rail Authority. 2020. San Jose to Merced Project Section: Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement, Section, Methods for Impact Analysis, page 3.7-19. 4 CEQA Guidelines, Section 15088.5; 40 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) Section 1502.9(c)(1)(ii). The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) issued new regulations, effective September 14, 2020, updating the NEPA implementing procedures at 40 C.F.R. Parts 1500–1508. However, because this project initiated the NEPA process before September 14, 2020, it is not subject to the new regulations. The Authority is relying on the regulations as they existed prior to September 14, 2020. Therefore, all citations to CEQ regulations in this document refer to the 1978 regulations, pursuant to 40 C.F.R. Section 1506.13 (2020) and the preamble at 85 Federal Register 43340.

Due to COVID-19 shelter-in-place order, the San Jose to Merced Draft EIR/EIS Open Houses have been moved to the following online platform available through June 8: www.MeetHSRNorCal.orgExternal Link The public review period for the San Jose to Merced Project Section Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) closed on June 23, 2020. The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) will consider all comments received on the Draft EIR/EIS and respond to substantive comments on the Draft EIR/EIS in the Final EIR/EIS. The Draft EIR/EIS was originally made available for a minimum 45-day public review beginning on April 24, 2020 and ending on June 8, 2020, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). In response to agency and stakeholder requests and in consideration of limitations caused by the novel coronavirus pandemic, the Authority elected to extend the public review period for 15 days to June 23, 2020. On July 23, 2019, Governor Newsom executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) under the Surface Transportation Project Delivery Program (known as NEPA Assignment), pursuant to the legal authority under 23 U.S.C. section 327. Under NEPA Assignment, the State, acting through the California State Transportation Agency and the Authority, has assumed FRA’s responsibilities under NEPA and other federal environmental laws, as assigned by FRA under the MOU. These responsibilities that California will now carry out, pursuant to 23 U.S.C. section 327 and the MOU, include environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project. The Authority is therefore both the CEQA and NEPA lead agency. The Preferred Alternative in the Draft EIR/EIS is Alternative 4 that includes the San Jose Diridon Station, a station in downtown Gilroy, and the South Gilroy MOWF. The Preferred Alternative serves as the proposed project for CEQA. The Draft EIR/EIS also evaluates a No Project Alternative and three other Build Alternatives. As part of ongoing design optimization, design variants have been identified to optimize speeds for the San Jose Diridon Station and approaches in Alternative 4 and for the Pacheco Pass tunnels in all four Build Alternatives. The Authority will consider whether to formally adopt Alternative 4 (with or without the San Jose Diridon Station and Pacheco Pass tunnel design variants) as they prepare and certify the Final EIR/EIS.

Copies of the Draft EIR/EIS

Many of the following documents are available electronically in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, which require Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have a copy of this free software, you can download it from Adobe at Link. If you already have a copy of this software, simply click on the links and it will open up automatically. Note: many of these files are very large and could take up to several minutes to download. In addition to posting the electronic version of the Draft EIR/EIS on this website, printed and/or electronic copies of the Draft EIR/EIS and electronic copies of associated technical reports will be available at the following locations, during hours the facilities are open (open days/hours may be reduced for compliance with coronavirus public health and safety directives):

  • Santa Clara—2635 Homestead Road, Santa Clara, CA 95051 (Central Park Library)
  • San Jose—150 E. San Fernando Street, San Jose, CA 95112 (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library)
  • Gilroy—350 W. 6th Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 (Gilroy Library)
  • Los Banos—1312 7th Street, Los Banos, CA 93635 (Los Banos Branch Library)
  • Merced—2100 O Street, Merced, CA 95340 (Merced County Library) and 2222 M Street, Merced, CA 95340 (Merced County Clerk)
  • Morgan Hill—660 W. Main Avenue, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (Morgan Hill Library) and 17575 Peak Avenue, Morgan Hill, CA, 95037 (Morgan Hill City Hall, Development Services Department)
  • San Benito—440 5th Street #206, Hollister, CA 95023 (San Benito County Recorder)

Printed and/or electronic copies of the Draft EIR/EIS and electronic copies of associated technical reports are also available for review during business hours at the Authority’s Northern California Regional Office at 100 Paseo de San Antonio, Suite 300, San Jose, CA 95113 and the Authority’s Headquarters at 770 L Street, Suite 620 MS-1, Sacramento, CA 95814. You may also request a copy of the Draft EIR/EIS, and the other documents listed in this webpage, by calling (800) 455-8166. Electronic copies of the Tier 1 documents are available on request by calling the Authority office at (800) 455-8166. The Tier 1 documents may also be reviewed at the Authority’s offices during business hours at: 770 L Street, Suite 620 MS-1, Sacramento, CA 95814 and 100 Paseo de San Antonio, Suite 300, San Jose, CA 95113. Electronic copies of the Merced to Fresno Final EIR/EIS and the Merced to Fresno Central Valley Wye Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS are available on request to the Authority by calling (800) 455-8166. The Merced to Fresno Central Valley Wye Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS is also available on the Authority website at These documents are not currently part of the public review and comment process; however, they are available for review and reference and can also be viewed during business hours at 770 L Street, Suite 620 MS-1, Sacramento, CA 95814 and 100 Paseo de San Antonio, Suite 300, San Jose, CA 95113. Authority offices may have reduced open days/hours, as required by coronavirus public health and safety directives. Please consult for up-to-date information. The Authority does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. The purpose of environmental documents is to disclose information to decision makers and the public. While the science and analysis that supports this Draft EIR/EIS are complex, this document is intended for the general public. Every attempt has been made to limit technical terms and the use of acronyms. The terms and acronyms are defined the first time they are used and a list of acronyms and abbreviations is provided in Chapter 15 of this document. The Executive Summary, available in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese provides an overview of the substantive chapters. It includes a table listing the potential environmental impacts for each environmental resource topic and directs the reader to where additional information can be found elsewhere in the document.

Educational Materials




Submitting a Comment

The comment period is closed.

Document Organization

The San Jose to Merced Project Section Draft EIR/EIS consists of the following:

  • Volume 1—Report
  • Volume 2—Technical Appendices
  • Volume 3—Preliminary Engineering Plans


Volume 1: Report


Volume 2: Technical Appendices


Volume 3: Preliminary Engineering Plans


Technical Reports

The following San Jose to Merced Project Section Technical Reports provide additional technical details and serve as sources for the Draft EIR/ EIS analysis. Electronic versions of the associated technical reports will be available at the following locations, during hours the facilities are open (open days/hours may be reduced for compliance with coronavirus public health and safety directives):

  • Santa Clara—2635 Homestead Road, Santa Clara, CA 95051 (Central Park Library)
  • San Jose—150 E. San Fernando Street, San Jose, CA 95112 (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library)
  • Gilroy—350 W. 6th Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 (Gilroy Library)
  • Los Banos—1312 7th Street, Los Banos, CA 93635 (Los Banos Branch Library)
  • Merced—2100 O Street, Merced, CA 95340 (Merced County Library) 2222 M Street, Merced, CA 95340 (Merced County Clerk)
  • Morgan Hill—660 W. Main Avenue, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (Morgan Hill Library) 17575 Peak Avenue, Morgan Hill, CA, 95037 (Morgan Hill City Hall, Development Services Department)
  • San Benito—440 5th Street #206, Hollister, CA 95023 (San Benito County Recorder)

Electronic copies of the associated technical reports are also available for review during business hours at the Authority’s Northern California Regional Office at 100 Paseo de San Antonio, Suite 300, San Jose, CA 95113 and the Authority’s Headquarters at 770 L Street, Suite 620 MS-1, Sacramento, CA. Authority offices may have reduced open days/hours, as required by coronavirus public health and safety directives. Please consult for up-to-date information. Electronic versions of the technical reports are also available upon request by calling the Authority office at (800) 455-8166.

    • Transportation Resources Technical Report
      • Transportation Resources Technical Report Appendix A
    • Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases Technical Report
      • Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report Appendix A
      • Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report Appendix B
      • Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report Appendix C
      • Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report Appendix D
      • Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report Appendix E
      • Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report Appendix F
      • Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report Appendix G
    • Noise and Vibration Technical Report
      • Noise and Vibration Technical Report Appendix A
      • Noise and Vibration Technical Report Appendix B
      • Noise and Vibration Technical Report Appendix C
    • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report
      • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix A
      • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix B
      • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix C
        • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix C – Appendix A
        • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix C – Appendix B
        • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix C – Appendix C
        • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix C – Appendix D
        • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix C – Appendix E
        • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix C – Appendix F
        • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix C – Appendix G
        • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix C – Appendix H
        • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix C – Appendix I
        • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix C – Appendix J
        • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix C – Appendix K
      • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix D
      • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix E
      • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix F
      • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix G
      • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix H
      • Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report Appendix I
    • Aquatic Resources Delineation Report
      • Aquatic Resources Delineation Report Appendix A
      • Aquatic Resources Delineation Report Appendix B
      • Aquatic Resources Delineation Report Appendix C
      • Aquatic Resources Delineation Report Appendix D
      • Aquatic Resources Delineation Report Appendix E
      • Aquatic Resources Delineation Report Appendix F
      • Aquatic Resources Delineation Report Appendix G
      • Aquatic Resources Delineation Report Appendix H
    • Watershed and Wetland Condition Evaluation Report (CRAM/WER)
      • Watershed and Wetland Condition Evaluation Report Appendix A
      • Watershed and Wetland Condition Evaluation Report Appendix B
      • Watershed and Wetland Condition Evaluation Report Appendix C
      • Watershed and Wetland Condition Evaluation Report Appendix D
      • Watershed and Wetland Condition Evaluation Report Appendix E
    • Preliminary Compensatory Mitigation Plan (Redacted)
      • Preliminary Compensatory Mitigation Plan Appendix A
      • Preliminary Compensatory Mitigation Plan Appendix B
      • Preliminary Compensatory Mitigation Plan Appendix C
      • Preliminary Compensatory Mitigation Plan Appendix D
    • Hydrology and Water Resources Technical Report
      • Hydrology and Water Resources Technical Report Appendix A
      • Hydrology and Water Resources Technical Report Appendix B
      • Hydrology and Water Resources Technical Report Appendix C
      • Hydrology and Water Resources Technical Report Appendix D
    • Geology, Soils, and Seismicity Technical Report
    • Paleontological Resources Technical Report
      • Paleontological Resources Technical Report Appendix A
      • Paleontological Resources Technical Report Appendix B (Redacted)
      • Paleontological Resources Technical Report Appendix C
    • Hazardous Materials and Wastes Technical Report
      • Hazardous Materials and Wastes Technical Report Appendix A
      • Hazardous Materials and Wastes Technical Report Appendix B1
      • Hazardous Materials and Wastes Technical Report Appendix C
      • Hazardous Materials and Wastes Technical Report Appendix D1
      • Hazardous Materials and Wastes Technical Report Appendix E1
      • Hazardous Materials and Wastes Technical Report Appendix F1
    • Draft Relocation Impact Report
      • Draft Relocation Impact Report Appendix A
    • Community Impact Assessment
      • Community Impact Assessment Appendix A
      • Community Impact Assessment Appendix B
      • Community Impact Assessment Appendix C
      • Community Impact Assessment Appendix D
    • Agricultural Farmland Technical Report
      • Agricultural Farmland Technical Report Appendix A
      • Agricultural Farmland Technical Report Appendix B
      • Agricultural Farmland Technical Report Appendix C
      • Agricultural Farmland Technical Report Appendix D
      • Agricultural Farmland Technical Report Appendix E
    • Aesthetics and Visual Resources Technical Report
      • Aesthetics and Visual Resources Technical Report Appendix A
      • Aesthetics and Visual Resources Technical Report Appendix B
    • Environmental Justice Engagement Summary Report
      • Environmental Justice Engagement Summary Report Appendix A
      • Environmental Justice Engagement Summary Report Appendix B
      • Environmental Justice Engagement Summary Report Appendix C
    • Historic Architectural Survey Report
      • Historic Architectural Survey Report Appendix A
      • Historic Architectural Survey Report Appendix B
      • Historic Architectural Survey Report Appendix C
      • Historic Architectural Survey Report Appendix D through G1
      • Historic Architectural Survey Report Appendix H
    • Section 106 Findings of Effect Report1
      • Section 106 Findings of Effect Report Appendix A
      • Section 106 Findings of Effect Report Appendix B
      • Section 106 Findings of Effect Report Appendix C
      • Section 106 Findings of Effect Report Appendix D
    • Checkpoint

1 This content is not available at libraries, County Clerks, and Authority offices as cited. If you have any questions about material availability relating to the Draft EIR/EIS please email san.jose_merced with the subject line “Draft EIR/EIS Comment” or call (800) 455-8166.

2 Available on request and at libraries, County Clerks, and Authority offices as cited. If you have any questions about material availability relating to the Draft EIR/EIS please email san.jose_merced with the subject line “Draft EIR/EIS Comment” or call (800) 455-8166.


Brief Explanation of Each Chapter

Volume 1: Report

Chapter 1, Project Purpose, Need, and Objectives, explains the Authority’s purpose and need for the San Jose to Merced Project Section and provides a history of the planning process. Chapter 2, Alternatives, describes the proposed project alternatives, as well as the No Project Alternative used for purposes of comparison. It contains illustrations and maps and provides a review of construction activities. These first two chapters help the reader understand what is being analyzed in the remainder of the document. Chapter 3, Affected Environment, Environmental Consequences, and Mitigation Measures, is where the reader can find information about the existing transportation, environmental, and social conditions in the vicinity of the San Jose to Central Valley Wye Project Extent. This chapter provides the findings of the analysis of potential environmental impacts, along with methods to reduce these impacts (called mitigation measures). Chapter 4, Section 4(f/6(f) Evaluation, provides the analysis to support the Authority’s determinations under Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 and Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act. Chapter 5, Environmental Justice, discusses whether the project alternatives may cause disproportionate impacts on low-income and minority communities. It also identifies mitigation to reduce those impacts where appropriate. Chapter 6, Project Costs and Operations, summarizes the estimated capital and operations and maintenance costs for each project alternative evaluated in this Draft EIR/EIS. Chapter 7, Other CEQA/NEPA Considerations, summarizes the project alternatives, the significant and unavoidable environmental impacts under CEQA, adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided under NEPA, and the significant irreversible environmental changes that would occur as a result of the project alternatives or irretrievable commitments of resources or foreclosure of future options. Chapter 8, Preferred Alternative, describes the Preferred Alternative and the basis for identifying it. Chapter 9, Public and Agency Involvement, contains summaries of coordination and outreach activities with agencies and the general public during preparation of this Draft EIR/EIS. In addition, this chapter contains a list of common comments and the responses to this subset of comments. Chapter 10, Draft EIR/EIS Distribution, identifies the public agencies, tribes, and organizations that were informed of the availability of, and locations to review, this Draft EIR/EIS. Chapter 11, List of Preparers, provides the names and responsibilities of the authors of this Draft EIR/EIS. Chapter 12, References, lists references and contacts cited in writing this Draft EIR/EIS. Chapter 13, Glossary of Terms, provides a definition of certain terms used in this Draft EIR/EIS. Chapter 14, Index, provides a tool to cross-reference major topics addressed in this Draft EIR/EIS. Chapter 15, Acronyms and Abbreviations, defines the acronyms and abbreviations used in this Draft EIR/EIS.

Volume 2: Technical Appendices

Appendices provide additional details on the project alternatives and the Draft EIR/EIS process. The technical appendices are primarily related to the affected environment and environmental consequences analyses. These appendices are numbered to match their corresponding section in Chapters 2 and 3 of this Draft EIR/EIS (e.g., Appendix 3.7-A is the first appendix for Section 3.7, Biological and Aquatic Resources).

Volume 3: Preliminary Engineering Plans

These are detailed design drawings, including trackway, stations, structures, roadway crossings, maintenance facilities, tunnels, and systems.


San Francisco to San Jose Project Section

San Jose to Merced Project Section

Merced to Fresno Project Section

Fresno to Bakersfield Project Section

Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section

Burbank to Los Angeles Project Section

Project Section Details

Select a project section to learn more:


(916) 324-1541

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